Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 28 - Quidditch match

When actually reading novels in his last life, Ryan felt that wizards might have a tendency to self-masochism. Because their annual Quidditch match starts between Halloween and Christmas, which is between November and December.

Think of a group of spectators standing on the high platform blowing wind in the cold winter winds of the Scottish highlands. The players are even harder and need to fly around in the sky without obstruction. No matter from which point of view, it is a difficult thing.

But after Ryan really arrived in this world, he discovered the enthusiasm of the wizards for Quidditch. This enthusiasm also made all the above problems not a problem.

When he rushed to the Quidditch Stadium with everyone, he found that almost all the teachers and students came to the stands around the Quidditch Stadium. Many students also brought binoculars. The seat was almost halfway up, but sometimes it was still difficult to see the game.

Ryan and a large group of first-year freshmen came to the top row together. In order to encourage their classmate Harry, everyone made a banner with a magic effect, which said that Potter will win, and a dynamic picture of a lion chasing a snake was drawn beside it.

Mrs. Huo Qi served as the referee. She stood in the middle of the court, holding her flying broom in her hand, waiting for players on both sides.

When the players from both parties came out of the locker room and walked onto the field. Mrs. Huo Qi came to the players: “Listen, I hope everyone will participate in the game fairly and honestly.”

At this time, Simone said to everyone: “Mrs. Huo Qi is warning the Slytherin team that their playing style is dirty. Especially to their captain Marcus Flint. Under his leadership, Slater Sometimes Lin will take the initiative to take some mean means. “

“It seems that no matter where it is, there will be some people who do not abide by the spirit of sports.” Ryan issued his comment. Hermione, Simone, and several other students who grew up in the Muggle world all nodded their heads in agreement.

“Please ride a flying broom.”

Everyone gets on their broom.

Madam Huo Qi blew her silver whistle.

Fifteen raised the flying broom and lifted high into the sky. The game started.

“The ghost ball was immediately grabbed by Angelina Gryffindor? Johnson-what a great chaser the girl is, and she looks very charming-“


“Sorry, Professor.”

Ryan felt that in addition to the wonderful performances of the players in the Quidditch game at Hogwarts, the most interesting thing is the explanation of Li Jordan. Not only can the situation on the field be described quickly and accurately, but the various gags mixed in the commentary also make the whole commentary lively.

Of course, because his explanations are prone, sometimes even too emotional, so Li Qiaodan has been explaining under the close supervision of Professor McGonagall.

“She really ran all the way up, a beautiful pass, to Alia Spinett, she was the talent discovered by Oliver Wood Goggles, and was only a substitute last year-the ball was passed to Johnson again, Then—Oops, Slytherin snatched the ghost fly ball, Slytherin captain Marcus Flint got the ghost fly ball and ran away—Flint looked like an eagle on top Flying-he is going to score-no, Gryffindor goalkeeper Wood made a beautiful move and broke the ball. Now it is the Gryffindor team who takes the ball-it is the Gryffindor team chasing Golfer Katie Bell, rushing around Flint swiftly around the court-ouch-that must be very painful-was hit in the back by a stray ball-ghost flying ball was Lettering steals — that was Derian Pusey rushing towards the goal post, but he was knocked down by another stray ball — the stray ball was set aside by Fred or George Weasley , The two twins are really difficult to distinguish-Ghentondo ’s batsmen are so beautiful, Hanson recaptured the ghost flying ball, with no resistance in front, and she desperately ran—as if flying—dodge a stray ball—the goal post was in front—come, well, Angelina -Goalkeeper Blatche dived over-missed-Gryffindor scored! “

The cheers of the Gryffindors echoed in the cold sky, which was also mixed with the roars and curses of the Slytherins.

Harry circled back and forth in the air, and it seemed that no golden snitch had been found.

“The Slytherin team got the ball,” Lee Jordan said. “Pace, the chaser, bowed his head and dodged two roaming balls. He escaped the twin brothers of Weasley and Bell, the chaser. —Is that a thief? ”

Drian? Pusai just turned his head to look at a golden light flying from his left ear, leaking the ghost flying ball, and a whisper of murmur came from the crowd.

It seemed that Harry had also seen the thief, quickly dived down, chasing the golden streamer. Slytherin’s finder Terence Hickis also saw it. The two ran towards the thieves side by side-the chaser seemed to have forgotten what they should do, hovering in the air one by one, watching.

Harry’s speed is faster than Higgins-he seems to be catching a thief soon-

嘭! An angry roar came from the Gryffindors below—Marcus Flint slammed into Harry deliberately, and Harry’s flying broom swayed out of direction, but Harry grabbed it dead.

“Foul!” Gryffindors shouted. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Lean also roared in the cold wind, he seemed to slowly understand the charm of the sport.

The game continued, and the situation for the Gryffindor team was excellent, with the ball control always in their hands.

Suddenly, Harry began to do Brown exercise in the air. Ryan, who had been watching Harry for the first time, discovered the situation.

Ryan aimed at Harry with a telescope, and found that his expression became very nervous, and it seemed that the broom was out of control now.

Hermione saw Ryan holding his telescope seriously, and looked at the place he was staring at. At this time, Harry also slowly drifted away from the arena, and some students had discovered something was wrong.

“What’s the matter? Didn’t it just crash, did the broom break?” Hermione said nervously.

“It should not be that Light Wheel 2000 is unlikely to be damaged by several collisions. The most likely thing is that someone used black magic to interfere with the broom, and in view of the anti-jamming ability of Light Wheel 2000, the interferer should have good attainment in black magic. This can’t be done, “Lane replied.

“Look, Snape.” Hermione patted Ryan’s arm. “You see him staring at Harry chanting.”

And Ryan raised his binoculars and said, “You look behind him, Chilo is staring at the sky and chanting.”

“What?” Hermione looked carefully in the direction of Chilo. “What should I do now?”

“Come with me.” Lane led Hermione to the staff bench slowly.

After more than a minute, they came to the back of the faculty seat, and according to the method negotiated on the road, when Ryan gave a thumbs up, the two ignited the robes of Snape and Chilo at the same time.

After more than ten seconds, there was chaos on the teaching desk, and the two men also took the opportunity to return to their seats.

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