Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 226: Two Knights.

Two Knights were born!

Each with a heavy fate on their shoulders.

Born in the Powerful Saharan Empire….(Yes it is a coincidence…Yes, I am indeed aware of it.)

The Emperor had a bright smile:

"Finally…They are born."

He continued startling the two Vizris:

"My Second and Third Knights."

Lelouch nodded and narrowed his eyes.

'This means that the Imperial Knight order will finally be born.'

He became serious. After all he knew who the First knight of the Empire was…

He was no less than the Marshall, Shining Lion!!

Although, on the bright side. It seemed that each of the Marshalls were independent entities.

Some of them will be related somehow to a particular military order.

For example, Red Falcon is more attached to the Jannisaries.

And…Shining Lion is more attached to the Imperial Knights.

It is less about factions but more about Personal Tendencies. After all, none of them will actually become the real leaders of these factions.

They will more likely be famed as Symbols…Symbols of Power for each faction to strive to.

Of course…Green Monkey's faction is still unclear, as for Black Bear…

Well…For him the less people know about that guy, the better. If a day pass, without him sullying the reputation of the Empire, that would already be a win.

And for a faction to be attached to a Marshall, then it means it's importance is no less than the Jannisaries themselves!!

It seemed the Emperor wasn't only interested in Braham.

The Three looked at the first born.

The knight Piaro since his youth….The people observed the man as he piled achievement after the other.

Schneizel analyzed:

"He is perfect….A perfect Hero."

Lelouch nodded:

"To think a simple virtual reality could give birth to such great characters."

The Vizirs looked at Piaro who fought in the wars of the Empire and became a symbol of the prestige of the Empire in simply 12 years with admirations.

His Red Knights followed him blindly.

His aura was powerful.

And his achievements were endless.

Schneizel narrowed his eyes as he looked at Asmophel:

"If one was to point out one flaw was like other Heroes he lacks self-awerness."

"He isn't conscient of his own brilliance, and this why he can easily alienate people."

Lelouch smirked:

"That Duke Limit in particular doesn't seem to take this very well."

The Emperor responded plainly with a totally different fault:

"It isn't Piaro's fault, Amosphel's fault or even the Limit's Fault."

"It's not even Marie's or Astaroth's fault."

"The real issue is with the Emperor himself."

The Emperor eyes were somber as he looked at Juander Saharan:

"No matter what, an Empire is a different entity than a Kingdom or another country or federation."

"In a Empire, no matter what….The first thing that needs to shade the Empire is the Imperial Power."

"The Imperial Power needs to become a shade that protects everything and everyone."

"Under that shade, even if countless Heroes appeared, even if they brought forth admiration and jealousy. It would never be extreme; on the contrary it will only create a safe environment for competition."

Marek spoke curtly:

"The problem here is more the over-reliance Juander has on Piaro."

"While it is normal to trust one's knight with his life."

"On the contrary, It is an enormous sin to rely on him."

"The Knight protects the Emperor, and the Knight relies and follows his Emperor."

"This the way it is supposed to be."

"Even if the knight Piaro is powerful and brilliant, it is him who should rely on the Emperor and the Empire to shine even more brightly."

"Juander lost himself in the brilliance of Piaro, and made the whole Empire lose the sight of it's own vastness and grandness."

"No Matter what, since it's establishment, this Empire had a lot of great knights."

"The Mentality of Juander comes of an innate insecurity in his own ability to be worthy of the legacy of his own Ancestors."

"In other word, since the beginning…."

He then announced his verdict coldly:

"He is unfit to be an Emperor."

The words and analysis of Marek made everyone speechless. When they saw the situation of the Empire, the two Vizirs felt that although the Empire seemed powerful. There seemed to be something terribly wrong with it's own structure.

It was indeed true. Let's take for example the current Atleasian Empire. Even if all of them are extremely competent in their manner, even if the Empire possesses the Marshall that could topple the whole continent.

The Emperor never relied on them. Although he trust them deeply…Giving them more work than their title could take is only diserving them.

The Marshalls can become a powerful symbol of the Empire. But if they took care of every single thing, were consulted by Marek about every single matter. The Empire will become skewed.

Even if the Marshalls are powerful, they only had one role. And they had to do it right.

They could do it peacefully and without worry, exactly because the Emperor's shade is protecting everyone's position, and leading development of the Empire.

Schneizel eyes narrowed:

"It seems something bad is about to happen."

Lelouch nodded:

"The Atmosphere of their Empire isn't right."

Bulma's eyes were a little lost…While she is smart on her own accord, she never had the keen eyes of a politician:

"Uh…It seems their Empire is doing great, no?"

Marek's eyes then moved to another screen. A little blue haired girl was training on the barracks of the trainee knights of Titan, under the bewildered eyes of numerous senior knights.

Her movement was fluid and without any fluctuation her peculiar eyes followed her, as if trying to see through her own flaws. Her eyes were like blue little gems, that seemed to hide unimaginable power

Marek's eyes narrowed as they changed to their Rinnegan Form, a small smile on:

"Not bad…"

"Those eyes of her…"

"They have the same potential…No…They surpass even the potential of the Sharingan."

"An eye, that could see through the everything. Great Talent."

Lelouch became solemn, and so was Schneizel…Needless to say everyone knew of the potential of the Sharingan. Schneizel laughed lightly:

"It would be tough to get her to swear loyalty to you, your majesty."

There was a hint of amusement in his tone, but one could see that he has already seen through the character of the woman.

Lelouch had a difficult face on:

"I have trouble with this kind of character the most. She reminds me of Suzaku."

"Only...She seems much more annoying."

Lelouch, felt that if such person joined the Empire. They would all have a hard time.

'How could they infer so much things just from an image…?'

'Am I that stupid?'

Seing Bulma's bewildered face, Schneizel explained:

"If people like Braham or Orochimaru are born Magus."

"This person in front of us, is a born knight. She is born for knighthood and nothing else."

Lelouch voice was a little bitter:

"Her eyes are clear, her posture is straight, she had that light in her eyes. That only those extremely annoying unyielding people have."

"She is a born knight, alright."

"And not a normal one."

Schneizel sighed:

"Indeed…If this kind of powerful character appeared on a senior knight it would already be admirable."

"But this is only a 10 year old little girl. And she is even lost her parents early."

"This is not even education, this pure unadulterated talent."

"She is born this way."

Lelouch addressed Marek:

"Your Majesty…I think you should make a move now."

"Even now it is difficult."

"If this kind of person swear her allegiance and become an official knight. She will never take back her oath."

"Even if she were to die."

Marek nodded earnestly:

"You are both right."

"But…If she wasn't this kind of person..."

"Would she be worthy to be my knight?"

He spoke a slight smile on.

"Don't worry…If I can't take a knight from that incapable little man calling himself Emperor, would I still be worthy of my name?"

"Actually…I already started the process a little while ago."

"Why do you think such a young child is training so obssesively?"

The two looked at the Emperor's sneaky smile.

"I used her own eyes, to show her a portion of her future."

"And in her future, her Empire is destroyed and she dies under the might of the Insane Dragon Nevarthan."

The took a deep breath. Lelouch exclaimed:

"So she is training this dilengtly, because…"

Marek smiled lightly:

"Yes…She wants to defeat the Dragon and protect her country."

It should be known that Dragons in Satisfy are known as the most powerful species looking down on mortals and gods alike!!

Just the sight of it is enough to plunge even Juander in endless misery and fear.

This is a catastrophe Episode and it's result is the destruction of all the countries in the West Continent!!

This not something a single human could ever dream of shouldering!!

Yet even when she was with her own eyes the sight of that Dragon, the sight of despair and it's unlimited raw power…She didn't lose herself and began to train with unwavering determination!!

Lelouch took a deep breath and his gaze was strange as he looked at the little girl. As if he was looking at a freak!!

"What the hell…?"

"Is she planning to take on a Dragon herself?"

"If she already accessed the Library so be it…But now…Just what kind of will is that?"

"Is this really a child?!"

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