My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 67: A Wolf Emerges

Kace began to thrash around on the ground. His skin began to tighten around his body as it became malformed. New skin and hair began to grow over the top of new muscles that began to form over his clothing. Completely encasing him.

Even though he had lost consciousness his mind was still sent a notification from the system.

[Randomising DNA from stored chains. Randomisation complete. Forming the Chimera Body.]

The new body mass began to contort even more. His head began to resemble that of a wolf, ears, snout and all. His limbs, torso, hand and feet elongated as a tail sprouted from his newly formed rear. 

Silver coloured fur erupted to cover his body. If someone from earth were to see this sight then they would peg him as a werewolf. His body now reached around nine-foot-tall.

Kace's eyes snapped open to reveal his cold amber eyes. His mind was now filled with primal urges and the need to protect himself. Sending him into a beast-like rage straight after coming to.

Meanwhile, Feliks had been so surprised by the events that he had halted his attack. Instead retreating several steps to watch the whole process with curiosity. Once Kace's eyes fixed him in their sights his hair stood on end. Warning him of the impending danger.

Kace clumsily got to his feet. Never taking his eyes from Feliks. His mind was still adjusting to his new body. As soon as he was standing on both feet he threw back his head, releasing a soul-shaking howl.

In this form, his Kinetic Vision and Tracking abilities were always active. The Cyclops before him seemed to be moving in slow motion. His beast-like instinct took Feliks's hesitation as fear. Urging him persistently to attack.

With blinding speed, he launched himself forward. Without giving Feliks a chance to react he slid beneath the taller figures legs. Once on the other side, he leapt up to his back. Digging his claws in to get a handhold.

Darting upwards towards his shoulders Feliks began to roar in agony. Each time his skin was pierced by the claws it felt like a hot knife twisting inside of him. He began to thrash around in a panicked state, tossing Sophia against the barrier close to the doorway in the process.

Kace's wolf features released a snarl as he reached his shoulders. Opening his jaws wide to reveal his fangs right before chomping down on him. His fangs tore out a chunk of flesh as he ripped them away. Devouring it greedily.

Feliks managed to grab ahold of his tail as manically thrashed around. Grabbing onto it tightly he tore Kace from his back and began smashing him against the floor in a blind rage. Just like a toddler throwing a tantrum.

Kace growled in anger at being played with. His throat began to glow with a  red hot colour. Opening his mouth he spewed liquid fire on his aggressor's chest. Causing him to let go of his tail.

Feliks began slapping at the fire as his skin visibly melted away by the second. Becoming more furious with each passing moment. Realising it was hopeless he turned his eyes back on the wolf. Feeling that his life was definitely on the line in this fight.

It was at this moment that Grugda finally appeared in the doorway. Unable to go any further due to the barrier that had been constructed by Feliks himself.

Upon seeing the sight of the pair of monsters clashing he immediately understood what must have happened. A sense of grief filled his heart as he watched on. Kace had clearly lost control again.

He noticed Sophia laying on the ground. Awake and seemingly unharmed. Her mind had gone blank when she had seen Kace's new form. A slight pink tone began to flood her cheeks as she felt her long-dead hard skip a beat.

Kace and Feliks traded blows rapidly. With the help of his kinetic vision, the majority of his opponents blows passed him by harmlessly. However, Feliks himself was not faring well.

Each time he tried to land a blow Kace would leave vicious claw marks somewhere on his body. The damage was accumulating very quickly. It did not help his situation that his skin on his chest was slowly dripping down his body. 

His fear was beginning to reach peak levels. 'I have no choice!' He growled to himself. Releasing the magic barriers that he had set up to regain his magical prowess that would no longer be focused on them.

Grugda immediately pounced on the opportunity. Seizing Sophia by the arm as he dragged her past the two battling monsters. Intent on putting as much distance between them as possible.

Neither of them seemed to give a damn as they passed by. Safely rounding the corridor and bolting for the exit at breakneck speeds. 'If he. Turns on. Us. It will be. The end.' Grugda thought solemnly in his desperation. Leaving the pair far behind.

The battle between Feliks and Kace began to intensify. Feliks now used his magic to create barriers to protect himself. This allowed him to begin evening the battlefield. He now aimed to strike Kace with counters. 

He knew that with Kace's reflexes he could easily dodge any attack thrown at him. However, a counter was completely different. It would catch him off guard and unbalanced. A poor situation to be in to protect yourself.

Kace felt the heavy blows raining down on himself. His instincts warned him that he could no longer win in this manner. Using his reflexes he quickly jumped backwards. Putting distance between the two of them.

His eyes narrowed as his beast of a mind began to analyse the best course of action. He fell on all falls and roared at Feliks. The cyclops prepared a thick barrier as he sensed mana flowing into the overgrown wolf.

"Don't you dare think that you'll be taking even one more bite out of me, you filthy dog!" Feliks roared in indignation. As he leapt forward with a mass of mana gathered in his hands

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