My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 60: Crimson Warning

Kace felt horrible and completely downcast. He had dragged Grugda partway down the mountain to find shelter from the rain. He could have waited in the exit of Yul's home but who could rest easy with that thing so close?

His brows furrowed into a tight not as he considered their options. The first would be to get the hell off of this cursed island but who knew when they would be able to return again. The other option was to investigate the lead on the vampires that Yul had unexpectedly delivered to them before making a run for it.

They could turn over everything Yul asked for, the creature had not lied back there. Though what if one of the things he asked for would actually anger those he was trying to get on his side? Kace wiped the fearful sweat from his brow.

Even now Yul's presence was still having an effect on him. Like his body just knew that he was still in danger. Kace eyed the web he had placed over the entrance to the natural recess.

The threads glistened as the sunlight reflected off the raindrops that were caught in it. He could only sigh in exasperation at the turn of events since arriving here.

He had thought he had grown quite a bit since leaving on his journey. It turned out he was only fooling himself. This had been a wake up call for him. There were still so many unknowns in the world. The most important one being that he had no clue how strong others or himself could become.

Yul was the perfect example of this. Since Yul had grabbed him it obviously triggered his system to give him the enemies information. However everything had come as as mere question marks. 

'So either he was using some sort of ability that could hide it or more likely there's too large of a gap between us.' Kace felt depressed at this thought. It had been a common thing in the games of his past life for that to be the case. This was real life though and he could not afford to bite off more than he could chew.

A soft groan came from beside him. It seemed that sleeping beauty was finally waking up. He watched with concern as Grugda got his bearings.

When the Eljein notices him sitting beside him his face fell into a look of despair. Thinking that he had been captured as well.

"Relax. We're not anywhere near that fugly thing anymore." Kace said with a slightly forceful chuckle. Trying to ease his friends concerns.

With a more serious look on his face he explained to Grugda all that had happened. Including the details of the game he had agrees for them to play. Hoping to get his take on things.

"Hmm. Not ideal. Can we trust. Him?" Grugda could only ask since he had been unconscious for the whole thing 

"I couldn't pick up any trace of a lie." It was not much of an answer but it was the only one Kace could give. A sense of hopelessness laced his voice.

"Just because. You couldn't. Sense It. Does not mean. It's the full. Truth." Grugda replied solemnly.

Kace knew that this comment made sense. However he had no idea what Yul was really thinking.

"He is already. So powerful. Why need. Us?" Grugda contemplated aloud.

Kace weighed the weight of these words carefully. It was true that Yul was definitely a powerful being with a wide reach. So why could he not take care of these tasks himself?

With a heavy heart Kace dispelled the spider web over the entrance. Taking hold of his halberd he willed himself forward. Standing at the opening his gaze settled on the mountain across from them.

"For now, all we can do is move forward." He said with a chilly tone. "Either way, we're going to survive. No matter what we have to do."

Grugda eyed Kace's back as his coat fluttered in the wind. A sense of admiration filled him for the young monsters words. However a feeling of doubt was also mixed in. Since he had an idea of what Kace meant when he said whatever we have to do.

'Let us. Hope. It does not. Come to that.' Grugda pensively thought as he remembered the horrifying events of a few months ago.

Pulling his travelling cloak tightly around himself he brought himself to Kace's side. A look of warmth towards family filled all three of his eyes as he looked down at the stalwart figure.

With that shared moment between them they set foot out into the rain. Eager to get this business over with. For the next half a day they traversed the desolate mountain paths.

There was no sign of any other kind of life. The rugged terrain made for hard going but they persevered. Continuously aware that they were working against the clock.

As they began to tire, they spotted an usual outcrop on the mountain. They were almost a quarter of the way up towards the summit. They had no idea where the caves were that Yul had mentioned so they could only hope to spot something from higher ground.

The vast jungle spread out before them at the foot of the mountain. They could see more giant beasts moving around from up here than they cared to count.

"We should head for that outcrop. If we're lucky we might be able to get a decent bit of shelter for the night." Kace spoke in quiet tones so that the wind would not carry his voice.

Grugda turned his eyes to the darkening skies. Signalling the oncoming of night. A crimson streak could be seen hiding behind the clouds.

'An ill omen. The gods. Are warning. Us.' He thought as he silently studied the sky.

"Yes. Let us seek. Protection over. There." He replied. Not sharing his foreboding thoughts with Kace.

Having reached an agreement the pair set course. Unaware it was the very same place that Raven was aiming for...

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