Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 734 - Cooperation

The sun in April shone through the glass windows into the Hogwarts principal’s office, and everything in the office was extremely bright. The gloomy feeling of the old castle that used to be in the whole house was swept away.

Now the war situation is as exciting for Ryan as it is today. So, with this gathering time, everyone in the principal’s office started to discuss the arrangement of many things after the war. After all, this war has completely torn the entire British society, so there will be a lot of things to deal with after the war.

So when the dawn of the battle is already showing, Ryan and they now need to make some general preparations in advance. In this way, you can avoid making mistakes and causing unnecessary losses after the war has truly won.

Fortunately, the experience of the last war, so the handling of war criminals and the reconstruction of the post-war series of things do not need everyone to discuss. As long as you follow the cases left over in the past, you just need to follow suit. At most, there are more criminals who need to be tried this time. Everyone needs to invest more energy in the trial. So there is nothing to discuss.

But beyond that, there are some situations that have never happened before, such as the United Witcher Bank. Its existence will surely break the current financial monopoly of Gu Lingge on the British wizarding world.

Obviously, Professor Dumbledore also noticed this. So after planning the plan for the London offensive, the first post-war question discussed was about the United Witcher Bank of Britain.

“Now, the first thing we have to discuss is about the status of the United Witcher Bank after the war.” Dumbledore said after looking at the others in the room. “Of course, I also invited Mr. Xiong Duosu, president of the bank, to discuss this issue with us today.”

After that, Professor Dumbledore released his own guardian deity of Phoenix. The silver patron saint flew around the office and sank directly into the wall. A few minutes later, a furry and chubby figure pushed open the door and came in.

“Good morning, nice to meet you.” After entering the door, Xiong Dusu held his claws together and raised them to his chest, then leaned forward slightly to salute everyone. Several people in the office stood up and returned their salute to the pandaren in their own way.

“Ah, Mr. Xiong Duosu, please sit down. Professor Dumbledore got up from his chair and spoke exclusively in Mandarin, and then waved his wand and turned into a chair as large as a sofa next to them. under.

“Mr. Principal, may I ask what happened to you when you came to me today?” Xiong Duosu said with a simple smile on the bear’s face, but if there is a heavenly alchemist here, he will definitely know this pandaren Absolutely found a good opportunity to make money, and now he is using his race-specific advantages to find ways to reduce the vigilance of negotiating opponents.

Of course, Dumbledore absolutely did not know this kind of thing, and because he devoted most of his life to education, he was not very good at this kind of business negotiation, so the principal said directly that he was looking for a panda this time. For what.

“Mr. Xiong Dusu,” Dumbledore said, “You know that we are about to win in this war, so we have to make some arrangements for post-war issues, and the most important one is about that one. Bank thing. “

“I understand, Mr. Dumbledore.” Xiong Duosu raised a paw. “As a currency issuing bank, it certainly won’t be in the hands of foreigners. So I think today you should want us to hand over control of the bank, right?”

“Yes, this is the case.” Ms. Burns whispered. Xiong Duosu’s directness made Dumbledore and Burns a little embarrassed, because then they seemed to be the kind of people who crossed the river and demolished the bridge. After taking advantage of others in the most difficult times, now it is time to reap the results but exclude others, but for financial independence of the British magic world, some things have to be done.

“That’s good, I like people who are straightforward like you when I do business.” Pandaren said after patting his thigh with his paw. “Actually, we have received domestic instructions. They think that this state is just now. Temporary measures in a certain emergency situation. We can give 28.1% of the shares to the British Ministry of Magic to help the British Ministry of Magic make up the shares to an absolute majority of 50.1%. “

Speaking of which, Xiong Duosu reached out and took a piece of roasted golden honey snack from the plate on Dumbledore ’s table and ate it, and then went on to say, “Because I prepared it before, we also help you in England People have cultivated a group of people. Now those who are in important positions can get started soon after your people are evacuated. “

“It’s so grateful.” Ms. Burns said excitedly, given the extent of the greed of the goblins before, she thought it would be difficult to get the bank back. But I didn’t expect these pandaren to talk so well, and even helped them develop a group of technicians who can directly take over the bank.

“By the way, what price do we have to pay to get back these things?” After a moment of excitement, Ms. Burns reacted to a very important question, because it was obviously impossible for such a large business to be given away in vain.

“It’s simple. It only takes you 15% to increase the current market value of those shares that you handed over to us within two months. This includes all staff training costs and technology transfer costs. “Xiong Duosu said.

This requirement is not too high, it can even be said to be very conscience. Of course, Xiong Duosu did not lose. After all, the bank’s initial investment was very small, and the profit from the sale of the shares is now more than 20 times the cost at that time. And they can retain the remaining 21.9% of the shares to bring long-term benefits to their own

Not to mention that as the vanguards of the heavenly magic world going overseas, they succeeded in gaining goodwill from the British magic world and really established a foothold here. So this investment is very successful for Pandaren.

“Of course, of course, the prices you offered are very, very reasonable.” Ms. Burns said embarrassedly, “but, we may not be able to withdraw so much money within the time you have set.”

Ms. Burns is telling the truth. This half-year of war has indeed put a huge financial burden on the Ministry of Magic, and all the bonds have been issued several times. In view of the fact that most of the money standing on this side has little money, more than 90% of these bonds were finally bought by Ryan at a discount of 10% or 5% of the nominal price with various materials and hard currency required by the Ministry of Magic.

So Ms. Burns embarrassedly said that after she had no money, she turned directly to look at Ryan: “Mr. Liang, that–“

“You have to borrow money again.” Ryan looked very generous. “How many years do you plan to borrow this time?”

“I think it may be ~ ~ twenty years.” At this point, Ms. Burns was even more embarrassed. “Because the borrowed money was too much, the Ministry of Magic may not be able to pay off in a short time You borrowed money. So instead of being embarrassed that I ca n’t afford the money at that time, I might as well choose a long one. “

“The three-year interest rate is 4%, the five-year interest rate is 5%, and the ten-year interest rate is 8%.” Ryan asked himself the interest rate given by borrowing money before speaking out. “If it is 20 years, what interest rate will you give?”

“13.5%,” Ms. Burns blurted out, and it seemed that she had discussed with the rest of the Ministry of Magic before coming. This interest rate is not low, but compared with the interest rate that the greedy goblins used to borrow from Gu Ling Pavilion, Lane is definitely a conscientious creditor.

“Of course,” Ryan nodded and said to the bear Duo Su next to him, “That’s it, Uncle Suo. I’ll go to the bank with you and give you the money later. Ms. Burns will also follow you Sign the loan documents in the past. “

“Very good.” “No problem.” One bear at a time nodded. After finally confirming that the business negotiation was completed, Professor Dumbledore gently clapped his hand to summon a house elf and then gave a few words. The house elf nodded and disappeared.

Soon the house elf appeared in the office with a silver tray holding a wine bottle and a few glasses. Dumbledore opened the stopper with his wand and directed the wine bottle to pour all the glasses into the bottle of mead, and then Let the house elf hand these cups to everyone in the office.

“To our successful cooperation, cheers!” Dumbledore smiled and raised the glass in his hand after watching everyone get the glass.


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