Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 227: Oath

Marek nodded in acknowledgement. Honestly, showing her this future was only a mean for him to bring her to his side. He didn't expect that Mercedes would be so bold.

His eyes were brimming with greed:

'I must have her!!'

He continued to watch her as she continued to train tirelessly…For 4 years…

But even thought, she tried her best…She only felt frustration:

'Not enough!!!'

The vision of the Dragon haunted her memories, she wanted to be strong enough! Strong enough to protect her country from this disaster. Whatever happened in the future, she already knew that neither Amosphel or Piaro would be there…

She would be the New First Knight and the Duty of protecting the Empire would fall on her!!



Marek who watched her sighed in admiration. For 4 years, she only ate and slept…Besides that, she never spent her time on anything else but training.

Even Bulma who saw how Saiyans train, was baffled.

Finally as the Fourth year approached. Marek finely decided to make his move:

"It is still a little time for the plot to begin. The good time is now."

At that moment, Mercedes already entered the eyes of the strongest Red Knights…As an extremely enchanting prospect.

If she joins the rank of the official knights, he would have already lost her.

Mercedes was desperate, but her will was firm…£

…Only by accumulating enough strength could she see through this predicament!

Even Piaro and Amosphel the two knights she admired the most, and that she learned from the most, are not enough.

Trough her training, the silhouette of that monster was etched in he rmind. So much it became her driving force and her obsession.

As always she trained until the moonlight shined on her blue little head. She sighed, helpness in her eyes:

'Are we really all doomed?'

Everyday she would ask herself the same question.

But that night was fated to be a different night.

As she looked up at the moon….Her beautiful gem like eyes contemplating the peaceful night of the Titan once again.

How many more peaceful knights did her country still have?

That day, the night seemed particularly enchanting….A powerful yet kind voice resounding in her ears:

"It's the keen eyed girl…"

Mercedes looked up…


Only to find, a powerful figure by her side. He was sitting and looking up:

"You've been working extra hard lately."

Mercedes responded:


She wanted to say something, she wanted to tell him what she saw with her own eyes.

She want to rely on this powerful and brilliant knight….

….Yet, she couldn't bring herself to say anything.


Because deep down…She knew, that this dragon was her burden to bear.

Piaro looked at her for a while and continued:

"You can only become what you can be."

Mercedes looked up. And Piaro smiled lightly:

"To yearn for something and to obsess about it are two different things."

"Ambition will lake your sword sharper more Vaillant…But obsession will only leave a shadow on your heart."

Piaro stood up, as he patted her shoulder:

"You seem to carry a heavy burden on you."

"But don't let anything overpower you."

On these words…Piaro left…But he was then stopped by a word from the silent girl:


Piaro responded:


Mercedes had a somber look as she pleaded:

"Please don't leave us."

Piaro narrowed his eyes before laughing out:

"Why?! Did you find a better place than the Empire?"

He left these words as he has gone back. Mercedes only had a helpless smile:

"I envy your carelessness, captain."

She sighed deeply…as her eyes shined with deeper luster:

"I wish I could afford to do what you told me."

She looked up to the moon once again….But this time…Another weirdly doubled yet majestic voice ringed in her mind.

It was powerful, as if thunder was ringing in her head. Yet at the same time, it was warm as if the moonlight was warming her skin.

"Why couldn't you afford that?"

"Since when my people couldn't afford happiness?!"

Suddenly in the eyes of the sweating Mercedes!! A Giant Majestic Gate!! Appeared!!

Immediately she used her Keen Insight!!

The Result:


She couldn't see a thing!! Even…Now…

She couldn't believe such a thing existed in the world!!

The Majestic gates, like they were the door to Heaven!!

The Profound symbols!!

The Endless size!!

And finally…Her eyes landed on a Profound scripture, that could only be comprehended:

"Library of the Imperial Path."

She felt her heart, stop and her back turn cold just by reading it.

'What kind of existence is this?'

She took a deep breath.

Even the Dragon she has been obsessing about, didn't inspire this much majesty.

The Voice continued:

"I am the Emperor of the Myriad Worlds."

Mercedes' eyes narrowed, she felt a overpowering might growing in the air!

"I am the Absolute and I am the Creator of this World."

Her breathing quickened.

"I look down on Dragons and Gods alike."


The Voice suddenly became kind:

"I am her for you, Mercedes."

"I want you to be knight."

Mercedes eyes opened up in surprise. But, afterwards a stubbornness appered in her face:

"I am born in this Empire. My oath will only be given to my Emperor!!"

Contrary to her expectation, the voice only laughed…

"Good. You wouldn't be worthy of serving me if you changed your oath, that easily."

"I apologize…"

"I didn't make a demand a Knight could accept."

Mercedes eyes narrowed. She knew this wasn't over. And surely…

"Then let me make one….That a knight could accept."

His voice was haughty. And she could feel endless power from his every word:

"Your training is useless. And you know it."

"That little lizard you all call a Dragon, would soon destroy your country."

Mercedes face showed horror, before frustration was carved on her beautiful face:

"So it was true after all…."

"…But that's only if the gate in front of you don't open up…"

Mercedes was interrupted in her mind. She then looked up at the powerful gates.

The voice became more solemn:

"Make your choice, little knight."

"Either perish gloriously with your own country…"


"Become my knight."

"Get enough power to protect it."

Mercedes had a dark gaze:

"Is this a threat?"

The Emperor laughed out loud:

"A threat?"

"Silly Child…"

"No…I will respect any choice you will make."

"And I will watch over it until the end."

"This my promise to you."

Mercedes narrowed her eyes, before she spoke to the mysterious voice, distress and confusion in her tone:

"Will I be able to defeat it?"

The voice responded, with a hint of amusement:

"Will you train as hard, as you did in this last years?"

Mercedes eyes opened in surprise before shutting again:

"I see…"

She then spoke slowly:


"I need some time to think about it."

The voice responded kindly:

"I know it's a great burden…"

"But I believe you will make it through."

Immediately Mercedes found herself in front of the calm night of Titan. Her eyes became complex…

And for the first time ever, she didn't continue her training.

That night…She wandered through the silent city…Her eyes here and there…

On the bandits, on the men, on the women, on the children….

She marched, marched and marched again…

Until the Moonlight gave away to the sun, as it shined brightly on her blue little head. Her wandering eyes now held a profound tinge of tenacity.

She clenched her fists….

And her eyes became clear at once….She marched resolutely…To the trainee barracks.

And made it in front of her captain, and her vice captain. Her beautiful eyes looked and the captain she admired with all her heart:

"I quit the Knight Order."

Piaro and Amosphel were shocked!

Amosphel exclaimed:

"Mercedes….!! What are you saying?!!"

"Are you going to turn your back on the order?!"

"Is this how a knight should behave?"

Mercedes kept a calm and clear disposition:

"I didn't make any oath, vice captain. I am not an official knight."

Amosphel spoke with a disappointed tone:

"I see…It's seems you never considered this place your home to begin with…"

There was an apparent sadness in his tone, that he made his best to not show.

But how could she not see it. She the one with eyes that could see through everything.

She clenched her fists….

Her heart was breaking as she looked at the two's side expression. These knights devoted everything to groom her.

Yet she had to let them down.

She had to let down all the order.

Anger could be seen brewing in her heart:

'I am too weak…'

'This my own sin.'

Her eyes became fierce:

'If I don't bath in the blood of this Dragon. I will never forgive myself.'

Piaro kept silent for a long time and only spoke when Amosphel's words ended:

"It seems you made your decision."

Mercedes kept a indifferent front:

"Yes, Captain."

Piaro showed a brilliant smile:

"Then I could only wish you good luck."

Mercedes nodded deeply, before turning around:

"Yes, Captain."

Piaro looking at her little back, felt like a someone carrying a heavy laod.

'She doesn't need our guidance…'

'She is already a beautiful knight.'

He spoke his last words:

"I hope the next time we meet. You could call me Piaro."

Mercedes stopped her steps:

"I hope so, too.."

Marek looked at the girl, with a deep smile on. While Bulma was complaining:

"Why force her hand like that?!"

"Such a litte girl…You are even worse than Vegeta!!"

Marek titled his head:

"Would she have accepted it if I proposed my help..?"

Lelouch titled his head in exasperation:

"As a knight…The more she sacrifices, the more this fight means to her…"

"And the more she will sublimate herself."

"This fight, she knows is her burden alone to bear."

"If anyone else is implicated she will never forgive herself."

"If she loses, she will never forgive herself."

"If she allows anyone to get injured, she will never forgive herself."

Schneizel smiled:

"Even if she did…She would completely her sense of self in the process…"

"At this point…For the character named Mercedes…She is at a crossroad."

"Either she faces the Dragon and loses…Sticking by her knight's code and dying as a knight."


He had an excited lint in his eyes:

"She, against, all logic and odds, defeats it …."

"And become the strongest and most absolute knight in existence."

"There is no other way back."

Schneizel had a small smile on:

"Knight against Dragon…There is always something exciting about this kind of story."

Bulma looked at the Three, baffled:

"All of you in this country all crazy people."

She then looked at the youth in the screen:

"Including those you want to recruit."

Mercedes immediately after packed her affairs and left Titan…

And found a little village in it's vicinity.

She bought a home there…And settled down…Before she took a deep breath and entered 'that place' again.

She looked at the gates once again.

She knelt solemnly:

"I, Mercedes Vaintz, swear to be the Emperor of Myriad World sword and shield."

"I swear to protect him and his Empire."

"And I swear to uphold this oath until the end of time."

The complexion of Marek brightened! And he seemed to be beaming!!

This was the first time, his tow vizir's saw him this happy since the last incident. Lelouch titled his head:

"She knows how to gain her lord favor that's for sure."

Schneizel nodded:

"There is an irresistible appear about a knight swearing an oath."

Immediately, the gates of the Library opened up powerfully!!!

The voice then, spoke with a warm voice:

"Marek Vega."

Mercedes looked up.

"Marek Vega…Remember it. This is the name of your liege."

"I will be waiting for you on the other side. My knight, Mercedes."

The Emperor voice was like a lullaby, it's doubled nature seemed to add an echo to his emotions.

Mercedes who only swore this oath of necessity, felt genuine love from her liege.

She smiles bitterly:

'It's seems that I am the one who is not serious enough after all.'

All long, she was the only one, who was doubting her own loyalty. She knew that once she swore an oath. She would never take it back.

But she only did it so she could save her people.

All long, she thought if such an oath, was fair. Fair to her…But more importantly…Fair to her future lord.

But now feeling the genuine happiness of the voice.

She knew, she was the one who was lacking…Lacking in determination.

'Even if I swore allegiance, like that…..'

Her eyes shone deeply:

'I will make it so I will be worthy of his feelings.'

She stood up, straight and upright!! Her eyes shining with endless determination!!

She marched and entered the Library!!

Only then…She found…in a conspicuous corner, an extremely handsome vampire…

His ethereal beauty could topple country, and bring countless women to their knees…

He was reading a book, suddenly he looked up:

"Finally…His Majesty's second recruit."

Mercedes kept a cautious front:


She immediately used her keen insight!! Immediately she felt a cold sweat running through her spine!!

'What….What is this?!!'

Endless, she saw endless power burning through the man….It was enough power to drawn existence itself!!

She felt her breathing stop.

'Such an existence is allowed to exist in the world?!'

Braham looked at the knight. Immediately she felt an extreme powerful sense of oppression!!

Mercedes took a deep breath.

'This way more exaggerated than Nevarthan!!'

Braham rebuked:

"Little girl…Don't try using those eyes on me. It's uncomfortable."

Then fanaticism appeared in his eyes:

"As a follower of his majesty…You should have more elegance!!"

She suddenly remembered where she was, before she sighed:

"I see…"

"My name is Mercedes Vaintz, His majesty's knight."

Braham nodded:

"I am Braham Eshwald…His Majesty Imperial Mage."

The Moment he presented himself. Mercedes widened her eyes in fright:

"Braham?!! The God of Magic?!!"

She took a deep breath:

"The only known Legend who killed a Dragon?!"

Braham had a proud look on, and showed a displeased face:

"That little Lizard Taruka?"

"Hmph!! Dare to keep a book from this paragon?!!"

Before he rebooted the world, the hardest fight Braham had, was with Taruka. He always kept a grudge against him.

This is why even after he rebooted the world, he still came to kill him, just for the pleasure of it.

He even accidently took the title of God of Magic once again.

Seeing his response she was now sure!!

'It is said that even the Grandmaster isn't his match at all!!'

'Such a monster!! Also serves the Emperor!!'

Braham sighed:

"Now, is not the time, to admire my greatness."

He pointed to the air:

"Look up."

Immediately, in the air!!

A Book was formed!!

The pages in the book seemed endless, the words seemed ancient and text was endless like an infinite ancient scripture shinning with deep mysteries.

Braham silently disappeared, expectant eyes on the little knight:

'I look forward to what kind of monster you can become.'

The Book then appeared on her hand….

'Mecedes Vaintz, knight of the Grand Monarch Marek Vega, descendant of the Vaintz clan, of the Sahran Empire….Creation of the SuperComputer Morpheus Bis…Developed in the World Codename Overgeared, copied by the Scientist Bulma of the World Codename 'DBZ'…

Programation model:….

Artificial Intelligence level:….

Potential: Low

Mercedes immediately skipped everything she couldn't understand and that didn't interest her.

Finally….She looked at the next text…

Mercedes Vaintz current form: Virtual Imperial Knight.

Mercedes Vaintz's Perfect Form: Imperial 'Eye Beyond' Knight. (Rank???) (Beyonder Realm-????.)

Mercedes Vaintz's Flaws: 5890908….↑ ↑ ….. ↑67890 Flaws

Flaw Number 1 :….

Flaw Number : : 5890908….↑ ↑ ….. ↑67890

Afterwards new chapters appeared:

Keen Insight Flaws: 66900….↑ ↑ ….. ↑57900

Vaintz Swordsmanship: 46790….↑ ↑ ….. ↑57008

Complete Weapon Mastery:35798….↑ ↑ ….. ↑5768

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