My Wife Is A Secret Assassin

Chapter 180: Call me Dad

"Call me dad, sir sounds very formal" Bill smiled at him.

"Sure, dad. It feels really good to call you like this" Chance truthfully said and after a while decided to take his leave, "Thanks for your advice, dad" 

Bill hugged him tightly, "You became a very important part of my life, Chance. I don't wish to lose you. I know I am being selfish while advising you but this is for your own sake."

Bill patted him and Chance felt grateful for the love and support Bill showed towards him and therefore he was able to understand his perspective.

"Thank you for accepting me as a part of your family" 

Chance then went back to Samantha's home and joined her in bed.

Hugging her closer to his body, he felt better and slept for a while.

Next day, Samantha, Bill and Chance met at a high-end restaurant as she planned this to share something important with her father.

"How was your trip to New York?" Bill asked the couple.

"It was great, dad. New York is an amazing city" Samantha looked happy.

"Good to know"

Bill then glanced at Chance, who was unusually calm.

"You didn't enjoy the trip, Chance?" Bill asked the silent man.

"I did, sir"

"Dad, call me dad" Bill officially said it in front of Samantha, surprising her as Bill never accepts people so easily.

"Thanks dad"

"So, tell me, what announcement you wanted to make?" Bill asked Sam, as she called him here to discuss something important.

"Dad, I decided I want to continue my masters plan, which I left mid-way years ago. I want to do masters in engineering" Samantha informed a surprised Bill.

"Wow, why so suddenly?" As soon as he asked this question, Bill realized what could be the reason behind it.

Now that their target was killed, Samantha wished to focus on the life, she gave up years ago. Her purpose to be an assassin was completed.

"I just realized that's what I want" Samantha chose her words carefully as Chance was there.

Bill nodded his head, "So, what's the plan?"

"I am selling my flower boutique. I already have a buyer, who wants to buy my place and change it into a pawn shop."

"Hmm, you decided to sell it to them?"

"Yes, they are offering a good price"

"After that?"

"From today I'll be preparing for the GRE exam"

"Hmm" Bill was surprised at this sudden change but he was happy as finally Samantha was fulfilling the dream they all had for her future.

Bill wondered if Samantha is planning to give up on the assassin world.

He decided to talk to her about it later.

"Have you decided which universities to target?"

"Hmm, I have some in mind"

"Great, I am happy about this decision" Bill looked at Chance as he was calm and didn't say anything till now.

"What are your thoughts, Chance?"

"Umm me?" Chance was startled when he was suddenly called out.

"Yeah, your opinion matters too"

"I am happy, she is doing what she wants. I was thinking we can shift to the same city as her or maybe to a nearby city so that we can be close when she leaves for her studies." Chance shared his thoughts.

"We?" Bill looked surprised.

"Dad, Chance suggested you and he can live together while I am away for my studies. What do you think about it?"

Bill was surprised and couldn't answer immediately as this came as another shock.

After a few seconds he asked Chance if he is sure about it.

"Hmm, I'll be alone and so would be you. It is a good idea to live together. We can be each other's company. I'll feel less lonely with you around me."

"Sure, then wherever you'll go, we will shift there" Bill's organization can be run from anywhere as it is a secret organization so he agreed.

"Thanks dad" Samantha was happy as everything perfectly fell into place. Her life seemed like it was heading in the right direction.

Chance then received a call from David, so he excused himself and went out.

"Sam, what about being an assassin?" Bill couldn't hide his curiosity anymore.

"Dad, I decided to take a break until I complete my masters. Also, in these two years, I'll decide what to do about being an assassin."

"Are you indirectly saying, you want to quit?" Bill could see through her intentions.

Samantha hesitated for a minute, before saying, "Yes dad. I want a more peaceful life and given Chance's phobia; I want to quit this world. I am done with it."

"For a boy, you are giving up on your dreams?" Bill teased her.

Samantha felt embarrassed, "After our revenge, I felt like I got the closure I had been craving for. This all feels over for me. I want to lead a peaceful life."

Samantha shared her feelings and Bill was supportive of it.

"By the way dad, did you know Excalibur committed suicide?"

"Hmm, I know. He is gone forever"

"It is so nice. I now therefore want to quit this world"

"Should I leave this organization too and pass it on to Shadow? He had his eyes on it for a while now" Bill asked for her opinion.

"You want to quit too?" Samantha looked surprised.

"Hmm, just like you, I want a peaceful life too"

Samantha smiled when she heard her dad's words.

"Yes dad, let's leave this world and let's start a new life"

"Hmm, let's do that" 

When Chance was back, he saw Samantha and Bill were happier than before. He wondered what happened to them.

After having a delightful dinner, they headed back to their homes.

On the way, Chance informed Samantha, "Two months later, David and Mia are getting married in Mauritius. They invited us; Mia would be calling you tomorrow to invite you personally" 



"Did something happen in New York?" Samantha suddenly asked him.

"Why would you ask?"

"You have been unusually quiet for the last few days. What happened?"

"Nothing, just a bit tired" Chance tried to smile but it didn't reach his eyes.

Samantha understood he was not willing to talk about it.

After they reached their home, Samantha insisted to stay at Chance's place tonight.

They lied on the bed, Samantha was in his arms. 

Chance patted her head, "I am glad things went smoothly with dad and he didn't oppose to the idea of staying with me"


Samantha looked lost.

"What happened, Sam? Why do you look gloomy instead of being happy?"

"How can I be happy when I can see something is bothering you and you are not even willing to share about it with me"

Samantha sadly pouted at him.

Chance chuckled and kissed her forehead, "I am fine"

"No, you are not. The sad part is you don't even want to talk about it with me"

Chance deeply sighed in defeat, "There is a project which I started a few months ago. We have some level of targets in it. We reached the second last target last week and it was profitable enough. So, David wished we stop here as the project conditions are satisfied. But I wish to complete the final level too. I don't want to leave it midway"

He used an analogy to share his problem.

"Ohhh, why did David feel it was satisfying and you should not move forward?" Chance could see Samantha wanted to understand the whole situation before sharing her opinion.

"Because the failure is completion can lead to destruction"

"What level of destruction?"

"If this task fails, my whole business will collapse. If we don't move forward and stop here, everything will be fine" Chance couldn't tell her he will die if this mission fails.

"Then, why do you wish to move forward and not stop here?"

"When I started this project, my aim was to reach the highest level. I am not happy leaving it mid-way. I feel empty and frustrated"

"What do you believe? If you actually move forward, will you be successful or you will fail like what David believes?"

"Honestly, I am not sure if I'll fail or succeed"

"Then, how about you do more research and find out if you will fail or not. If there are higher chances of failing, then you should listen to David and give up on your stubbornness. If you think you will succeed then convince David with whatever research you did. If there are higher chances of success then David won't oppose you anyway."

Samantha suggested after thinking for a while.

Chance furrowed his eyebrows seriously as he was deeply thinking about Samantha's suggestion.

'Hmm, it makes sense' he thought.

"Thanks for this suggestion, Sam. Although, I am not sure how much it is going to work but this is better than doing nothing about it"

Chance found a new purpose and he was feeling better about it.

From the next day onwards, Chance started digging deeper about the Berlusconi gang, while Samantha closed the deal of selling her flower boutique. She shared some money with Andy, the girl who works with her and started preparing for her MS entrance exam.

The next two months passed away rather very quickly.

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