Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 25 - Halloween boss: under the monster

Just as Harry succeeded, they flushed with excitement and began to run back along the passageway, and suddenly heard a bang. Harry turned his head and saw that the door that had just been locked was directly opened by a stick.

A piece of debris on the door flew directly at Harry. Harry felt that he couldn’t hide from closing his eyes and waiting to be smashed. Suddenly, he was lying on the ground with a strong pull, and the debris flew directly over Harry’s head.

It turned out that Ryan followed, and when he saw the danger, he pulled Harry.

“Sure enough, the monster still has a certain intelligence. If there is no one in the toilet, it will give priority to attacking the person closest to it, such as the two people who just locked it in the toilet.” Ryan looked at the status quo and thought secretly.

“The toilet door can’t stop the monster.” Ryan shouted at Harry. “You just locked the door so much that it alarmed the monster. We must now find a way to trap it in the toilet, otherwise in this place we can’t run away from the monster.” Ryan fired a shot at the monster The aggressive curse language just learned.

“Hot and hot”

Unfortunately, this spell had no effect. The monster just blocked it with his arm, and then tried to squeeze through the small door and go out.

At this time, Ron and Harry also reacted, and they also released spells to the monsters.

“Grin hula”

“Tarantella Dance”

The two spells hit the monster. The monster just paused for a while. Afterwards, he still violently hit the door frame with a stick in his hand and tried to rush out. It seems true that the monster written on the book has strong magic resistance.

Here Hermione also adjusted her mind. She used a floating charm to direct the faucet in the toilet that was just hit by the monster. Let the faucet collide with the toilet floor and make a huge noise.

The IQ of the monster is very low, so he ignored the four living people in front of him and turned his head to check the direction of the noise.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the four people crept back, trying to get out of the attack range of the monster.

Just over twenty meters away, a huge roar came from the toilet. It seems that the monster has found himself deceived, and the little things that just provoked themselves have escaped.

Heard Ryan yelled, “Run!” The four people ran in the corridor.

The angry monster pushed the walls on both sides of the toilet door and squeezed it out, chasing towards the backs of four people. The edge of the damaged wall was sharp and penetrated the skin on the palm of the monster.

The smelly blood was left in the hands of the monster, leaving a red and black trace on the corridor.

“What shall we do now?” Ron asked nervously when he found the monster getting closer and closer.

“Turn around for a few laps to find a place where giant monsters can’t get through. We can’t run to the auditorium, maybe there are other classmates, we can’t bring the monsters behind.” Lane replied.

Turned a corner, they saw a closed door. The door is small, it is an old style wooden door covered with iron. It is only more than one meter wide and two meters high, and it looks like a good place to hide.

After Kazakhstan used the unlocking spell, they found that the space inside was not small, as if it were a warehouse with a series of debris such as old iron buckets with broken brooms.

Four people squeezed in, then closed the door, and then retreated to the depths of the room.

Soon, they heard the heavy footsteps of the troll stopped outside the door, and then the disgusting noise of the troll came from the door.

“Will it find us?” Hermione asked, as Ryan listened to her talking with teeth trembling.

“Maybe, but it can’t enter at such a small door.” Lane comforted Hermione.

The voice just fell, and the door was smashed with a bang. The monster tried to squeeze in, but the size of the door only allowed it to reach into a head or an arm.

The monster tried to reapply the old trick, but this time the wall pattern didn’t move. The maniac monster can only use his hand to wave the stick and smash the nearby debris into the sky, occasionally leaning his head in and looking for four people with bloodshot eyes. But it didn’t hurt the four people hiding behind several shelves.

Lean looked at the giant monster who peeked in from time to time, and then looked at the environment of the clutter, suddenly had a bold idea.

“Can you break the hanging ring of the iron chandelier above?” Ryan asked.

“The three of us should be fine.” Harry answered.

“Well, you are ready, I count 123, you attack the ring together, and then I have a way to deal with the monster.”

“Ready.” × 3

“1-2-3 hands-on! Yujadim Leviosa.”

Harry’s magic interrupted the hanging ring of the chandelier, but the chandelier was hung in the air by Ryan’s spell.

Lyn slowly moved the chandelier toward the door with magic, and then finished the magic at the moment when the monster looked into it.

The angled iron chandelier hit the monster’s head from the height of five or six meters with the sound of the wind, and shot the monster’s head directly on the ground, making a terrifying sound.

One corner of the chandelier hit the back of the monster, and a big mouth was opened in that place, and some red and white liquid flowed out. The monster’s neck also formed a strange angle with the base, which seemed to be broken.

Then the body of the monster fell down and blocked the door of the room.

“It’s done, it’s okay now.” Ryan finished, and all four of them slid against the wall and sat on the ground and gasped. They found that because of the tension and fear just now ~ ~ now the legs are soft.

After sitting quietly in the dark for a few minutes, Hermione shuddered and asked, “This monster-is it dead?”

“Maybe” Lane said, “I don’t think this monster looks alive.”

Suddenly there was a violent knock on the door and loud footsteps, and all four people in the room looked up. They didn’t realize how much noise they had just made. The people downstairs must have heard the violent collision and the roar of the monster.

A moment later, Professor Flitwick magically removed the troll that blocked the door. Professor McGonagall lit the wand in his hand and rushed into the room, followed by Snape, with Chilo at the end.

Qiluo only glanced at the monster, then let out a sobbing of weakness, sitting on a box, clutching his chest tightly.

Snape bent over to check the monster. Professor McGonagall looked at four people. Ryan had never seen her look so angry.

At this moment Professor Snape stood up, revealing an unexpected expression: “The monster is dead, is it a floating spell?”

“Yes.” Ryan only then clearly saw the brain splattered by the monster through the light. A disgusting feeling came to his mind, and he answered ugly.

“You killed a monster. This is a difficult thing for an adult wizard. For several of your first-year students, I would like to praise your courage and the release of the spell. But, here Before, I needed you to find the principal Dumbledore together with me. After all, this incident caused the death of a magical creature, and the four students almost died. The principal must personally ask about this matter. “

Finally, Professor McGonagall seriously supported Hermione, whose legs were shaking, leading the way. Ryan followed the three of them and walked to the office of Principal Dumbledore.

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