Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 225: Apex of the World!!

The Book seemed rather thick, but it was weird the more one, turned the page, one aother would appear.

Bulma took in a deep breath:

"What the hell?!!"

Lelouch took a deep breath:

"Knuth's iterated powers…"

"It is supposedly given with the most basic numbering language our civilization could understand."

Bulma's eyes were still deep in shock!

"How can one entity have so many flaws!! It's impossible!!"

"If we tried to write all his flaws even the whole Universe wouldn't be enough!!"

Schneizel had a bitter smile:

"It's not Braham who is too flawed, but the Imperium Standard is too high."

"On the other hand…If one fixed all the flaws…"

"He would become the most perfect of his self, in the eyes of the Imperium."

"If he fixed all this flaws Braham would become the most powerful Magus in all the history of the Vega Dynasty!!"

Lelouch nodded:

"Just one book contained this much information."

"It seems we need to accelerate our platforms of knowledge, if we want to process all of this."

Braham's eyes widened:

"Just what is this…"

He laughed weakly:

"Even if I I was still immortal I would still not have enough time, to read through all this."

He started even laughing even louder:

"To think, that, I Braham Eshwald, would one day would know something as too much knowledge!!"

He took the book in his hand and asked:

"Only listed the flaws in magic!"

Immediately, the pages of the book started turning…And knew pages appeared.

"Braham Eshwald magic related flaws:

Flaws: 5,676….↑ ↑ ….. ↑76899 Flaws….First Flaw :…..

Braham brows tightened as he asked again:

"List the Flaws that need to be fixed so I could become the strongest being in this world."

Immediately new pages became to be formed.

"Braham Eshwald's Flaws to be fixed to reach the ceiling of the virtual world codename 'Satisfy'"

34789 Flaws."

Braham eyes widened:

"What the hell?!!"

He could read this much in a fortnight!

"Is this world this insignificant in the eyes of this place?!"

He eyes were burning with curiosity.

"And just what those….'Virtual' mean?"

He looked at those infinite shelves, as he smiled mischievously:

"I wonder how many of these shelves I can fill?"

Marek laughed out:

"How ambitious!! This why I like him!!"

Bulma took a deep breath, then she had a questioning gaze:

"In the data I collected…I actually saw that the most talented wasn't Braham but his student Mumud."

"Wouldn't Mumud be more suited for the Library?"

The Emperor had a slight smile:

"I knew you would ask that…"

"While Braham himself may think that…I do not completely agree with him…"

"Indeed the achievement of Mumud in the field of magic surpass Braham's…But you neglected, one aspect."

"Between the two who was the most powerful?"

Bulma narrowed her eyes:

"Without a doubt, Braham."

Marek continued:

"There you go."

"While Mumud…had more achievements than Braham….Braham never needed research to be strong from the start."

"His power magic talent, his endless magic power, and his extreme sence of multiple casting and time casting."

"Made him trample over everyone."

"Mumud made research that benefited human mages, because himself was aware of the limits of humans."

"Research is a talent, indeed. But research need to respond to a need before everything else."

"Braham wasn't a less talented mage. He just couldn't be bothered with deep research, because his innate talent carried him alone to glory."

"The only thing that were slightly challenging for him, and that needed actual research from him. Are superior research Immortality magic or resurrection magic or Pavranium."

Lelouch has a small smile on:

"You majesty…But all of that…Wouldn't make him the first person to access your hard earned library."

"There must be something about this little guy you didn't tell us about."

The Emperor hearing the remark of his Vizir laughed out!

"Indeed!! You are right!!"

"There is something weird about Braham himself."

"Remember everything you just saw…Compare the first time you saw Braham with him now."

The three were one of the most brilliant minds of the Empire. As Bulma replayed all Braham's life on the screens.

The three all had weird expression on.


"It's seems like there is something to his mind…!!"

Bulma's eyes landed on Marek:

"For you to try something like that….As expected from you Marek."

The Emperor only responded with a mild laugh:

"All Vampires are born in adulthood."

"But in the Vampires only Braham had a capacity than neither one of them have…."

"The Capacity of his mind grows the more he absorbs knowledge."

Schneizel eyes flickered with understanding:

"When he was born he was being with a two dimensional frame of mind, different from a complete intelligence."

" Because his creator Beriach is not good enough to create complex beings from scratch."

"But he inherited the ability to absorb knowledge and to use it to boost his growth as a spiritual being."

"What was unexpected is that growth of his mind also affected his talent for magic who continued to grow as he absorbed more and more knowledge."

"At this point his spiritual awareness and his mind had already grown enough to compare the limit of the human mind."

"But that doesn't seem to be the limit of his ability to grow."

"And with the help of the endless knowledge of the Library of the Imperi

Marek smiled:

"Indeed, Schneizel…."

"The more he absorbed knowledge, the greater his mind will become, the more monstrous of a genius he will become."

"His uncontrollable urge for knowledge, isn't inherited from his mother…But a basic instinct, that even him isn't aware of."

His eyes shined with a bright light:

"Through the geniuses of the Empire, the one I hold the most hope for is actually Braham."

"Because he was created by an artificial intelligence, and his mind was downgraded to that of a simple intelligence."

"He, who could grow from that state has infinite potential!!"

"One day with the Library, his mind and frame of thinking would attain levels of enlightenment unseen to existence!!"

Schneizel eyes landed on the young mage who was in deep thought as he analyzed his flaws one by one.

Braham who was in deep meditation…Suddenly stood up elation and greed in his eyes:


He took a ll the books, all the spellbooks, the skills, the orbs, the formations…

He collected through his lifetime and touched them all.

Numerous books started filling their libraries….

Book on spell casting

Flaws: 2345….↑ ↑ ….. ↑23208439 Flaws

Book on elemental knowledge.

Flaws: 2439….↑ ↑ ….. ↑26799878 Flaws.

All the theories he gathered appeared naked with all their flaws in the library.

More than 300 000 Thousand books appeared. Yet it couldn't even fill a fraction of one shelve.

Braham took a deep breath:

"As expected…It too much content…"

"Limit the information to those necessary to reach the top of the world!"

Immeidatly the books shrunk and only information that he could understand appeared.

The Emperor seeing this scene smiled mildly before speaking:


The books immediately started to fuse with each other correcting each other remaining flaws!!

Suddenly in front of the dazzled eyes of Braham, 1000 Books appeared.

Spell Casting: 900 Flaws in the world codename 'Satisfy'.

Mana Gathering: 365 Flaws in the World Codename 'Satisfy'


Braham eyes widened as frenzied look appeared on his face:

"May the Gods bless, the one who made this place!!"

He understood what happened all the books he gathered complemented their flaws to form a knowledge with less flaws.

'Doesn't that mean, that the more books I gathered, the closer I am to the truth!!?'

His eyes red with excitement!! He immediately started to study…

Marek smiled and then spoke to the void, startling everyone present here!!

"If you want to thank me."

"Take care of those who will come after you."

A doubled voice resounded like thunder in the whole Library!!

The Powerful voice, was powerful, majestic and mysterious.

Braham immediately knew who it was, without a second thought he knelt on the ground:

"Yes! Your majesty!"

In his blood he felt it…This was the Emperor he just swore allegiance too!


A delighted laugh resounded through the mysterious library and it felt like ever wall was trembling as if delighted by the sonorous voice.

"Good…I shall be waiting for you on the other side."

"Do not make me wait for long."

"My Empire needs your talent."

Braham's eyes became red, his heart batted strongly…Pride, joy and longing were mixed in his expressions.

He never knew he could even feel this emotions. The voice seemed to contain incredible warmth, and benevolence.

It couldn't be faked…This mighty being who could look down on this world from above. Has taken interest into his talent!

"I will try my best your majesty."

"Good, then let me make it easier for you."

Immediately two picture and names appeared in his mind:

"They will be born much later than you."

"Take care of them for me."

"And help them reach the ceiling of your world."

Braham's eyes flashed, immediately when he thought about the two some basics information appeared in his mind:

'300 years later, huh…'

'It seems immortality magic is a must after all.'

Marek spoke to Morpheus:

"Accelerate the time until 300 years later."

"Yes, your majesty."

The time flow grew and the evolution of Braham became more evident.

Braham continued to study magic like a madman…His level increasing widly, and his statuts accumulating…

One year little…He already achieved Immortality and Ressurection Magic.

He already built a magic system suited for him; but also took some time to make the humanity benefit.

The result was uncanny…The world ushered a gold age of magic. The Mage profession continued to outgrow the other professions in a extremely unbalanced way.

This time, Braham's achievement were already beyond Mumud's.

10 years have passed…

As Braham stood at the top of Baal, and the rest of demons who wanted to attack the world once more.

He laughed in disdain:

"Just this much?"

"Are the feared demons, really this weak?!"

"This many flaws?!"

"Is Baal knowledge this shallow?"

Behind him, stood Marie Rose who looked at her older Brother with a complicated gaze.

10 years ago, she stripped her brother of his bloodline. Back then, the only thing she could see was a wounded, arrogant brat. Who decided to deny his kin's merit and purpose of existence.

Now…He already bested Fenrir becoming the Blood King.

And he is destined to lead the Vampire race to exact their revenge on their mother's nemesis. Yatan.

Yet even then…Even why held such endless powers that could make, all the legends throught the ages weep.

That could best even the monsters in the tower of Wisdom. He didn't seem satisfied, at all.

He seems to be driven, by an endless greed. Every time he encountered any enemy he would pretend everything he possessed!!

He already fought his way into the West Continent before setting his sight on Hell.

And it was even more violent.

He was even more violent, with anyone daring enough to call himself king or lord in front of him.

He would immediately go in a blind rage and the Country would be turned into smithereens. By now…Everyone understood their lesson.

In front of the Legendary Great Magician there was no Emperor no King, no prince and no Earl…

Braham was indeed powerful, smart and held endless knowledge but he never was wise. He was a monster who even fought with Taruka for a hundred rounds!!!

If he didn't move the battlefield to the ocean, the whole continent would have perished.

He would soul search him until what remained of him was nothing but a withered husk!

Even his kin were really afraid of him.

And even standing in top of this much power. Surpassing all Old legends by destroying all the Demons….

He never was satisfied not the least….His eyes seemed to yearn for something…Something that couldn't be understood by others.

Braham was unnerved by his sister's thoughts, since the moment…He heard this voice, since he heard the power, the love and kindness behind that voice.

He longed to meet him.

To see for himself, the Greatness of his own Emperor.

He smiled as he looked away as mysterious book appeared in his mind:

"Braham Eshawald's flaws to reach the ceiling of the world:

100 Flaws."

"Spellcasting Book: 0 Flaws in the World Codename Satisfy."

"Magic Language: 0 Flaws in the World Codename Satisfy"

"Magic System: 0 Flaws in the World Codename Satisfy"

He sighed…as he looked up…

In his mind he could feel, the eyes of the Gods on him. Their disgusting thoughts were easy for him to see throught.

He already suffered from their jealousy and curses for a long time. But nothing was unsolvable for him.

He smiled wickedly, as he announced:

"It time to reach it…The Ceiling of that world."

After that for 4 years a great war unsued…All the gods, all the different factions hidden or appearing made their move.

All that lived was implicated.

At the end…

Looking down on the broken thrones of the gods, laying his eyes on their flowing blood.

Braham laughed in frenzy!!

"I did it!!"

"I did it your majesty!! I hold this world in my palm!!"

He was now more powerful than all the gods…Be it Hanul, Rebecca or Yatan all disappeared into oblivion.

Gradually…He calmed down…and his eyes became solemn.

Now that he reached that level…He could already feel…

'There is a greater power…Behind everything…'

'The thing named Morpheus…'

'But it isn't meant to be an enemy.'

His eyes wandered in the void:

'The world itself became a cage for me, huh…'

'I can't evolve further…'

His eyes became solemn and his eyes fired up!!

"I have to become 'real' first"

At this level Braham already understood a lot of fundamental things about that world.

"A whole world created for entertainment."


It stayed this way for the next centuries…Braham continued to delve into his studies.

"He sighed…Now the only thing left…is to evolve and wait for the other two…"

He then casually used a gigantic spell:

"The two that my Emperor are after, are not born in this version of this world."

"Let's get everything back in track, shall we?"

He adorned a beautiful smile on his handsome face as he used the spell:


The Spell grew to englobe the whole word and three realms, as time started to go back!!

Without Rebecca or Yatan, he had indeed full authority over the whole game!!

Immediately…The World 24 years ago exactly on the day Braham received the Library, appeared.

He then disappeared in the void once again leaving an excited voice:

"My work here is done…No let's get back on research shall we?"

And that is what he did…He challenged his limits once again, trying to solve the flaws that remained after he fused every bit of knowledge had to offer.

He was literally, pushing the boundary of his own world.

While Braham made his research, his own mind started evolving beyond Morpheus himself.

Bulma took his breath, as she saw the Super Computer processing endless information:

"Marek, this is…"

The Emperor laughed:

"I thought it would be interesting to let Morpheus access the data base of the Library."

"His A.I is evolving on it's own too…"

"I wonder what result it would bring."

"For now…Morpheus is analyzing his flaws and starting to reprogram his whole coding…"

The two hand in hand continued to evolve endlessly…Braham ¨power grew as he pushed Morpheus with him to the boundaries!!

Finally…The 300 hundred years…passed. The 300 years worth of information, Braham and Morpheus processed together.

While Satisfy hadn't changed…

The Super Computer already attained an unrivalled level of sentience and complexity.

The Emperor laughed out loudly:

"It seems to have reached it after all!!"

"The basic level required to run my scientific city!!"

The Two Vizirs looked at each other's in fright!!

Only the Emperor held full authority over the Library of the Imperial Path and only he could see the full information on Morpheus.

"Our technological advancement will be endless!!"

Even Bulma's who saw cyborgs and created spaceships…Couldn't understand the coding and programing behind this…

"Just what kind of language is that…?!"

"It's seemed to have reached and even transcended the limits of it's own processor!!"

"What kind of brain could even think of that…?!"

The two Vizirs smiled mildly. This was indeed their expected result!!

It's only been 10 Minutes and they already developed an AI able to run the scientific city.

And the situation on Braham was already on a standstill…He already reached the limit of his evolution…

Braham thought:

'…Or rather Morpheus reached it's limits…'

By now….He already had an idea…of what kind entity Morpheus was…

He already predicted all Of that…He already had a plan…The only thing needed…he missed…Was the two other people.

Finally after 300 Hundred years!!

Two Knights were born!

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