Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 27 - Quidditch match

Regarding the Quidditch game, Ryan is completely unfamiliar. Obviously, what you get from watching the movie is not the same as the real world.

So when the classmates around him are discussing Quidditch, Ryan will have an inexplicable sense of embarrassment standing next to him. But it was also the Quidditch blind Hermione who found the solution: she borrowed a book called “Quiditch Traceability” from the school library.

This book is not boring to read, it introduces almost all knowledge related to Quidditch. For example, there are seven hundred fouls in the Quidditch game, and they all appeared in a World Cup game in 1473, (what happened in that game?);

Finders are usually the smallest and fastest players. The most serious Quidditch accidents seem to happen to them; (Yes, it turns out that Harry basically gets injured every year because of playing. Ryan vomited.)

Although Quidditch seldom died during the game, it is said that the referee often disappeared without a trace, and appeared in the Sahara Desert only a few months later. (This is the black whistle was retaliated against)

Fortunately, with this book, Ryan can finally exchange topics in this regard as a cloud fan and classmates.

Quidditch is an important thing in school, but for non-athletes like Lane, other things are also very important. During this period of time, he ran to the greenhouse almost every day during his free time to exercise his ability to cultivate and control magic plants. This makes Professor Sprout very happy, because most of the students do not like to deal with dirt and dirt.

Professor Sprout also told Ryan that if he can maintain this attitude, there is absolutely no problem in getting into his N.E.W.T class.

In addition to this, Lane also practiced spells and potions with Hermione. In order to practice the spell, they made some gadgets.

For example, Hermione used magic to create a bright blue flame that can be carried around. Ryan turned an empty jam jar into a brass hand warmer and carried the flame around for heating. The wet and cold winter in the Scottish Highlands was really uncomfortable, especially when it was necessary to leave the room.

The day before Harry’s game, Ryan and Hermione decided to cheer on Harry. They met Harry and Ron in the yard. So the four people formed a circle back-to-back, chatting while using the brass hand warmer to warm up.

At this time, Snape passed through the courtyard. Harry noticed at a glance that Snape was limping.

He was a little allergic to Snape, so he lowered his head and wanted to pretend he was not here. Unfortunately, Harry’s guilty actions attracted Snape’s attention. He limped over and seemed to be looking for a reason to train him.

“What’s in your hand, Potter?”

Is “Quidditch Traceability”. Harry showed him.

“Library books are not allowed out of school,” Snape said. “Give it to me. Gryffindor was deducted five points.” “He made a provisional provision.” Harry looked at Snape Pu limped away and murmured uneasily.

“I don’t know what happened to his leg?” “I don’t know, but I hope he has enough pain.” Ron said gloatingly.

But tomorrow is the game, Harry needs this book to relax. After finishing her homework, Hermione gave Harry the book Quidditch Traced.

Harry read the book for a while and felt a little uneasy. When I thought of holding a feather duster in the library, and angered Mrs. Pins who didn’t care about the classmates, courage suddenly rushed into my heart.

Why should he be afraid of Snape? So he stood up and said to others that he was going to ask Snape if he could return the book to him.

“You are brave, Harry, good luck.” Lane said and patted his shoulder.

After Harry crawled out of the tunnel, Ron looked at Harry’s back and said, “I won’t go after I changed.” Ryan and Hermione nodded together in agreement.

After ten minutes, Ryan and they are discussing a question about how to reduce the points deduction in the potion class next time. Harry crawled in from the entrance a bit awkwardly.

Lane looked at the gasping Harry and asked, “What happened?”

Harry lowered his voice and said, “I just saw Snape’s leg **** and bloody, and Filch gave him medicine. He also said, how could you stare at three heads at the same time?”

Then Harry paused and waited for them to digest the information and said, “Do you know what this means ?? On Halloween, he wanted to pass by the big three-headed dog! When we saw him, he He was going there-he was looking for the thing guarded by the big dog! I dare to bet with my flying broom that he let the monster come in to distract people! “

“No-he won’t,” Hermione said quickly. “I know he’s not very good, but he will never steal Dumbledore’s strict collection.”

“To be honest, Hermione, you always think that all the teachers are saints, but I think Snape does this kind of thing.” Ron said unkindly.

Ryan interjected: “But there is a doubt that Snape is the dean of Slytherin. He should know what is in the school. Besides, as a professor at Hogwarts, he is also a potion master. , I do n’t think he will be missing anything. Besides, we saw that the dog would attack all the people who entered in the last time. So the wound can only prove that Snape might have been in that house ~ ~ It cannot be explained that he wants to steal something. “

“Well, you might be right.” Harry said, “I went to bed and I will play tomorrow.” After that, Harry walked upstairs staggeringly.

Hermione stared at Ryan: “Do you really think Professor Snape is not a thief?”

“I don’t know.” Ryan spread his hands and shook his head. “But now there is no definitive evidence, and these few discoveries alone certainly cannot confirm that Professor Snape has done bad things.”

Sat for a while, and the unintentional readers went to bed after saying goodnight to each other.


Early the next morning, the weather was clear and cold. The charming smell of grilled sausages filled the restaurant, and everyone was looking forward to a wonderful Quidditch game, chatting happily. Ryan also became happy because of this atmosphere, and was as excited as going to the sports meet in the previous life elementary school.

Walked to the auditorium, and Ryan found that the others had arrived. Hermione was persuading Harry, the only unhappy person on the long table. Harry seemed tense as a whole because of the tension.

“You must have a few bites for breakfast.”

“I don’t want to eat anything.”

“Eat a little toast,” Hermione persuaded.

“I’m not hungry.”

Ryan walked over: “Exercise is very exhausting, you can’t fly hungry.”

At this time, Simone also came out to help: “Harry, you need to maintain strong physical strength, and the golfer is always the person who the other party focuses on.”

“Thank you.” Harry said as he watched Seymour smearing thick ketchup on his sausages (the British felt that ketchup was what they ate).

As soon as eleven o’clock, everyone went to the stadium and the game was about to start.

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