My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 58: Swamp Things

"Grugda! Now!" Kace yelled confidently as he leapt aside.

Seven sharp spears of earth sped forward. Having used Kace's body to block the creatures view it was caught completely unaware. Before it could react the spears pierced through it's singular large eyeball, popping it like a balloon. Slaying it instantly.

Kace looked at the creature with a hint of disgust. It was exactly like a giant toad, ignoring the fact it had a single eyeball. Its long tongue was barbed with poison.

The Cycload, as Kace had dubbed it, had given them quite the workout. Keeping them on their toes for the past half hour. A full day had passed since they seperated from the rest of the crew.

They knew roughly where the ship was located by using the mountain range as a marker. Though they had no idea where they should start searching. The only thing they knew for certain was what direction the Captain was headed in. That was enough for them to decide not to follow his lead.

Instead they had tried to head around the side of the mountain range. Only to be met with sharp cliffs right in the middle of the jungle. When Kace had tried to scale them a large eight winged bird type beast had taken flight from above.

It had swooped down on him, scaring the absolute shit out of him. Literally! He had no reliable means at the moment to deal with aerial enemies so they could only give up on it. After cleaning himself off they had followed the cliffs towards the very mountain they wanted to avoid.

The jungle had grown quieter the closer they came to it. Until eventually the ground underneath them began to resemble a swamp. That was when they had begun to run into these Cycloads.

Kace had gained +300 Experience, +3 Endurance and +2 Agility from eating them during their hunts. Unfortunately, after the third, he had gained nothing.

At this point they were just treating the things as a type of training. Luckily this one had attacked while they had relatively solid ground beneath their feet. Making the whole ordeal alot easier on them.

Kace had lost count of how many times his [Natures Pact] skill had kicked in. Preventing him from being poisoned by the local plant life. With a heavy sigh Kace plunged himself into the waist high swamp water. Preparing to start wading  through it again.

He let out a small chuckle as a hint of joy briefly lit up his eyes. Remembering the time when Kharja had made fun of Gyn as they travelled through the swamp before meeting Grugda. The light of joy was soon replaced with a dreadful coldness as he remembered their funeral. As well as those responsible for taking them from this world.

He was certain it would only be a matter of time before the Heroes came here looking for him. He was not willing to hope that they would not be able to get their hands on a ship. 'Come if you dare!' He snarled mentally as a wrathful storm descended upon his face.

Grugda silently kept an eye on him as he sensed the change in his mood. Rapidly moulding the mana in his body incase the worst case scenario occurred. 'Not again! Not now!' Grugda silently prayed as his body filled with power.

Like a switch being flicked off the change in Kace's demeanor withdrew, retreating back into a dark corner of his mind. Grugda's tension seeped away as he noticed his return to normalcy. 'Thank the. God's.' 

They slaughtered a few more Cycloads as they continued through the swamp. Everything from the waste down was soaked and covered in some sort of slime that rested on the waters surface.

Kace heard a sudden splash from behind him, followed by the sound of bubbles popping. His head swivelled slowly, afraid of what he might see.

Instead he discovered nothing. Not a living thing. That was the most terrifying thing about it though. Since you until just a moment ago Grugda had been behind him.

The waters surface was calm, no sign of anything struggling for air disturbed its tranquility. Kace's uneasiness grew by the second. Obviously there was something dangerous nearby but how did it make his friend disappear? 

He instinctly knew that panicking about his friends safety would do no good right now. He had to forget him and focus on his own survival for now. His eyes constantly shifted across the water. Patiently waiting for some kind of sign of imposing danger.

Seconds ticked by, turning to minutes and eventually hours. The cold was beginning to sink into his bones as the black of night began to creep across the already dark skies.

'Damn it! I can't wait anymore! I have to get out of this water, then I can think about Grugda!' With gritted teeth he took his first step towards a nearby raised patch of land.

As soon as he made this step the ripples sent a signal to through the water to a creature of horror. Its ancient eyes slowly drew open. 'Finally! Its friend has appeared!' The being thought maliciously as its eyes slowly turned towards Grugda laying in a corner.

From all around Kace the water began to ripple and slice apart as a large number of things suddenly decided to close in. Holding his halberd at the ready he began to run for the shore. 

The ripples quickly cut him off though, leaving him with no room to advance or retreat. He felt several of these things wrap around his legs. He could have sworn he also felt a number of things like hands grabbing hold of him as an extra precaution.

With barely a moment to take a deep breath he was dragged under.  He felt the water rush past as he was dragged along the swamp bed. Suddenly he felt like he was being dragged deeper. It struck him then that the swamp was hiding a large hole and he was being dragged inside!

He was swiftly pulled through a serious of underwater caves. Banging his head on several walls as he went. 'How much longer!' He wanted to scream but that would be suicidal.

Eventually relief filled his body as he was pulled out from the murky water. Gasping desperately for air, his lungs felt as though they were on fire. Water dripped from his face as he glanced around. Only for the most chilling voice he had ever heard to echo in his ear.

"Welcome, to my home..."

Kace's eyes were involuntarily drawn upwards. The stone ceiling of the cavern he had been dragged into was nowhere in sight. Instead a giant, old looking grey skinned face filled the entirety of where it should be.

Its skin was cracking visibly with each facial movement. The cracks would then peel away and fall to the floor. As soon as it hit the floor it made the sound of stone falling on stone. Right before breaking apart as if it were as fragile as porcelain.

He felt something slide up his leg but he was too scared to take his eyes off of the face. He had the feeling he would die instantly if he did.

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