My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 70: Bad Dog

Kace growled while holding one of the arms he had torn off Grugda's Warden form. While chewing it menacingly between his fangs his eyes kept track of Sophia flitting about in her mist form.

While he was distracted with Sophia, Grugda took the chance to celebrate the lost limb. He was panting heavily from within the Warden's core. Kace had easily overcome the obstacles that he had set up beforehand. 

From there, it had seemed like he was more interested in toying with them. Grugda had yet to sense any killing intent from the beast. This was a far better scenario than what he had dared to hope for.

If Kace kept himself distracted long enough then eventually his transformation would wear off. 'It won't. Be too much. Longer now.' Grugda thought to himself as he quickly calculated a rough estimate of how much time had already expired.

Meanwhile, Sophia manifested her physical form. Instantly smacking Kace on his snout as though he were a misbehaving dog that she had tamed. Taken by surprise Kace simply shook his large head and looked at her incredulously.

He had already grown tired of waiting for Feliks to appear like he had thought he would. Not only that but these two together we're not much entertainment for him. The smack to his nose was the last straw though. It was time to get serious.

Moving as fast as lightning he chased the mist around the area. Avoiding the ruins of the earthen walls that Grugda had created. Sophia was feeling the pressure. Her mist form could only be held for short periods. 

Sooner or later she would have to manifest again. The moment that she would do so she was certain Kace's pearly whites would rip her in half like it was nothing. 

She felt a stabbing pain in the back of her mind. This was the signal that her time was up and Kace right behind her. Her body betrayed her and she began to take a physical form once again.

The first thing she saw was Kace's jaws opening wide to devour her. Her eyes snapped shut, there was nothing she could do. However, after a few seconds when she felt nothing she peeked out of a single eye.

Grugda had wrapped vines around Kace's muzzle, snapping it shut and using them as reins to reel him in. Sophia let out her bated breath in relief. Relying on her feet to gain some distance with the precious time Grugda had bought her.

Outraged at being foiled Kace began to thrash around as more vines and roots began to take hold of his legs. Attempting to pin him down. He knew he was in a slight predicament right now, or would be if his raw strength was not greater than his bindings.

Using all his strength he began pulling against the makeshift ropes. Slowly but surely uprooting them. Gradually they released the tight hold they hand on him, allowing him to slip free. Much to Grugda's dismay.

With renewed energy, Kace launched himself at the Warden. Leaping onto his chest and forcing it to the ground. He was done playing with it. As he stood on its chest his throat began to glow.

Grugda's eyes widened in fear. He knew what was coming but he could not prevent it in time. The liquid fire washed over the chest area. Making short work of the plant life that made up its structure.

As it quickly spread through the interior Grugda had no choice but to abandon the best defence he had. Opening a hole in its side and ejecting himself using the still unharmed vines.

As soon as he hit the ground he began to cough. The rising temperature while inside his Warden had caused each breath for air to scorch his throat and lungs. A loud, triumphant howl from behind him gave him a brutal reminder that his struggles were far from over.

Sophia flitted in quickly, catching the Eljein in her arms before carrying him away. Kace was too busy celebrating the downfall of the most annoying opponent to realise that Grugda had escaped yet.

"Change of plan," Sophia stated while her voice trembled. "I'll take him head-on. You provide support with hard-hitting magic."

Grugda could only agree since his one and the only plan he had failed. Sophia stalled for time, using her mist form whenever Kace was about to use her as a chew toy.

Whenever he was about to catch her when she reverted, Grugda would interfere by opening holes in the earth under Kace's footing. The sudden sinking feeling would cause his jaws to miss. Further infuriating him.

Ignoring Sophia, for now, his eyes focused on the Eljein. This time Grugda began to sweat bullets from the killing intent that was being directed at him.

If he wanted a chance of survival he would have to do all out. Burning through the remainder of his mana. He began to form giant Earth Spears. Larger than any he had ever made before.

If they failed to injure Kace then, at the very least, he needed them to have enough weight to slow him down. Every last second would count!

Kace began his kamikaze like charge. Bulldozing straight towards Grugda. Sophia attempted to disrupt him. Unfortunately, she was too focused on halting his charge she failed to notice his tail whipping at her blind spot. The blow was heavy enough to half embed her in the ground.

Grugda began his attack as soon as she failed. Kace avoided the first but Grugda had launched a second soon after. This one found its mark since Kace was a large target and not far away enough to avoid such fast-moving consecutive projectiles.

As a part of his thigh was pierced by it he let out a whimper. The sound of his friend on pain caused Grugda to pause for a second. Which was all Kace needed.

Grugda cursed himself for his stupidity as Kace took to standing on his hind legs. Each step forward that he took was carefully measured. Using his claws for defence he would slash the spears into pieces before blowing them away into the forest.

Grugda trembled, certain of his imminent demise as Kace's large frame stood before him. A sadistic light shone in his golden eyes. Freezing the Eljein in place.

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