My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 59: Yul's Game

The thing that had worked it's way up his body swayed into view. It was an extremely long muscular arm but at its tip were five, baby sized hands. Its skin matched that of the face in the ceiling.

As he stared, horrified at yet another disturbing image, the face began to move. To be more precise, its beard was moving. Kace could hear numerous things sliding across the ground before him.

With complete horror he realised that this baby handed tentacle was actually just one of many strands that made up the creatures beard. 'How many would there be? A hundred? Maybe two hundred?' Panic completely sunk into his brain.

In this situation there would be no fighting back and no escaping either. His fingers gripped his halberd tight, for the first time in a long time he felt completely helpless. He had no idea what this thing could do, just facing the bearded tentacles would take up all his concentration to put up a small and futile fight.

Even worse was the fact that the face did not appear to even have a body! Just that massive face clinging to the roof of the cavern. From the top of the head to the chin the thing was around 15 foot. Then considering how far he had been dragged by the beard well... he could not even begin to fathom how far it could reach.

This cavern was completely cramped in comparison, he would be caught and ripped apart in seconds! If he was lucky that is. Cringing at the thought he took a step back.

Only to be pushed in the back by one of the scarily strong baby hands. With a helpless look plastered on his face he could do nothing but stare back at the creature.

"Now, now. Don't be scared. We're all friends here right?" The face said in the same terrifying voice it had spoken in before. Like a cat playing with a trapped mouse.

With its large bulging eyes it slowly appraised its new toy... ahem, friend. Seeing that he was too scared to even flap his gums the ancient being decided to take the initiative.

"I am Yul Basc. Yul will do though. And you are called Kace. Correct?" Yul said in what he believed to be his friendliest tone. Though to Kace's ear it sounded like impending death.

"Y-yes!" Kace spluttered out. Condemning himself for letting his fear show and wondering how Yul knew his name.

"There's no need to be so guarded little one." Yul chortled. "I just invited you both here to see if you would be interested in a little game?"

"Both of us? Where's Grugda?" At the mentioning from Yul that he had brought two people down here Kace felt some life come back to his body. 

"Now, now. Your friend was hasty too. Unfortunately that's why he had to take a nap." Yul flashed him his most impressive toothy grin. Sending fear into Kace's soul once again.

Yul's beard parted in two, revealing an unconscious Grugda laying behind it. With a single tentacle he picked him up, gently placing him at Kace's feet.

"Now then. As for the game I mentioned." Yul continued on, uncaring as to whether Kace was listening to him or not. "I shall give you two a generous seven days. Within those seven days you'll be required to bring a few things to me. First, you'll fetch me the head of the guardian that rests within the caves on the mountain neighbouring this one. Second, bring me the key to the treasury that the vampires left behind. Lastly, you must find and bring to me any red liquid you find within those ruins hiding the caverns. Do you accept my offer?"

It was obviously meant to sound enticing, maybe even sweet. However all Kace could hear was the veiled threats and empty words that Yul was really saying.

"If we win? What then?" Kace wanted to hear some kind of guarantee. His senses heightened to their max to try and determine if a single lie would pass Yul's lips when he responded.

"Then naturally I will set you both free and reward you!" Yup said in a sickening, sing song like way.

Listening carefully to each word Kace nodded with satisfaction. Yul was a strange and horrifying creature. However it seemed he was no liar.

"Very well. We'll accept the game."

"Oh how wonderful!" Yul trilled in his eerie voice. Sounding genuinely delighted by the thought. "You can go back to the surface through that way!"

Kace watched as one of the baby hands pointed towards on of the many tunnels that lead from the room. 'Those things belong in a fucking horror movie!' He silently screamed to himself as he half dragged Grugda behind him. Desperate to get the job over with.

As they left the cavern Yul flashed a brilliantly hungry smile. 'I will definitely set your souls free and reward you with an almost painless death!' Yul chuckled to himself as hundreds of baby hands rubbed themselves together in glee.

"Just seven more days. That's all you have. After all. In seven days all hell will break loose!" Yul yelled into the cavern, causing his voice to echo heavily.

Kace shuddered as he heard it. He had no clue if seven days would be enough or not. After what felt like forever of dragging the dead weight that was Grugda, he could finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.

The sound of rain hammered down from outside as he hurriedly rushed to breathe fresh air. With deep breaths his nerves finally began to calm down.

Allowing him to take in his surroundings. With a gasp of surprise he realised how far they had travelled. They were now situated halfway up the bordering mountain to the one they had been headed to.

"How! I could have sworn we were dragged downwards!" Kace could not help but bellow with incredulity.

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