Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 731 - Better situation

After talking with Mrs. Greengrass, Lane and Hermione returned to the main building of the manor. For them, half a month after leaving the manor, they now have a lot of things to do, not much time wasted on other things.

They now have a lot of things to be busy, these things include but are not limited to the production of potions and props, the training of some followers, and discussing some of the current situation with the Hogsmeade Department of Magic and the principal Dumbledore .

The best news recently is that in the last few months Ryan ’s persevering strategic destruction of the economic strength of the Voldemort side was suppressed to a very low level. Especially after at least 80% of the estates and workshops belonging to those pure-blood families were completely destroyed, the Guling Pavilion in the United States could not afford such losses and chose to withdraw from the United Kingdom, which also made Voldemort ’s economic chain serious. The problem.

Naturally, Voldemort, who has been disturbed by various attacks, has no energy and no power to find those Americans. In this case, they even need to pay a sum of money from the already small budget to the Americans to make up for part of their losses, so that the Americans will not fall in the direction of Hogsmeade.

One of the main reasons for Voldemort ’s current embarrassment is that the Gu Ling Pavilion in the United States is a private institution. They can cooperate with the US Magic Congress to perform some tasks, but if they are not profitable or even need to lose money, they cannot make sacrifices, let alone once After really angering wizards of the ranks of Ryan or Dumbledore, it is likely that the loss is not just money.

Therefore, the wizards in the United States are now adhering to the idea of ​​being able to scavenge the British magic world as much as possible, and began to ask Voldemort’s side for money to make up for their losses by threatening the Hogmore Ministry of Magic. .

And the Death Eaters naturally saw the Americans’ thoughts. However, in order to prevent the Americans from suddenly changing their camp to Hogsmeade and causing a large-scale collapse of their own side, Voldemort can only choose to swallow this bitter fruit.

“The mysterious man now began to demand that his surrenders surrender his wealth. A medium-sized black wizard organization from Albania angered the mysterious man because he wanted to leave with the money earned. As a result, everyone in the entire organization was executed on the spot.” Hermione’s eyes widened as she looked at the intelligence from the Order of the Phoenix. “Don’t he know that if everyone comes to him, except for someone who is extremely loyal like Bella, he will feel rebellious against him.”

“I think the mysterious man has little soul left now, but he should also know that these things he does are very bad in the long run.” Ryan spread his hand. “However, the biggest difference between wizards and ordinary people is that strength is the most important thing for wizards. Mysterious people are confident that even if they don’t have a penny, they will be able to turn their wallets into their own through powerful strength.”

“It’s not just a wallet.” Hermione turned to the next page, and then pointed to a passage: “According to an observer report in Diagon Alley, the mysterious man led people into the Guling Pavilion and killed more than a dozen. The blocking goblin, and then moved away a lot of money and treasures. The Gulling Pavilion in Britain is a huge loss. “

“Those losses in wealth are just trivial things. Know that the core of the bank is credibility, and now Gu Ling Pavilion has lost their credibility. Even if the wealth can be recovered after the war, Gu Ling Pavilion will not recover. Status. “Ryan was not too surprised by Voldemort’s move, because his actions were completely within Ryan’s expectations.

Guling Pavilion was established by the goblins after their defeat. On the one hand, it is to appease the goblins and avoid the periodic goblin rebellion. On the other hand, it is to order the goblins to provide financial services for the wizards for free and create wealth for the wizards.

But the fairies are naturally not the objects that the wizards plunder like domestic elves. Over the years, they have accumulated a lot of wealth through various financial means. At the same time, they naturally learned to collaborate with the pure-blood wizards who had power in the Ministry of Magic, and used the wealth in exchange for protection from the Ministry of Magic when they grabbed money.

This way of wielding money all over the place gave the fairies countless wealth and at the same time wiped out their will. Especially the fairies are long-lived species, but their life span is limited. Now the new generation of goblins have not experienced war, so the courage to fight in the past is also very little. Therefore, after Voldemort murdered Liwei, these goblins naturally chose to succumb.

For standard bloodline discriminators such as Voldemort, as well as the hemp wizards who are humans, they are considered lower creatures, not to mention these are not human creatures. In his eyes, fairies and house elves are nothing. The difference should be the slaves of pure-blood wizards. Therefore, he naturally does not care about any influence and directly takes out the wealth he thinks should belong to him.

“This is also some kind of good news.” After shock, Hermione said in a narrative tone, “The pure blood family had monopolized the entire financial industry of the wizarding world before, and now the mysterious person The two strikes almost completely destroyed the credibility of the goblins, so that after the war, Hogsmeade ’s British United Wizarding Bank replaced Guling Court and basically became a foregone conclusion. “

“That is to say, the mysterious man helped us remove one of the biggest obstacles in taking control of the British financial.” Here, Hermione stood up and said excitedly. “Gulinge has always been a neutral institution, and the goblins hardly participated in the civil war of humanity. So I have been worried that if those pure-blood families rise quickly with the help of the Gulinge after the war, our war is equivalent to fighting Now. “

“Absolutely not white, you are too worried.” Lane comforted. “Because they don’t have enough manpower to support even if they have money, after we provide enough jobs, those hemp breed wizards don’t need to feed themselves through the pure blood family. The pure blood family itself has very few people. This time, we have cleared a part of it again, and it will take a long time for the rest to restore their current level. “

“You’re right, I did think too much.” Hermione paused and took out a letter from the bottom of the pile of letters. “Yes, here is the principal from Dumbledore. Our letter. He hopes that it is best for us and he to inform each other of the course of action to avoid accidental injuries caused by both parties in the chaos. “

“This is a good idea.” Lane nodded. “The sudden attack between us and the Order of the Phoenix is ​​often chosen at night. This kind of situation where we do n’t know what to see and we are very nervous. If we really choose the same attack target, it is really easy for us to fight first ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ But it is also very simple to solve. “Ryan thought of the little toy brought by the 101st Airborne Division Normandy during World War II. “I’ll make a batch of badges first. As long as the badges are close to each other, they will glow or vibrate. So every time the expatriates only need to bring two, they don’t need to worry about accidental injuries.”

The next life entered the step-by-step way, on the one hand, because after a long attack, Ryan destroyed 80% of the target and nearly 90% of the southern pure-blood wizards ’production capacity. As the number of destroyed places increased, the number of places where Death Eaters needed protection decreased, and each of the remaining points was guarded by a lot of dark wizards. In this case, if you want to continue to attack, it is actually difficult to guarantee that you can achieve almost no loss like now.

On the other hand, it may be that after the war began, their persistent attacks on Lord Voldemort had caused too much damage, so in the recent period, Voldemort and the Ministry of Magic in London have also been much quieter. It seems that it is because of strength. Insufficient and a strategic contraction. So Ryan couldn’t find too many goals.

In short, such a boring and monotonous life was only broken by a letter from Hogwarts in mid-April. This letter was mailed by Dumbledore, and he invited Ryan to Hogwarts to discuss some important things.

“It seems that this boring life is finally over,” Ryan said after waving the letter to Hermione, who was sitting by the side drinking tea. “Maybe this war is coming to an end.”

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