Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 26 - transition

On the stairs leading from the seventh floor to the eighth floor, Professor McGonagall and his party met the principal Dumbledore who had just walked up from the dungeon in a dress.

“Mileva, what are you going to do with these students? Are you looking for the monster that came out?”

“Albus, the monster is dead. It was the students behind me who did it. I think they need to explain it to you.”

“Oh, thank you, let me handle the following.”

After Professor McGonagall left, Professor Dumbledore led four students to open the door of an empty room on the seventh floor and waved his wand.

A table and five chairs appeared in the room, and five cups of steaming black tea were placed on the table.

“Okay, let’s sit down.” Professor Dumbledore said to be in the position to get started, and then looked at the four students.

“Drink some tea and relax, being chased by a monster is not a pleasant thing.”

After seeing that all four were calm, Dumbledore began to ask how things happened.

Hermione stood up and said that she was in a bad mood because she was under too much pressure to study. She found a place to cry, and later Ryan comforted her and accompanied her to study for an afternoon.

So they didn’t catch the Halloween dinner, and they didn’t know that the monster ran out. When they were about to go upstairs, they met Harry and Ron to inform them, but unfortunately they encountered a monster on the way to the auditorium.

Hermione then described how the four of them fought against the monster, and finally killed the monster under the wrong conditions.

After the three boys also made some additions. After the four people finished the experience, Dumbledore praised the wisdom, courage and friendship of the four of them, and added five points to each of them.

“I think you are still hungry.” Dumbledore said after adding the points. “If you are not injured, it is best to go back to the Gryffindor Tower. The students all enjoy Halloween dinners in their own colleges. What. “

Four people bowed to say goodbye to the principal and left the room. Dumbledore picked up the black tea and took a sip, showing a gratifying smile.


After climbed a floor, Lane and the four of them came to the front of the portrait of Fat Lady.

“Pig nose.” After they had spoken the password, they got into it.

The public lounge is full of people, noisy. Everyone was eating the food that was delivered. After Harry and Ron had finished their food, they saw Ryan and Hermione sitting at a table waiting for them.

For a time, four people were very embarrassed. They didn’t look at anyone, they only said “Thank you” at the same time, and hurried to their plate.

But Ryan and Hermione can see that each other’s emotions are very good-Harry and Ron can find them regardless of their own safety when they know there is a monster. In addition to courage, it can show friendship. Especially for Hermione, this made her make two more friends, and she felt that she was not that isolated.

Seriously, Ryan originally intended to just mix some offset points, and did not intend to be so deeply connected with the protagonist. But people are not plants, and they can be ruthless. Killing a twelve-foot-tall monster together is a matter of taking life as a bet. This deadly relationship is also very precious to Ryan, so he has Harry Potter and Ron Weiss in his heart Lai became his friend.


After entering November, the weather became very cold. The mountains around the school were grey and covered with ice and snow, and the lake was cold and hard like hardened steel. Every morning, there is frost on the ground.

The Hagrid can be seen from the window upstairs. He was wrapped in a long moleskin coat, wearing rabbit fur gloves and huge **** fur boots, and defrosting the flying broom on the Quidditch stadium.

The season of Quidditch began. After a few weeks of training, Harry will participate in his first game on Saturday, Gryffindor vs. Slytherin. If the Gryffindor team wins, they will rise to second place in the Academy Cup.

By the way, the rankings of the colleges are as follows: the first place is Ravenclaw (the school bullies are really unstoppable when studying.) The second place is Slytherin (you need to consider If you are from a wizarding family, the little wizards have a much better foundation.) The third place is Hufflepuff (the little badgers are honest people, but they do n’t cause trouble, and the advantages of many people make them although Everyone has few bonus points, but the total score is up.) Finally, it is Gryffindor (no way, the most skinny students are here, more bonus points, more deductions. If calculated according to the average deduction points per person) , Gryffindor ranked first.)

But the good news is that the division between the four colleges is very tight, so this competition is very important.

Also for this reason, from the Dean Professor McGonagall to every classmate in the college, this competition is very important (this also allowed Ryan to experience a completely different style of British school from his previous life. Pay attention to sports.)

Gryffindor used Harry as a seeker to participate in as a secret weapon, and Harry rarely appeared in daily training.

But as Ryan said to Ron in the stands last time, the team project training in this open-air environment is kept secret, and people who are interested can still see it.

As a result, UU reading Some people told Harry that he would play well, and some people told Harry that they would hold the mattress by then. Run with him below to prevent him from falling down—Ryan feels that these two statements are equally bad, and hopes that Harry won’t be crushed by this pressure.

Now that Hermione has learned to get along with others, she no longer accuses others of mistakes as before, and her attitude towards school rules is no longer so old-fashioned. (“You are right, I think everyone should be responsible for themselves. As long as it doesn’t hurt others, I don’t need to interfere with others’ lives.” Hermione told Ryan during a self-study.)

Hermione and Ryan are still happy to answer questions for classmates, but they will not show their homework to others. This makes Harry very contradictory. If you want to do your homework, it will take a lot of time to participate in the discussion after class. But he didn’t have much time to train Quidditch. No way, sometimes he can only learn from Ron’s work.

Ron told Harry when he learned from his homework that when Ryan and Hermione organized everyone to discuss homework together, they really improved everyone’s level, and they could answer most of the questions raised by classmates. If he can’t answer, he will also ask his brother Percy to help.

But Ron also pointed out that sometimes his work would be seen by Percy, and then inevitably be reprimanded. But for the temptation to complete the homework quickly and well, being scolded by my brother is really a small thing that cannot be smaller.

Then Ron took out a notebook and handed it to Harry, saying that Ryan asked him to bring it over.

This book is full of class notes and brief introductions related to homework, and there is a pile of small papers that students cheer for Harry.

Looked at these notes, Harry’s heart filled with warmth.

This game must win-he made up his mind.

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