Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 29 - Post-match analysis

When Ryan and Hermione hurried back to their seats, they found that the game was over. According to Ron’s account, Harry’s broom returned to normal a few minutes after they disappeared. He swooped down on the Golden Snitch and ended the game. Gryffindor won by 170 to 60.

at this time. Ryan also received a system prompt

-Changed the course of the game, making Hermione suspicious of Chilo. Get 2 offset points.

Well, this is really a good harvest. Lane happily greeted some friends and went back together.

While Ryan, Hermione, and Ron were going back to the castle, they just met Harry who was going to Hagrid for tea. So the four people walked together to Hagrid’s cabin.

A few minutes later, the four of them sat by the warm fireplace, each holding a cup of fragrant black tea.

“It was Snape,” Ron explained to everyone. “I saw it. He was cursing Harry’s flying broom. He muttered in his mouth, his eyes kept staring at Harry.”

“No, it’s not just Snape that is suspicious,” Hermione added, “Ryan and I saw Chilo sitting behind Snape also chanting.”

Ryan also said at this time: “There must be one of them cursing, and the other is protecting. Otherwise, Harry cannot stay in the sky for so long.”

“Nonsense,” Hagrid said, “Why do professors do such a thing?”

The eyes of the four people communicated with each other, and Harry motioned for Ryan to explain.

“Because both of their professors are connected to the thing before Halloween.” Ryan said word by word as he thought about the wording. “The monster is Professor Chilo, and how the monster managed to come out is also Professor Chilo’s words. There is no witness to prove his words.”

At this time, Harry couldn’t help saying, “I found something about Snape. On Halloween, he wanted to pass the big three-headed dog. It bit him. We thought he wanted to steal the big dog. Things to guard … “

Hagrid put down the teapot heavily.

“How do you know the three-headed Lu Wei?” He asked.

“Luwei with three heads?”

“Yeah-it’s mine-I bought it from a Greek guy I met at the hotel last year-I lent it to Dumbledore to guard-“

“What?” Harry asked eagerly.

“Okay, don’t ask anymore,” Hagrid said rudely, “That’s the number one secret, okay?”

“But someone wants to steal it”

“Nonsense,” Hagrid added, “Snape and Chilo are both teachers of Hogwarts, and they will never do such a thing.”

“So why does anyone want to kill Harry?” Ron asked loudly.

“That may just be a coincidence, you read it wrong.” Hagrid said a little irritably.

“I do n’t know why Harry ’s flying broom behaves like that, but the teachers personally selected by Professor Dumbledore will never want to kill a student! Now, all three of you listen to me-you are intervening You have nothing to do with it. This is very dangerous. Forget the big dog, forget what it is guarding, this is between Professor Dumbledore and Nicole May— “

“Aha!” Harry said, “So this involves a man named Nicole Leme, right?” Hagrid was furious, he was angry with himself.

Soon, four people were driven out of the cabin by Hagrid. Then they returned to the common room. After Harry had dealt with a large number of people who came to congratulate him, he saw Ryan discussing what was happening in the corner of his personal life.

Harry leaned in, Ron said to Harry after seeing him: “I think Snape should be behind the scenes, and both of them think that Chilo and Snape are suspect.”

After listening to Ron ’s story, Harry said to Ryan and Hermione: “I feel more like Snape, because I can feel that he hates me.”

Ryan silently said in the bottom of his heart, who made you look exactly like your dad who loved the sword. Then stopped Hermione, who wanted to argue with Ron, cleared her throat and said, “Whoever wants to steal is no longer the most important issue. Today, from Hagrid, we got a lot of news.”

“We already know the news now: that three-headed dog named Lu Wei, Hagrid, lent Dumbledore as a guard to guard something. And such a thing is related to a person called Nicole May.”

“Also.” Ryan added. “The monster that hunted us down before was holding a weapon that fits it well. According to what I saw in the book” Where is the magical animal “, some smart monsters can be trained as Caretaker. This means that the monster was originally used to guard some place that day. After all, if it is used as a teaching aid in the black magic defense class, it will not be equipped with weapons. “

“That is to say, it is likely that under the trapdoor at the foot of Luwei, there is a very large space, and more than one level is set.” Hermione reacted and continued.

“Okay.” Harry interrupted Hermione and Lane’s conjecture about the defense level. “What we need to know now is, who is this Nicole May?”

“I don’t know.” “I haven’t heard of it.” “Wait, as if I was a little impressed, my father seemed to tell me.”

The remaining three people turned their eyes to Ryan, and Ron first questioned: “How is it possible? There are no wizards in your family?”

“Some wizards are not necessarily known only by the wizarding world. For example, like Merlin ~ ~ He is also very famous in the Muggle world. My father is a writer and will check a lot of information if this Niko Le May is well-known and has lived in the Muggle world for a long time, so much so that the Muggle world knows the existence of this person. Then my father probably saw this name when checking the information. “Ryan made a request to Ron Explanation.

“According to you, Nicole May cannot be a person in the past two hundred years. After all, the secrecy laws have been strictly enforced in the past two hundred years, but who can live two hundred years? But there are also It may be that people in the Muggle world have the same name and surname. “Ron said after thinking about it.

“Then can you write a letter and ask your father.” Harry said.

“I think I’ll wait until Christmas and I’ll go back and ask, after all, it’s likely that a professor is going to steal things. He might intercept our communications.”

Hermione saw that everyone was a little dull and said, “Well, let’s check this person out of class. Remember that Hagrid said at the time that this was between Professor Dumbledore and Nicole May-although the words were not That ’s it, but we can determine from this sentence that Professor Dumbledore knew Nicole May, then we will start with Professor Dumbledore ’s peers. ”

“Well, this is a good idea.” Harry said. “Anyway, there will be no game for me until Christmas. We can take advantage of this opportunity to go to the library to read the book. After Christmas, Ryan went to his house and asked his father, let’s make the next step.”

After everyone finished speaking, Ryan stood up and said to Harry, “Okay, today is our Quidditch team’s first victory, and Harry your first victory.” Then Ryan pointed to the lounge The noisy crowd. “So there is something to do tomorrow, and it ’s time for celebration.”

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