Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 730 - Promise and purpose

“Are you saying that the present situation is already the best expected?” Hermione opened her eyes in disbelief. She couldn’t understand that the family had passed away. Some families could not return, leaving only orphans and widows. How could the situation of the three men be considered the best by Mrs. Grigras.

“It is indeed the best situation now,” Mrs. Greengrass nodded. “We used to think that we were dead this time. I think my husband should have told you what will happen if we do nothing.”

“Yes, Mr. Greengrass told us at that time that if we do as the mysterious man said, then he is still dead, and the glorious surname of Greengrass will be completely in history.”

“For our pure-blood family, the survival of the family is above everything else. For this goal, every family member can pay everything for it, including our lives.” Mrs. Greengrass said with a serious expression To, “and we choose to surrender to you can successfully save our family.”

“But, Madam, you need to know that even if you made the right choice. We cannot allow you, the pure-blood families, to monopolize all your interests like now.” Hermione said bluntly to Mrs. Greenglass. “In this way, the mysterious person is actually more in line with the interests of the pure-blooded wizards like you who were previously dominant.”

“Yes, but these need to be built on the premise of the Dark Lord’s victory.” Mrs. Greengrass said, spreading her hands and showing a weak smile. “And in this war I don’t like the Dark Lord, even if the Dark Lord has recruited more people and looks stronger than before, but we still don’t like him.”

“More powerful than before?” Hermione turned her head to look at Ryan, and at the same time asked through the Phoenix branding that there was a sudden question in her heart. “He obviously has lost most of his soul!”

“But when he was reborn, he used black magic to reshape his body, which gave him a huge magical bonus.” Ryan explained, “In the use of black magic, the pure black magic body is indeed better than the mysterious people before. It is much better to use various dangerous black magic transformations. So from the combat level alone, he should be more powerful than last time. “

“I’m glad you chose us now.” After explaining to Hermione, Lane said to Mrs. Greengrass, “Today we came to you on the one hand to tell you that we have converged Mr. Greengrass’s body, and Bury him with your house elves on the lawn of your manor. “

“Thank you!” Mrs. Greengrass sniffed and said, “Thank you for giving them a good place to settle. After the war, I will bury them in the family cemetery.”

“In addition, no matter what the reason is, Mr. Greengrass sacrificed for our cause. So I hope to be able to do something for you, as long as reasonable requests we can agree.” Hermione was beside Speaking of the content that the two had discussed before they came. “This is not pity, but an equivalent exchange.”

“I don’t need anything.” Mrs. Greenglass said, shaking her head. “But I hope you can help my daughters so that they can maintain the reputation of the Greengrass family.”

Speaking of which, Mrs. Greengrass may feel that what she just said seems a little unclear, so she quickly added: “Of course, this is not to hope that you will take care of them like a nanny, but just that you can provide some help to them and In the future, they will act as guides for them to enter the social world. “

“Help will naturally help,” Lane said, “I will open up some of the knowledge I have collected to them, and ensure that this knowledge is equivalent to the level of knowledge circulated within your pure blood family.”

Made such a commitment because of the need to consider that whatever the reason, their father ’s death was indeed inseparable from Ryan. As the first victim of his followers, how to treat his family has a demonstration effect. So Ryan does not want to leave a stingy impression on others.

On the other hand, after the end of the war, Ryan will gradually release the control of this knowledge and slowly popularize them. Therefore, from a certain point of view, these things are not as precious as imagined, but this is still very valuable knowledge for the pure blood family, which can be commensurate with the sacrifices paid by the Greengrass family this time.

However, another request made by Mrs. Greengrass made Ryan a little puzzled. “Ma’am, can you explain what a social leader is? I’m really not sure about this.”

“Oh, this is a story circulating within the pure-blood family.” At this point, Mrs. Greengrass suddenly looked upset and lifted her right hand to grab the collar of the dress. “Sorry, please forgive me, I can swear to Merlin that there is absolutely no slight contempt for your lineage in the sentence just now.”

“It doesn’t matter.” Ryan waved generously. “We are born into ordinary families who are not magical at all. This is not a shame for us. Similarly, it is normal for some things not to be known, which is why I want to ask you this question?”

“Thank you for your kindness.” Mrs. Greengrass slightly owed her upper body to express her gratitude. Ryan can understand why she is so neurotic. When working under the hands of Voldemort’s mentally serious and obviously violent guy, he is either out of Stockholm syndrome or terrifiedly nervous like Madame Greengrass. .

Next, Mrs. Greengrass detailed what Ryan had to do once they were the leaders of the social circles of the Greengrass sisters. In fact, it is very simple to sum up, that is, to other people in a suitable social occasion. It ’s enough to introduce two sisters,

In fact, this is a way for those pure-blood wizard families to divide their power. The guidance of the social circle chosen by a family often shows the strength and tendency of this family ~ ~ For example, Bellatrix and Ray Gules’ two leaders in the social world were Voldemort. This even caused the Death Eaters to be jealous of the Black family.

After figuring out what the leader of the social world is, Lane directly agreed to Mrs. Greengrass’ request. After all, the situation of the war can now see the dawn of victory, and he needs to consider things after the war.

In order to achieve true lineage equality, Ryan, on the one hand, gives different grades of knowledge according to the different contributions, and improves the overall level of hemp wizards and mixed-race wizards, while giving equal status and equality to those who contribute to the werewolf wizards opportunity. On the other hand, it is to eliminate part of the stubborn pure-blood wizard, unite and restrict the other part.

In this war, Ryan realized that the pure-blood wizard was impossible and could not be completely eliminated. Therefore, he must ensure that the power of these pure blood wizards is limited to a range after the war, rather than completely blocking all the ascending channels of non-pure blood wizards.

Just like after the victory of the war in the original text, most of the final results were still taken by a pure blood family like the Weasley family, and this is what Ryan tries to avoid now.

Therefore, Ryan believes that some pure-blood families under their control must stay, and even need to give some funding to help their vision reach a certain level. In this way, a delicate balance can be maintained to ensure that enough time is given to cultivate a new generation of hemp seed and mixed-blood wizards, and finally achieve the purpose of crushing the absolute dominance of pure-blood wizards in the British wizarding community for thousands of years.

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