My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 65: Guardian

"Pathetic!" Said a beautiful yet seething voice.

This was the first thing Kace heard as he came to. Feeling groggy and confused he looked around the room. Only to realise the woman he thought he had dreamt up was real. 

His face instantly turned bright red from embarrassment as he thought about the impromptu proposal he had tried to make. Right before being brutally rejected.

"You men are all the same. Thinking with the head in your pants instead of the perfectly good one on your shoulders!" She exclaimed in an exasperated voice as she noticed his passionate glance.

"We need to. Get off the. Island." Grugda nudged him while saying this. Kace was startled by this and turned his attention on the Eljein.

"What happened while I was out?" Kace asked when he realised how serious Grugda was being.

"There's going. To..."

"He's much too slow!" The woman cut in, annoying the usually calm Grugda. "My name's Sophia. I was left behind by the queen in case a day ever came where I was needed by you idiots that Her Majesty abandoned."

Kace felt himself becoming disillusioned with her charming beauty. The more she spoke the more he remembered that looks are not everything. 'Her attitude stinks to the high heavens. What gives her the right huh?' He threw a sneer in her direction. Completely doing a one-eighty in the way he treated her.

"So why the rush then?" Kace snarled. Not willing to let her off with the way she was treating them.

"Simple," Sophia confidently replied. "We have roughly four days until the annual binding of the Island's true ruler runs out. When that happens we'll all die."

Kace found it hard to just swallow this information that she easily stated in a matter of fact way. Looking to Grugda for some sort of reassurance he could only discern a trace of fear in his eyes.

"Can't we just hide if it's so dangerous?" 

"It's Yul. From what your large friend here has told me you're already acquainted with him right?" Sophia smiled mockingly at him. "Do you believe you would be able to hide from him if he were serious?"

Kace inwardly cursed to himself. Her argument was sound and had him by the balls. Making him feel very uncomfortable with the situation. 

"Do you have a way off this island?" Kace asked almost hopefully. 

Looking at him like he was a complete idiot she could only shake her head with denial. Her luscious silver hair rippled along with the graceful movement. Kace scoffed at this, no way would he let her switch him again!

"I don't but you do!" Sophia replied with a triumphant smile as she pointed a slender finger at him. "You must have arrived on board a ship correct? Unless the world has changed a great deal since the last time I was awake."

Kace felt helpless at her suggestion. He was not averse to the notion of slaying the crew. However, it would leave them with a new problem. They would have no way to sail it without them.

"We don't have to kill them, you idiot. With my charm, we can simply suggest it would be a good idea for us all to leave the island together. They'll probably go for it."

This was much more feasible in Kace's mind. He had experienced her 'charm' first hand so it would likely have a high chance of success. As he thought about it he could see that Sophia had suddenly started looking around the room with confusion in her eyes.

"Is something wrong?" Kace finally asked after watching her for a while.

"Well, I was just thinking." She murmured as she placed a finger on her chin in thought. "I don't see the guardian here so that means you killed it in another room right?"

Looking at each other with a guilty conscious they could shake their heads in answer. Sophia stood upright abruptly. 'If they didn't kill it then...'

"Guys we have to move!" She suddenly yelled, her voice overflowed with alarm.

They had no idea what was going on with her. However, they never got the chance to ask. In the next second, she was racing past them. Heading for the exit. 'They have no idea what they've done! Come on. We have to get out of here!'

Seeing her do this made them jump into action. They swiftly caught up to her on the staircase leading back to the ground floor. If the thing scared her that much then they definitely did not want to meet it!

This was just wishful thinking though. Kace let out a heavy sigh while cursing his bad luck. No sooner than they had reached the top, they could clearly hear heavy footsteps moving down the corridor around the other side of the corner ahead of them.

With only the lower levels behind them that held no escape route and the creature about to come into view, they were caught between a rock and a hard place.

Grugda began to infuse mana throughout his body as he mentally prepared himself for the fight that was sure to come. Sophia, on the other hand, seemed to be considering whether making a mad dash for it would be the best option.

Place gripped his halter tightly. Adrenaline flowed through his body like a burst dam. He began observing the corridor for any possible way out only to have his hopes crushed.


The footsteps grew closer betraying the size of the beast from the heavy sounds. Place hissed as Sophia dashed out in an attempt to cross the intersection before it could round the corner. Her efforts were in vain though. She was no further than steps it when a giant foot stomped down right in the centre.

Kace let out a loud gasp as the guardian finally revealed its horrifying self.

"Fuck me!" He involuntarily yelled as it fixed him in its sights.

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