My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 71: Every Dog Has Its Day

"Holy fuck! What in the hell is that thing!" Captain Raven bellowed as Kace came forward.

His remaining crew were carefully tending to the heavily wounded Grugda. Unsure of what they should do. Grugda clearly needed their help, whereas their captain looked as though he was about to go head to head with the giant, strange wolf beast.

Kace eyed each one, as his eyes fell on the Eljein he let out another low growl. Raven recognised the sound. It was a warning to other predators that this was its own prey.

Until he knew what happened to the other one though, he would not abandon the one that had literally fallen into his lap. Drawing his sabres he carefully analysed the beast.

It had a large and powerful figure, probably specialised in speed and agility. 'Shouldn't be much to worry about in terms of magic then.' He visibly swallowed a lump of saliva. Secretary Captain Raven hoped the beast would leave them alone.

Kace himself had no such plans though. Since they had refused to listen to his warning he would simply tear them to shreds as well. His powerful rear legs tensed up, causing Raven to flinch. In the next moment, he pounced.

Although his form was merely a blur to the crew, Raven could follow him with his eyes. Raven longer and slashed at Kace's hindquarters as he tried to go around him for the weaker ones first.

A short yelp was followed by the sound of jaws snapping as Kace tried to return the favour in kind. Raven was pretty fast on feet. Avoiding falling into his jaws by millimetres each time.

Kace's snout had been turned into a bloody mess. Despite all the cuts, Raven had failed to do any real damage. 'God damn it! I'm still not back to full strength.' The captain swore to himself as avoided another lethal blow.

As he leapt backwards his heel got caught on a lump of broken rock. This caused him to fall backwards leaving him wide open. Kace's eyes flashed in excitement, having finally cornered the annoying insect.

He swiped at the captain before he could recover with his claws. As they were about to rip him open a pale, feminine fist collided with it. Blowing it away from its intended victim.

Raven was in shock as he stared wide-mouthed at his gorgeous saviour. His eyes began to water as he took in the sight of her.

"So... Sonia!" He finally managed to say despite being tongue-tied.

Sophia threw a furious look at Raven as he sat on his ass in the mud doing nothing. Now that she looked at him she realised he was not human. 'God damn it, mother! Another one!' 

"Keep my mother's name from your mouth you filthy half breed!" She roared at him, leaving him dumbfounded.

Now that he looked at her properly there were a few differences. Especially in the bust area. Sonja's were definitely bigger. He could have sworn that they were the same person if not sisters.

However, he was having a hard time accepting that Sonja had a daughter. She had never mentioned her. Not even once during all those long nights. He cursed his stupidity at having been played with so easily.

He had always thought that it was Sonja who was sealed away. Hence why he had put so much effort into finding a way to free her. His face went red from humiliation.

Gritting his teeth he got to his feet. Ready to take a stand beside Sophia. Kace had now recovered from the shock of her interference and was now patiently circling them. Like a shark that had just smelt blood in the water.

Sophia moved first, flitting towards him. Raven followed close behind using the same move. Kace took to his hind feet once again, ready for the onslaught that was about to begin.

The fight was fast and bloody. Not once did any of them hold their position. Captain Raven swung his sabres furiously. Leaving deep wounds that would ruin an otherwise perfect rug.

Sophia used her fists to deflect Kace's own attacks as much as possible. Buying time for the half breed captain to inflict as much pain as possible. The two fell into a steady rhythm. As if they had always been in synchronisation with each other.

Sweat flowed freely from their brows. It had taken every ounce of their focus and skill to hold him back. As the battle wore in they steadily grew tired. Making rookie mistakes that caused them to take damage.

Raven roared out in pain as Kace finally pinned him beneath his hand. Roaring in delight he made his move to tear Raven's head from his body, ending his life once and for all.

Raven puked as the smell of decaying breath washed over him. He had never imagined his end coming at the hands of an overgrown pup. Cursing his fate he prepared for the worst.

Sophia could only watch on, her injuries prevented her from flitting again. Her mind was screaming at her to help him. Not because she cared for the mongrel. Instead, it was for the fact that without him she would be next!

With terrifying roars, Raven's crew rushed to save him. Although they were weak their efforts were brave. The slight stinging that Kace could feel from their weapons royally pissed him off.

Every time he was about to enjoy a light snack something would get in the way. I thought any warning he lunged forwards. Cleanly biting one of the men in two. His entrails hung from Kace's fangs like a long strand of spaghetti.

Another was left with ghastly gashes across his chest. Screaming in pain on the ground. At the same time, Kace had ahold of another. At that moment he was in the process of tearing off his limbs one by one. Making sure the man could see as swallowed each one afterwards.

As emotions ran high suddenly Kace felt stabbing pains all over his body. He began staggering back and forth whimpering the whole time. Sophia and Raven did not know what to make of it. Eventually, the world collapsed to the ground. The light in its eyes flickered out.

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