My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 66: Got My Eye On You

The beast itself was massive. It was humanoid in nature with two heads and fours arms extending from its torso. Its heads were brushing against the ceiling of the corridor which stood fifteen foot in height.

Each of its heads housed a single large eyeball. A pair of long curled horns extended from each forehead. Its skin was a pale blue colour, ripped with muscle. A large piece of fabric wrapped around its middle like a loincloth.

Kace shuddered as he was caught in its gaze. The thing did not carry any weapons but by the feeling of the static mana radiating from it, he probably did not need any.

"Feliks!" Sophia yelped. Her complexion turned even paler than its usual tone.

She quickly tried to retreat but it was too late. She had already caught Feliks attention. One of his large hands swiftly swept down, encasing her in his fist as he lifted her to take a look at her.

"Sophia!" Feliks voice boomed out as if a grenade had just gone off. "Why are you out of your room! You're still under house arrest!"

The giant's heads took turns while it spoke. Leaving Kace wondering which head he should focus his attention on. He was wary of any sudden movements Feliks might take. Keeping his eyes moving to the slightest hint of a reaction from him.

"It wasn't me! They... They let me out!" Sophia complained like a spoiled child. Selling them out with her finger pointed at them.

Feliks turned his attention back to the two small monsters, well small in his eyes anyway. With a focused gaze, he appraised his first visitors in centuries.

"There are rules you know!" His loud voice caught them off guard. They had expected him to try and catch or kill them. Never would they have guessed that he would choose to open a dialogue with them first.

"If you want to take the princess you must defeat me in battle first!" His statement was like his warcry. 

Before they could reply Feliks bounded towards them. Kace managed to avoid the first that was aimed at him. Ploughing through the now empty space like a wrecking ball gone out of control.

Grugda was not so lucky. Being unable to use his magic in this place left him more vulnerable than usual. Taking the full brunt of the impact he was sent flying back down the stairs that had been behind him. Kace grew even more concerned when his opponent's stats popped up.

[Name: Feliks]

[Race: Twin-Headed Cyclops]

[Level: ???]

There was no point to him reading any further as his sight was full of question marks. It left him feeling like he was already on the losing side.

Gritting his teeth he swung his halberd. Determined to take a chunk out of Feliks's arm. When the blade struck it rebounded as though it had just struck a solid rock. Not even leaving any sign of a mark.

Like swatting a fly Feliks quickly retaliated. Slapping him with the back of his hand. Kace felt blood splitter out of his mouth as he slammed into the wall behind him. Positive in the knowledge that at least a few ribs had been broken.

Feliks laughed at him. There was no way either of them had the strength to take him on. An ice spear rapidly flew towards his eye. His answer to the attack was to break out in a wide grin.

Before it even reached him it shattered into tiny pieces. Having struck an invisible wall of pure mana. The pieces floated down like snowflakes, breaking Kace's hopes that his surprise attack could buy himself some time.

When his attack failed he immediately turned his back to Feliks and began to run for his life. Every fibre of his being was yelling at him that if he continued he was guaranteed to die.

Before he could pass the doorway leading to the lower levels where Grugda had been blown to, Feliks washed a hand. A clear shimmering wall of mana appeared blocking his path of retreat.

As he turned back around he realised that Feliks had done the same with the path behind himself. Basically trapping Kace in a cage with him.

"Fuck you!" Kace roared as he sprang forward, terrified of the outcome.

Feliks had to admit that this ant had courage. At least to some extent anyway. Most usually cowered in a corner till he popped their heads between his thumb and forefinger like a grape.

However, he was not one to show mercy to the enemy just because of a silly thing like this. He brutally swiped his hand again, crushing Kace's entire body against the wall.

His bones all over his body snapped from the impact. Causing him to scream in agony as the broken shards pierced his skin. Kace wept uncontrollably as he was released. Dropping hard to the floor causing even more pain to his broken body.

His health bar flashed rapidly in the corner of his eye. As with each passing second, the few remaining points quietly ticked away. 

Feliks snorted at him, aware that he was no longer a contender. He had no time to waste on such a pathetic weakling. With coldly calculated steps, he approached Kace at a pace designed to maximise his intimidating presence. 

There had even been a few cases in the past of people dying just from seeing him approach in such a manner. Kace's mind was reeling, depending on what happened next this could very likely spell the end for him!

Feliks cupped his three remaining free hands into a single fist. His attention was clear for anyone who witnessed it. The attack came racing down, intending to pulverise Kace's already broken body into something completely unrecognisable!

Kace could only watch helplessly as his end approached. A new wave of adrenaline rushed through his body lighting his nerves on fire from within. 'Oh shit! Not again!' He thought as his mind began to black out. A single notification swam in his view.

[Chimera Racial Talent: Beast Mode. Activated]

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