Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 973

Chapter 964

“Dear passengers, the airship is about to take off. Please stay in your place and don’t walk around randomly to avoid accidents… If you have any needs, please contact the flight attendants of the airship…”

The broadcast sound from the large cabin made the young Dhaka excited. From time to time, he turned his head and looked out the window, looking at the extremely large hull of the neighboring airship, his eyes were full of shock.

It’s not just him, most of the villagers in Apollo Village are like this, and they all have great expectations for the first trip in an airship in their lives.

However, not everyone is happy to leave the ground.

Many people showed fear and anxiety, and some even bowed their heads nervously and prayed for the protection of the God of Ten Thousand Mountains.

“Dhaka, it was said in the broadcast that the airship will fly at an altitude of more than 1,000 meters. Will it fall from the sky?”

Marianne hugged her 2-year-old daughter Meri tightly, and asked with an uneasy expression on her face.

“Mom, it won’t be.”

The teenager tried his best to comfort his mother:

“Gentlemen of the school said that the airship is the safest means of transportation. It is safer than the magic plane. Even if the airbag in the airship leaks, the airship will only slowly descend…”

But this explanation had the opposite effect.

“Huh? Will it still leak?”

The narrow-minded peasant woman turned her face pale with fright.

“Oh my god, what should we do if there is a leak?”

The teenager couldn’t help crying or laughing:

“Mom, don’t worry, we will be fine… In fact, since the great president invented the airship, they have never had a crash!”

Seeing that his mother was still shaking with fear, the boy thought for a while and said:

“In this airship formation, there are several extraordinary wind-type excellencies. They control the power of the wind element and can fly freely in the sky… Even if the airship has an accident, these powerful excellencies will surely protect everyone in time!”

This sentence finally made the peasant woman less trembling.

The little Breeze Merrie in Marian’s arms did not cry because she came to the new environment. She stretched out a little hand to pull the boy’s clothes, and cried out in lisp:

“Dhaka… Sheep… Sheep…”

The teenager squeezed the delicate face of the little girl intimately:

“Hi, Merui,’Dolly’ was placed in the warehouse. When the airship arrives in’Rockhorn City’, you will be able to see the sheep.”

Probably because of her itchy cheeks, Aunt Liang “chuckled”.

At this time, the broadcast sounded again:

“Untie the fixed cable and prepare to take off!”

The hull of the boat shook suddenly, and the sound of the “hissing” airflow entered everyone’s ears.

After more than ten breaths, the 120-meter-long medium-sized airship suddenly separated from the ground and slowly floated upwards.

The discussion suddenly became louder.

“Hey, we are flying…”

“The God of Ten Thousand Mountains is up, this is really amazing…”

The boy pressed his head against the glass window and watched the scene on the ground getting smaller and smaller. Finally, the entire town of Barr shrank to the size of a palm. The undulating mountains appeared in front of him, and his mouth could no longer close.

“Oh, this is so beautiful!”

However, his mother had a completely different reaction. She turned her head and glanced out the window, closing her eyes in horror.

“Gosh, it’s terrible.”

“Whirring whirring……”

The jet engine at the tail of the airship is constantly jetting air currents, pushing the body of the boat to face the cold wind high in the sky, slowly heading to the northeast.

This airship formation includes a total of 48 airships, each airship has a rated crew of 240 people, and will “catch the entire town of Barr and all the civilians in the surrounding area.”

Due to the limited parking space near the town, the formation had to take turns to berth, that is, a batch of airships landed on the ground, after loading civilians, they immediately took off, and the next batch of airships landed again.

When all the airships were lifted off, a huge array of airships suddenly appeared in the sky.

This scene of great visual impact once again caused the civilians on the airship to exclaim again and again.

In order to complete the grand plan of emigrating 2.2 million people proposed by the Federal President, the Human Federation urgently mobilized more than 2500 airships of various types and more than 300 transport planes to transport civilians in the Baieling Republic.

The Gaspar Plateau, where the White Antelope Republic is located, has a very complex terrain. The ground is divided by criss-cross mountains and traffic is extremely inconvenient. If you want to complete the task within the specified time limit, air transportation is the only solution.

“Dear passengers, in 5 minutes, we will provide free lunch… If you have special needs, you can contact the flight attendants…”

This sentence caused a burst of cheers in the pod.

The villagers stayed in the town of Barr for a long time, and spent a certain amount of time queuing to board the boat. At this time, they all became hungry. Hearing the words “free lunch”, who would not be happy? ?

Before long, two female flight attendants in uniforms each pushed a small four-wheeler out of the kitchen. The dining car was filled with lunch boxes made of resin and cups of hot soup.

“Please put down the small table on the seat… Okay, let me demonstrate. Now, pull up this table and rotate it at an angle so that you can place items…”

“Madam, this is your lunch and hot soup, please take it…”

“Hi, sir, your two children are too young. The amount of boxed meals is for ordinary adults, so I can only give them one boxed lunch…”

The flight attendants pushed the dining car forward while distributing the food one by one, and kept telling them.

“If you feel that the rice is not enough, please call us and we will add rice to you… However, you can only add rice and hot soup, not dishes…”

“After the meal is over, we will come over [man novel network] to collect the lunch box, please don’t stand up and walk around…”

The villagers who received the lunch couldn’t wait to open the lunch box, and the enticing fragrance filled the pod, greedy the other people.

When the dining car arrived in front of the card’s family, the female flight attendant glanced at the little girl Mei Rui, took out a large milk bottle with a volume of 1 liter from the bottom of the dining car, and handed it over with a smile:

“Hi, kid, this is yours!”

She smiled to Marianne again and said:

“This is the milk of the’Gray Grain Cow’. It has a good taste and is extremely nutritious. It is very suitable for children under 3 years old… If the milk is not enough, you can call the flight attendant at any time and we will brew the milk immediately.”

“By the way, the baby bottle doesn’t have to be returned. This is a gift from our airline to the child.”

Marianne immediately thanked her repeatedly:

“Oh, thank you so much.”

“you are welcome.”

The female flight attendant took out two boxes of lunch and two cups of hot soup, placed them on the small table in front of the mother and the son, and said:

“Two of you, it’s best to drink the’Mushroom Meat Soup’ while it’s hot. Once it gets cold, the taste will greatly decrease.

After speaking, she pushed the dining car and left.

Marianne fumbled a bit awkwardly before opening the cap of the milk bottle. Although she had been to a department store before and had seen a milk bottle, this was the first time she had used this thing.

The little girl Mei Rui didn’t have any obstacles to use. As soon as she saw the **** appeared in front of her, she instinctively opened her mouth to bite it, sucking hard, her expression extremely focused.

Judging from the little guy’s expression, the female flight attendant’s words were clearly correct, and the milk must have a very good taste.

Dhaka opened the lunch box gently, and the strong aroma of bean rice instantly poured into his nostrils. The white and crystal bean rice slightly reflected light, looking more like some kind of milky white gem.

As early as 6 or 7 years ago, cheap beans, rice and rice from the Thousand Lakes Republic have flooded into the Bailing Republic, occupying the tables of the highlanders, and forcibly changing the eating habits of the latter for thousands of years.

The highlanders have eaten rye bun, a traditional food that has been eaten for thousands of years. It is almost completely driven off the table. In various regions of the Baie-Ang Republic, there are fewer and fewer food shops selling rye bun, and civilians willing to buy it. Also less and less.

This is not surprising. The price of rye bun is 50% higher than that of soybean rice and rice, and it is dark and hard. In cold winter, it is even harder than stone. Its only advantage is that it is more durable. It won’t be broken every month.

But in the new era of great food abundance, any food store is accumulating a lot of beans, rice and rice. Who would insist on eating hard rye buns for the advantage of being “stable”?

A teenager as old as Dhaka has even forgotten what the “rye bun” tastes like. He has long been accustomed to the warm, fragrant and glutinous bean rice.

“There are only three dishes, one meat, half meat and one vegetarian, the same as the lunch and dinner provided by the school.”

The boy looked at the dishes and said softly.

Marianne smelled the scent of the food, and couldn’t help swallowing:

“The three dishes are already good, at least better than ours. They look delicious…”

The boy nodded, then opened the lid of the disposable resin cup, took a sip of the warm soup, and his eyes lit up.

“Mom, the’Mushroom Minced Soup’ is so delicious!”

Enjoying delicious food on the high sky and watching the beauty that is hard to see on weekdays. For a 12-year-old boy, this is a perfect trip, so that when he recalls it decades later, he still remembers The details are vivid.

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