My Wife Is A Secret Assassin

Chapter 181: MIT

Two Months Later

Chance, Samantha and Bill landed in Mauritius to attend David and Mia's wedding.

Few weeks ago, David invited, rather begged Bill to attend his wedding as he wished to have his idol attend the most important day of his life.

Bill found this invitation weird but after continuous persuasion from David, he finally gave in.

Everyone else was told David visited Bill during a trip he made to San Diego, a few weeks ago and felt a connection with him. Therefore, he wished for his presence.

A resort in Mauritius was booked for all the guests and it was a grand wedding.

Samantha and Chance checked in their room, while Bill got the adjacent room of theirs.

"I can't believe David and Mia are already getting married" Chance exclaimed slouching on the couch.


Samantha looked very nervous.

"Sam, stop worrying about your acceptance result, I am sure it is going to be great." Chance tried to pacify her.

"Chance, I still think I made a mistake of applying to all the colleges within such short period, maybe I should have waited for another year"

"Sam, you had a great GRE score and your application was amazing. The projects you did during your undergrad are just damn too good. You did the right thing by applying to all the universities"

"But Chance, what if I get rejected from everywhere, that would just make my morale go down?"

Chance pulled her on his lap, and stroked her back, "Sam, what would you lose even if you get rejected by all the universities? You can just try again, don't worry. I am also sure you will make it this year and you won't fail" He kissed her cheek to pacify her.


Samantha was not very convinced but she also wished to distract herself as her MIT application result was supposed to be out the next day, which was freaking her out.

In the evening they all attended the welcome party.

It was a cozy event at the beach. The decorations were beautiful, complementing the cool atmosphere.

There were chairs and tables arranged for the guests.

Samantha, Chance, Abigail, Jack, Carol, Isaac and Bill sat at one big table. 

Bill and Abigail were discussing about the current changes in the police department. Bill was sharing with Abigail, how difficult rules and regulations were at his time and how much progressive the current regulations are. 

Then Bill shared a few stories from his police days with them.

Abigail was curiously listening to his stories as it was relatable for her.

Jack and Isaac too were listening to Bill's stories, both still wondering how this great assassin duped the whole system by working in it and getting involved in dangerous activities simultaneously.

"No wonder, David admires him so much" Jack whispered to Isaac.

"Yeah, exactly my thoughts" Isaac agreed.

Carol punched Isaac's arm, "You seem to be more interested in Jack than me" She complained softly.

Isaac laughed at her weirdness.

"Stop being jealous of other men" He teased her.

In the last two months, their relationship progressed very well and Carol was completely over Chance.

Moving on did wonders for her as she was truly happy in the current phase of her life.

"Dad seems to be having more fun than I thought" Samantha whispered to Chance seeing how much fun Bill was having reminiscing his old cop days.

"Yeah, I am glad he is"

"Sir, did you ever encounter assassins?" Jack suddenly asked Bill to see how he will react to this question.

Bill didn't react much as he knew Jack knows everything about them. He was always updated with all the current happenings.

"Never, I think assassins don't exist" Bill glared back at Jack, warning him with his eyes to not scare his daughter by bringing up the topic that makes her nervous.

Although Samantha left the assassin world, she still gets a bit affected by its mention. It was a part of her, no matter what.

"I agree, they don't exist" Chance seconded him.

Samantha smiled at him gladly and was thankful she left this world when she heard his words.

During the welcome party many guests met and interacted with each other and it was a grand event.

Bill was hanging out with a few men of his age, who were equally intellectual. He was glad to attend this wedding as it was a nice change from his mundane life.

Samantha was tired, so she and Chance decided to call it a day and went back to their room.

While they were about to sleep, she got a message saying the MIT results were out, ahead of the scheduled time, which surprised her as this rarely happens.

"Fuck Chance, my result is out" Samantha got out of the bed and started freaking out.

"Are you sure?"


"Okay, calm down" Chance gave her some water.

"I don't think I will be able to gulp it down" Samantha turned anxious.

"Just stay here, don't open the laptop" Chance warned her and he called Bill. Within two minutes, Bill was in their room.

Chance opened his laptop and the three people checked her result together.

As soon she entered her application details, she closed her eyes as she didn't have the guts to see what the screen displayed.

"So, what is it?" She asked Chance and Bill, who went silent after seeing her result.

"Guys, what is the result?" Samantha again asked them keeping her eyes closed but there was no response.

Chance and Bill looked at each other with sadness and didn't utter a word.

"I am asking you two something?" Still, there was no reply.

After a few seconds, Samantha got frustrated and opened her eyes only to see an acceptance letter for MIT.

For a few minutes, she didn't say anything as she couldn't believe she actually made it to her dream university.

"Oh my god, oh my god, I made it, I did" Samantha jumped in excitement.

While Chance and Bill were a bit upset as they didn't expect Samantha would be leaving them so soon for her studies.

Although, Chance motivated her it was only to keep her morale high. 

"What is wrong with you two, why the hell are you two sulking?" 

Their gloomy moods didn't go unnoticed by her.

"I didn't expect you would move away so soon" Chance sadly exclaimed.

"We will miss you" Bill added.

"Aww, you two" Samantha hugged the two men and patted their backs, "It is only a matter of two years, I'll be back soon"

Bill and Chance were still upset but they were also proud of her as she did something amazing in such a short period of time.

"We are proud of you" 

The two men congratulated her and that night, Chance and Samantha celebrated this good news with Chance's close friends in a private suite booked for Jack and Abigail as they got the biggest room in this resort.

Champagne toasts were raised for Samantha and everyone congratulated her.

After spending some time with them, Samantha went out to the gallery for some fresh air.

"Did you decide to leave our world?"

Samantha was startled by this question and turned to look at Isaac standing next to her.

"Don't talk about it, there are people just few steps away from us" Samantha warned him.

"Don't worry I am careful. So?" He curiously looked at her, waiting for her to answer him.

"Hmm, I am done with this world. Also, Chance is scared of murderers. It is better I leave it behind"

"Are you leaving it for his sake?" Isaac got shocked.

"No, it is for myself but he is also my motivation behind it" 

"Hmm, I'll miss competing with you Danger-Ace"

"Shhh" Samantha placed her finger on the lips and checked what Chance is doing.

Seeing him busy with others, she sighed in relief.

"Leave or else your darling Carol might get jealous" Samantha saw Carol peeking in their direction.

Isaac laughed and before stepping away, he asked, "That day, it was indeed you, who pushed Carol in the lake, right?"

"What do you think?" Samantha raised her eyebrows.

"Got it" Isaac again laughed and left from there.

Then he and Jack went to a safe side and Isaac updated him of all the gossip he gathered, by pretending to be Grim Reaper.

Although, these two knew of the truth, Chance doesn't update them of all the happenings and neither does David shares everything with them.

So, Isaac and Jack decided to take this approach to clarify their doubts.

After finding out Samantha is an assassin too, Jack had doubts on the lake incident.

Carol too shared with Isaac honestly about that incident and he assured her, unlike others, he indeed believes her.

So, taking advantage of today's opportunity he and Jack got this story confirmed.

"Woah, Samantha is an amazing actress. I actually believed her that day, against Carol" Jack laughed recollecting the drama she pulled.

"Haha, she has to be a good actress to survive in this cruel world"


Author's Important Note (Please Read):

Dear all this novel would be ending on August 31st for last privilege tier and I'll be giving a mass release that day, for others it will end in September, so please think before you purchase privilege subscription next month.

Also, if you would like please check out my other two books:

1)    Sister, Back-off from MY MAN (It is my new book, ongoing): It is a dramatic love story, mixed with some revenge drama and siblings' rivalry.

2)    The Doctor and The CEO (This book too will be completed soon): It is a simple love story with multiple stories of other couples, no misunderstandings, no dragging and a feel-good love story.

I'll be grateful if you can try these two books and show them as much love as you have shown to my book – 'My Wife is a Secret Assassin'

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