Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 974

Chapter 965 Aircraft carrier battle group

The northern part of the bay sea.

An extremely large catamaran is floating in the turbulent waves. Its length is more than 200 meters, its width is not less than 60 meters, the deck is nearly 25 meters above the water, and the towering central island is as high as nearly 60 meters, the total weight is close to 67,000 tons.

At a glance, it looks like a hill standing on the sea.

Dozens of silver-white fighter planes are fixed on the metal deck, and four corners of the deck have an area designated as the vertical take-off and landing area for the fighter planes, and a large elevator is arranged next to it.

This is impressively an aircraft carrier.

More than 600 meters away on the left, another aircraft carrier is also floating and sinking on the sea. In the more outer area, 12 metal warships are advancing through the waves. They form a circular defensive circle and guard the two aircraft carriers.

Each aircraft carrier carries 105 “Seahawk-1” fighters, and the two aircraft carriers total 210, constituting the core strike force of the Federal Navy’s 5th Fleet.

The highest commander of the fleet, Major General Rutherford, yelled in the communications channel.

“I order Sagittarius, Capricorn, to start the’General Zhenhai’ engine immediately and prepare for battle!”


The 12 aircraft carriers currently in the Navy were named by a certain madman and directly named “Zodiac”. “Sagittarius” and “Capricorn” are the ships of the two aircraft carriers of the 5th Fleet.

Two bizarre waves of magic energy flashed across the two aircraft carriers in an instant, and the 20-meter-long layered waves around the aircraft carrier, as if smoothed by an invisible big hand, instantly calmed down.

The turbulence of the deck decreased at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally stabilized completely, and the crew could no longer feel a trace of shaking.

This is exactly the role of “General Zhenhai”.

This system is derived from the “General Fubo” engine invented by Renault 7 years ago (see Chapter 830 for related introduction). This powerful engine has only one function-to suppress the turbulence of the storm season.

After continuous improvement, the magicians have added a new function to it-suppressing wind and waves, and the new generation of engines has also received a new name, that is, “General Zhenhai”.

This is particularly important for an aircraft carrier, otherwise, if it encounters strong winds and waves, the deck will constantly up and down, and accidents will easily occur when the fighter takes off and landed.

But with “General Zhenhai”, everything changed.

No matter how bad the weather is, as long as the “General Zhenhai” is turned on, the vicinity of the aircraft carrier will become calm, and no matter how violent wind waves and turbulence, it will not be able to shake the aircraft carrier.

The two aircraft carriers seemed to have awakened from their deep sleep. There was a shout in the communication channel, and a large number of crew members wearing different colored vests began to run around on the deck.

“Check the condition of the fighter!”

“Load fuel and ammunition!”


The magic cars drove along the dedicated road to the Seahawk fighter plane parked on the deck, filled the fuel tank with aviation fuel, filled the “Hellscreamer” machine gun with ice element bullets, and put them one by one. “Valkyrie” and aerial bombs, hung on the pylons under the wings, or in the magazines in the belly.

“The pilot is ready to be in place!”

A large group of pilots rushed out of the island and ran to their fighter planes. The magic gold glass cockpit was opened and the folding boarding ladder was pulled down. The pilots quickly climbed into the cockpit and quickly checked various instruments.

A considerable part of the pilots are extraordinary winds. They skimmed over the deck and landed straight into the cockpit without using the boarding ladder.

“The second team is ready, request to take off!”

“Approve! Please go to the No. 2 take-off and landing point and take off in order!”


“Open the fighter lock!”


“Crack! Crack! Crack!”

The “clamp-type” alloy retainer that firmly bound the landing gear of the fighter suddenly opened, returning “freedom” to the Seahawks.

The service personnel near the fighter plane, after seeing this scene, ran away hurriedly, lest they be blown away by the jet of the fighter plane’s engine and fall into the icy water.


The pilots skillfully started the jet engine, and the violent air jet ejected from the tail nozzle of the fighter, pushing the more than ten-meter-long metal fighter, slowly toward the No. 2 takeoff and landing point.

At the same time, the folded wing was slowly lowered, and the lock made a few “clicks” to connect the wing tightly.

The aircraft carrier deck and the internal hangar space of the hull are limited. In order to park more fighters and maximize the combat effectiveness of the aircraft carrier battle group, a folding wing design must be adopted.

This is also one of the main differences between the Navy’s Sea Eagle and the Air Force’s Silver Eagle.

As soon as the first Seahawk entered the take-off and landing point, a dispatcher holding two red rods immediately waved the rods and shouted in the channel at the same time:

“Number 50204, take off now!”


The pilot activated and controlled the “magic energy divider” rune square plate, a wave of magic energy surged inside the body, and the split nozzle at the junction of the wing and the fuselage instantly shot out two high-speed airflows.

“woo woo woo woo……”

Accompanied by the harsh screaming sound, the sea eagle weighing tens of tons rose off the ground and quickly rose diagonally upward.

There was a slight cheer from the surrounding service staff.

When the fighter plane rose to 100 meters in the air, the pilot turned off the “magic divider”, increased the engine power to 50%, and the fighter jet rushed forward.

Below, the second Seahawk has entered the No. 2 takeoff and landing point, waiting for the dispatcher’s instructions.

Every 8 seconds, each takeoff and landing point can take off a Seahawk. The four takeoff and landing points of the aircraft carrier operate at the same time, and 30 fighters can be lifted off every minute. This amazing efficiency is enough to scare everyone on earth. Chin.

In fact, 4 temporary take-off and landing points are planned on the deck. They will be put into use in an emergency. By then, the number of fighter planes taking off every minute will reach a maximum of 60!

This is the biggest advantage of vertical takeoff and landing.

In the time and space before Renault’s crossing, the Eagle’s Ford aircraft carrier used an advanced electromagnetic catapult to take off a fighter plane every 45 seconds, which was far lower than that of other aircraft carriers.

Two minutes later, more than 100 sea eagles lined up in a neat array, whizzing and flying towards the glowing continent 350 kilometers away.

The target of this large fleet is the White Wolf Kingdom in the northern part of the mainland, which is one of the first two human kingdoms to be captured by the Black Orc army.

The White Wolf Kingdom, southeast region.

Thousands of alienated demons screamed frantically, while stepping on the white snow, rushed to a large group of heavy armored dread beast heavy cavalry.

Among these hideous monsters, there are more than 200 huge alienated giant armored monsters, more than 2,000 alienated monsters, and more than 2,000 blade monsters shaped like dwarfs.


The heavy footsteps of the alienated giant armor demon sounded like a rolling thunder, beating in the hearts of the black orcs.

The alienation demons charge at a speed of more than 20 meters per second, but their formations are neat and tidy, and the spacing between the front and rear rows is almost unchanged. This terrible discipline makes the head of the black orc commander, his face becomes very It was ugly, and the eyes of the other black skins also showed fear.

The black orc commander suddenly raised the giant hammer in his hand and let out a wild roar. The 2,000 heavy cavalry behind him roared loudly at the same time.

All the dread beasts stepped on their four hooves, turned into a stream of iron, and rushed away to face the alienated demon.

A collision of iron and fire is about to erupt!

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