My Wife Is A Secret Assassin

Chapter 182: Love of my Life

"Woah, Samantha is an amazing actress. I actually believed her that day, against Carol" Jack laughed recollecting the drama she pulled.

"Haha, she has to be a good actress to survive in this cruel world" Isaac supported her and didn't mind the drama she pulled as only after this incident, Carol decided to move on.

"Don't tell Carol about this confirmation" Jack warned Isaac.

"Don't you worry dude. I know what to say to her. I only asked Samantha about it, to satisfy our curiosity" Isaac assured him.

After partying and smoking up for a while, Chance and Samantha decided to take a walk on the beach.

They were walking on the sand without wearing any footwear, enjoying the soft sand under their feet, holding their hands.

"I can't believe I already got accepted for the MS program in MIT" Samantha happily said the same thing again.

No matter how many times she said it, the feeling was so surreal, she wanted to keep saying it again and again.

Chance smiled seeing her childlike excitement, "How can you not get accepted? You are so smart. It would have been their loss if they didn't accept you."

"Awww, when my result came you should have seen your face. You looked like you lost everything" Samantha teased him.

Chance hugged her closer, surrounding his hand around her waist, "Yeah, the thought of being away from you is not something I liked"

"Will you be fine for two years, then?" Samantha pouted at him circling her arms around his neck.

"Do I have a choice?" Chance teased her.

"Where do you plan to live?" Sam asked him.

Samantha and Chance decided based on the university she chooses for herself; Chance and Bill will accordingly shift to that city.

MIT was her first preference and since she got into it, she didn't care about other universities.

Now that she would be living in Massachusetts, she wondered what location he will choose.

"I am thinking about shifting back to New York. MIT is just three hours away from my home. If dad agrees, we both will shift there." Chance shared his plans.

"Nice. You will be back to your home, that is nice"

"Hmm, but home won't feel like home without you" Chance hugged her closer.

"I am going to miss you more than you can imagine, Sam" Chance rested his head near the side of her neck and breathed into her scent.

Samantha stood on her toes to support herself.

Tightly hugging her waist closer, he complained, "Why are you leaving so soon? I am not liking this change"

"Sorry, I didn't expect my first attempt would be successful" Samantha rubbed his back.

"Sam, if you meet a hot engineer in your class, what will you do?" Chance suddenly asked her.

"I'll obviously drool over him" 

Chance stopped hugging her and looked into her eyes, with raging anger, "What did you just say?"

Samantha broke their hug and took a step back, "If I see a hot geeky engineer, who is extra smart and a genius, I will obviously drool over him. That is what normally women do."

Samantha walked backward taking small steps while Chance walked forward towards her.

"And now that I have enough sexual experience, I might even do hot stuff with him" Samantha teased the man, who was clearly jealous.

Chance was about to grab this woman, who drove him crazy but before he could lay even a finger on her she ran away and he had to chase her.

They both were slightly high, as they smoked up a few joints earlier.

Therefore, Samantha was more energized and she kept running while teasing the man, "Every week I'll hook up with a new guy" she shouted on the beach.

Except for these two, no one else was present there.

David and Mia booked a private beach and it was 3 am right now, all the senior people were sleeping while the young crowd were partying in their rooms, leaving the whole beach to this couple.

"Let me catch you and then I'll see how you will hook up with any guy" Chance chased her but Samantha was faster than him.

After ten minutes, Chance stopped chasing her and panted heavily, bending a little.

"Are you already tired?" Samantha shouted, standing a few meters away from him, laughing at his state.

"Yes, I am. Come here" Chance called her but she refused.

"No, I won't go to old men like you"

"Old men?" Chance got agitated.

"Yes, you got tired within ten minutes. You are an old man. In MIT, I'll find someone young as the crowd there will be younger than me"

"You woman" Chance was successfully triggered by her provocation and he chased her with his original speed.

"Fuck" Samantha again started running but this time she got caught and Chance hugged her tightly to not let her run away.

Samantha intentionally tripped leading them to lose their balance but before they fell on the soft sand, Chance switched their positions.

He fell on the sand and Samantha fell on him.

Hugging her tightly he glared at her, "Are you planning to cheat on me, after going to MIT?"

Samantha nodded her head, "Yes. You cheated on your first girlfriend to get rid of her, so to teach you a lesson and to avenge her feelings, I am going to do the same with you. I'll cheat on you with some hot geek. Karma is a bitch, you know."

Chance switched their positions and pinned Samantha's hands on the top of her head, holding them in place with his one hand.

"I dare you to repeat what you just said" 

"I'll cheat… hmmm… ahhh"

Chance roughly kissed her swallowing her next words. Samantha harshly bit on his lips, as a respond to his kiss.

After kissing her for a while, he looked at her with a warning gaze, "You are not allowed to look at other men or drool over them. You have to stay loyal to me"

Samantha laughed loudly as if she heard some joke.

"Based on what authority you are giving me this warning? You and your toxic masculinity" Samantha taunted him.

"Toxic masculinity?" Chance laughed when he heard her accusation.

"Yes. Now tell me on what basis are you showing your authority on me?" Samantha raised her eyebrows.

"I am your boyfriend"

"So, what?"

"Come on, Sam" Chance looked dejected but he was also having fun.

Samantha was not drunk or too high, as her tolerance level was strong. Today, she was in a fun mood. 

Chance liked this side of her.

"I am serious. Before going for college, high-schoolers break up. Let's do the same" Samantha wickedly smiled at him.

"So, I need to show some authority on you to stop you from breaking up with me?" Chance let go of her hands, while questioning her.

Samantha circled her arms around his neck and looked deeper into his eyes, "Yes, you got it right"

"Will this be enough, to show my authority on you?" Chance took out a ring from his pants pocket and showed it to Samantha.

Samantha's eyes widened in shock.

She looked at the ring placed near her and then she looked at Chance, who was smiling.

Her eyes kept switching between the ring and the man holding it.

Samantha tried to get up, so Chance shifted away giving her some space.

She got up and sat on the sand.

Samantha pressed her forehead, to make her slight headache go away.

Then she looked at Chance, who was sitting in front of her, still pointing his ring at her.

"Chance, what kind of a joke is this?"

Samantha glared at him.

Her happy, fun mood was gone and replaced by borderline freaking.

"Sam, I had this ring with me for a while. I was waiting for the right time to pop the question. Right now, this moment just felt right"

"Chance, you sure about it?" Samantha was surprised to know he had this ring for a while.

"I have never been surer about anything else, Sam. You are the love of my life and I want to spend the rest of my life, only with you. Will you marry me?" He asked her.

"Chance, I might be leaving for MIT in a few weeks, we won't have time for a wedding" Samantha voiced her concern.

Chance chuckled when he saw the worried expression on her face.

"Sam, we don't have to get married, right away. We can stay engaged for two years and after you complete your studies, we can get married" Chance gave her a solution.

"Wow, engaged for two years?" Samantha raised her eyebrows.

"Yes, I realized I have to keep you away from those hot geeks and this is the only way possible"

Samantha laughed loudly, "Chance, I was kidding. I would never cheat on you. If this is why you are proposing to me then you should reconsider…"


Author's Important Note (Please Read):

Dear all this novel would be ending on August 31st for last privilege tier and I'll be giving a mass release that day, for others it will end in September, so please think before you purchase privilege subscription next month.

Also, if you would like please check out my other two books:

1)    Sister, Back-off from MY MAN (It is my new book, ongoing): It is a dramatic love story, mixed with some revenge drama and siblings' rivalry.

2)    The Doctor and The CEO (This book too will be completed soon): It is a simple love story with multiple stories of other couples, no misunderstandings, no dragging and a feel-good love story.

I'll be grateful if you can try these two books and show them as much love as you have shown to my book – 'My Wife is a Secret Assassin'

If you people can leave your reviews on my books, it would be great, so that I can know what my readers think about them.

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