My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 68: The Hunt

As Feliks pressed forward with his assault Kace opened his mouth wide. Spewing Ice Spears at his opponent like it was nothing. It took Feliks too long to notice that the attack was concentrated on a single area.

Inevitably his barrier began to display cracks, right before breaking under the pressure. Several of the Ice Spears penetrated his massive frame. Slowing him down as he attempted to push through the pain.

Kace nimbly sprang to the side, avoiding the mana charged blow the cyclops had prepared. The air in his previous position exploded with incredible force. Creating something like an extremely powerful air cannon.

Kace's fur raised on end. His instincts were screaming that if he had taken the blow he would have a brand new arsehole. Instead of fear, it triggered a deeper rage within him. This ugly brute had the gall to think that he could be defeated in a single strike.

His growl rose in intensity, causing the air to vibrate. Using his speed and agility he began running circles around his opponent. Causing Feliks to lose sight of him more than once.

In his desperation, Feliks began creating random barriers that would last a second. Eventually, he heard a yelp as Kace smashed his muzzle in one of them. The halt to his movements gave Feliks the time he needed to land a blow.

Striking Kace's ribs and breaking them, he sent the wolf flying. Unfortunately for him, he did not have the time to charge his fist with mana. He could feel himself losing control of the battle with each exchange.

He inwardly sighed realising that if he continued then he would either die. Or kill the first candidate to ever have actually passed the test he was there administer. He could not afford to kill his opponent anymore but the threat to his life might actually force him to use his trump card.

It was clear to him that Kace had no self-control in his current form. So he would have to keep him contained long enough for Sophia to escape. With burning determination, he leapt back into the fray.

Kace's beast-like instincts were improving the longer the battle ensued. This form and mindset had barely any combat experience. Having only been used once before. Although he was in danger his mind was relishing the challenge. 

He swiftly darted in as he managed to avoid the new barriers Feliks had set up. His opponent was prepared and began to swing his punches at the moment he knew Kace would reach him.

However, before they could land, Kace pushed himself up into his upright stance. Avoiding the blows that had been aimed with precision for where his head would be on all fours.

His throat glowed blindingly hot before releasing a new blast of Fire Spit directly into one of Feliks's eyes. Blinding that head and causing the cyclops to roar in grief and agony.

The liquid fire quickly destroyed the eyeball. Melting into the socket before burning a hole down into his naval cavity. After that, it burned through the roof of the mouth and turned the tongue in that head into a bloody mess.

Feliks knew that he would not have a lot of time if he wanted to save himself from permanent damage. Summoning an insane amount of mana into each hand he performed a deafening clap like thunder.

The mana infused with air currents created from his clap. Flowing away from his body. The entire corridor was filled by the attack leaving Kace with no way out.

When it struck his body he lost his footing. It was like a tornado sucking him up into the air and trapping him. The air currents carried him rapidly. Blowing his body so far past the intersection that Feliks himself became a small dot.

His body hit the ground but he noticed that the attack did little to no damage to himself. It was obviously just used to create a massive amount of distance to buy time. Not wanting to give his prey the chance to complete his plan, he sprinted with all his strength.

He could see Feliks's waving rapidly through the air. Distorting the natural mana. He did not like the feeling of whatever he was preparing to do.

As he rapidly approached the cyclops he let out a bone-chilling howl. In the hopes, it would distract him long enough to arrive on time. Feliks, on the other hand, was too focused on his task to care.

Soon his preparations were complete. Space itself distorted opening a window to somewhere else entirely. Feliks could feel the maddening bloodlust that Kace had begun to emit. Furious that the cyclops was about to escape him.

With a wave of his hands and a dark smile, Feliks stepped through to the other side. Quickly dismantling the entrance. Leaving the enraged wolf all alone on the other side.

Kace snapped his head back and forth. Attempting to find some trace of a trail that may be left behind with tracking. There was nothing to find though causing him to howl once again at the loss.

Then in the back of his mind, a light bulb turned on. Turning his head towards the intersection he discovered two trails headed in the same direction.

He let out a vicious snarl as he selectively remembered that Feliks seemed to care for the female in some sense. So all he had to do was find her.

If all went well Feliks would try to interfere. If not, well he could always enjoy himself with torturing the little toy before taking something precious to him.

He sniffed at the air to identify which scent belonged to each of the prey. This way if they separated later on then he would not make the mistake of chasing the wrong target.

His eyes lit anew with fury and excitement in equal parts. This was the true nature of this form he had taken. 'Let the hunt begin...'

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