My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 72: Regrets

As Kace came to, he found himself wrapped up tight in blankets. He had been laid down on the stone-cold floor of a cave. His vision was blurry and his body ached all over.

He could hear muffled voices coming from some distance away from him. The last thing he remembered was Feliks about to crush the life from him.

As his vision slowly returned to normal he noticed another bundle nearby. In his mind, somebody else must have been injured before they were rescued. He began to take notice of the details of the bundle. 

It appeared larger than any human should be. A sickening thought caused his stomach to churn. 'Oh shit... Grugda!' He started to panic within the confines of his mind.

He tried to call out to the Eljein, his mouth was too dry to comply with his thoughts though. His throat felt parched and his body was void of any energy. He began to pity himself within his mind. His own weakness had been their downfall.

He could only hope that Grugda would be able to recover from whatever injuries he had gained. He heard two sets of footsteps gradually getting closer.

"You're finally awake then?" Captain Raven growled at him. Still angry at the lives his crew had sacrificed while facing him.

"Shut up halfbreed. If you had any idea of who he is you wouldn't dare speak to him like this!" Sophia yelled at him. 

Raven threw a look of disdain at her. His lips curled upwards in a vicious snarl. The more he got to know her the more he hated her guts. 

Taking a flask of water from her waist, Sophia gently and carefully poured it into Kace's mouth. Quenching his thirst. Smacking his lips a few times after swallowing he felt a lot better.

"What... happened?" Kace asked, a look of confusion upon his face.

"You don't remember?" Sophia asked with a calm yet concerned voice.

Kace shook his head in reply. He was desperate to find out what had happened after he had blacked out. He was completely at a loss as to where Captain Raven came into the picture as well.

It took Sophia a few hours to tell him everything that happened. Half of the time had been spent trying to find the correct words to use without offending him. Kace groaned loudly.

"A few days! I've been out for a few damn days?!" His despair grew deeper when she told him this crucial part.

It meant that they were nearing the end of the time limit that they had been set by Yul and the Gods only knew what would happen then. Beyond that, he had been mortified to discover that he was the one most responsible for Grugda's injuries.

Feeling helpless and lost he had no idea of what they should do anymore. Luckily that choice was basically taken out of his hands now. Raven was done with the Island. Everything he had been working for was nothing more than an unforgivable lie.

He was so angry with the whole situation that he did not even feel the need to tell them about the cave with the carvings. Though he would still allow them to leave the island on board his ship. There was something about marooning people that just did not sit right with him. Even if they did deserve it.

Kace still needed plenty of rest to recover and so the captain and Sophia took turns carrying each of them. The rest of the expedition crew that Raven had brought along had all perished in the following days since the fight. Leaving him with only half his crew left who were still waiting at the beach.

This had been the single greatest fuck up of his life. So many people had lost their lives believing that he was pursuing some great riches or another that would benefit them all. Instead, it had all been a scam. As he chased after an illusory love. One designed to bind him to act on the whims of another.

To what end though he had no idea and he no longer cared. 'When we get back to the ship I'm going to destroy that blasted bottle. Let's see her celebrate that!' Raven spat on the ground in disgust.

On the other hand, Sophia was cursing her mother. Wondering why she would dare to make another half-vampire after how all the others had turned out. It had become a criminal offence to create them. So she could not understand her mother's reasoning.

Not only that but her mother had abandoned her. Not even giving her an explanation apart from telling her that she had to be here when the time came. When she refused and tried to run away he mother had personally licked her in that ice tomb. Complete with Feliks to act as her own personal jailor.

She sincerely hoped that the would never see the wretched woman again. According to Raven during their talks, her mother had neither been seen nor heard of for a very long time. Making her wish very likely to come true.

Though it did upset her that she may never see another of her kind though. There had even been a handsome Vampire noble that she had her eye on back then. Now it was more a case of are any of them even still alive?

Unknown to each other every member of their little group was looking back at all the things they had done. Wondering if there was anything that they could have done differently. 

All of them tortured themselves with these thoughts. Wondering which path would best for them going forwards. After finding out that Kace was a chimera Sophia could already feel the chains of fate binding her tightly. Kace felt like they had somehow missed a critical opportunity. Raven, however, now wondered if his life had ever held any real meaning.

Each of them could only deal with their own regrets in their own way...

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