Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 732 - meet

Although the temperature in the UK in April is still a bit low, it is not so cold at least in sunny places. Stepping on the golden sunlight sprinkling on the ground, Lane and Hermione walked into the gate of the Hogwarts courtyard together.

There are still patrols patrolling here, but it may be the reason Dumbledore had commanded in advance. These patrol members directly opened the door for them after they found Ryan’s figure.

“Nice to meet you, Penello.” Lane recognized the man who was patrolling the school entrance today. “Aren’t you still working in the shop, why are you running as a patrol now?”

“The town of Hogsmeade itself has prepared a civil defense team, and wizards like us who are capable of fighting naturally participated.” After Ryan and they entered the door, Penello tapped the iron gate with his wand.

Under the influence of magic, the gate of the castle closed quickly. Penello turned around and said to Ryan, “The professional staff sent by the Ministry of Magic used to be stationed here. But recently, with the improvement of the situation, Hogg The Mord Ministry of Magic intends to recapture some areas. So after discussing with the principal Dumbledore, the principal asked the professionals to go where they needed, and then let us volunteers maintain order here. “

“What about the security?” Hermione asked a few steps curiously. “Know that Hogwarts is the main target of the **** Death Eaters, are you still safe here?”

“Of course it is very safe!” Penello flicked his hair gently. “First of all, our squad is basically people you have trained. From a certain point of view, our fighting level is no worse than those of professionally trained ordinary strikers. You have to know that even Percy is magic. The training received by the Ministry is our level. They are also elite personnel under the Enforcement Department of Magic Law. “

“Secondly, the war situation is slowly improving for us now. I believe there will be no enemy raids in a short time. Of course, we will not relax any vigilance at this time.”

Speaking of which, Penello also burst a small identification badge from his clothes. “For example, I know that you are real through this, of course, this is also because I believe that with the strength of you two, no one should be able to get a part of your body from your body to disguise.”

“The last and most important point.” Penello’s face showed a proud look. “Now behind us is Hogwarts Castle, where Professor Dumbledore sits. It is also the safest place in the British magic world. Even if the mysterious person comes in person, he will certainly not get any benefits from here.”

“You’re right, Hogwarts Castle, guarded by Professor Dumbledore, is indeed the safest place in the UK.” Ryan said while looking at the huge and majestic castle in front of him. No matter what Dumbledore did when he was young, he did devote himself to the school and the students in the school for the rest of his life. And because of him, this castle became indestructible in everyone’s eyes.

“Ah, yes. Professor Dumbledore is waiting for you in the principal’s room now.” After Ryan and the patrol members waved away and walked away for a while, Penello suddenly remembered something that said to Ryan, “You just have to The door of the principal’s room is sufficient. The stone monster statue there will open the door for you. “

“Got it, thank you sister.” After waving again, Ryan and they walked down the road into the castle. It is different from when I came here a few times ago, it is just time for class now, so there is nothing in the corridor. Naturally they did not meet an acquaintance.

“What did you say that Professor Dumbledore called us all?” Hermione asked strangely. Because they received Lupin ’s letter last night, in which Lupin told them that Professor Dumbledore also invited him today.

“I guess it may be for the current situation.” Ryan analyzed, “You see, we have recently narrowed the scope of the activities of the mysterious man and his Death Eaters completely to the center of London, and their wealth and Manpower has been compressed to a dangerous level. At this time, we should indeed discuss what to do next. “

When they came to the entrance of the principal’s office, the two stone monsters really saw them, they jumped aside and gave way to the upward spiral staircase. After entering the Hogwarts principal’s office along the stairs familiarly, Lane discovered that only Professor Lupin was standing on the carpet by the fireplace, but the principal was missing.

“I also just arrived here. Dumbledore left a message saying that he had something to go out in the morning. Let’s wait here for a while.” Lu Ping pointed to a box on the corner of the table. “He also left us the snack box so that we can eat it casually.”

“Professor Lupin,” after listening to what Professor Luping said, he stepped forward and hugged Professor Lupin, and then greeted him. “It’s been a long time since I saw you. Why did you come so early today, but we also set off after breakfast, but did not expect it to be later than you arrived.”

“That’s because yesterday I arrived in Hogsmeade with a group of wolves who went to Hogsmeade for shifts. This morning I ate a sandwich and drank a cup of coffee and came straight in.” Lupin said, looking at Ryan , And then said very seriously, “Thank you very much for killing Fenrir Greyback, although as your professor I should not say this.”

“Well, this is just what I did smoothly in the battle. After all, it was a battle at the time, and Greyback was my enemy. It was an inevitable thing for me to kill him, not just for you.” Lu Ping said equally seriously, after all, Lu Ping is a good person who likes to consider for his friends, he does not want Lu Ping to have too much psychological burden in this matter.

“Of course, of course, I all know.” Lu Ping smiled and patted Ryan’s shoulder. “Anyway, the love I owe you may not be over in my life, and I don’t care so much.”

Just as the two were talking, the door opened again, and Ms. Burns, the Minister of Magic, walked in. ~ ~ She saw Lupin and patted Ryan’s shoulder and asked with a smile. “What are you talking about? It’s fun to watch it.”

“Ah, we are talking about the situation before you. After all, we have been busy because we haven’t seen each other for several months.” Lu Ping immediately digressed and talked about it. After all, it’s better not to be in front of such a murder The Minister of Magic said, even if it was because of war.

“You’re right, you really haven’t seen each other for a long time.” Ms. Burns nodded slightly, and then changed a few chairs in the office to let everyone sit down. After sitting for a few minutes and discovering that Professor Dumbledore had not arrived, she took the initiative to ask Lupin: “How is Tonks recently? I heard that she is pregnant, and the birth of a new life at this time is for us It’s very good news. “

“Yes, now the mother and the children are very healthy.” Lupin’s face seemed to shine here, and the whole person looked younger. “If I guess correctly, the child will be born this month.”

“Nice to hear the good news.” After Lu Ping had just finished speaking, Dumbledore’s voice suddenly rang. Ryan looked up and saw that the door above the staircase of the principal’s office opened, and Professor Dumbledore came out of it. “Various kinds of good news have arrived recently, which is simply great.”

“President Dumbledore is good—” “Albus, good morning.” “Professor Dumbledore, good morning!” Watching Professor Dumbledore walk down the stairs, they all stood up and greeted each other.

“Good morning, you guys.” Dumbledore said as he walked behind the desk and sat down, then pressed his hands down to signal everyone to sit down. “I came to you today to discuss the next move.”

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