Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 972

Chapter 963 Zeus Airship Aviation

White Antelope Republic.

In the howling cold wind, a long line appeared in a rugged mountain trail in the most remote “Los Angeles” mountain area in the northwest of the Republic.

Their clothes look a bit rustic, but they are generally clean and tidy, and they have a good reputation. Obviously, their living standards are not bad. Although they are not rich, they are not worried about hunger.

Young Dhaka is also one of them. He is carrying a schoolbag, holding a lamb of “alpine snow sheep” in both hands, and follows his mother step by step.

Alpine snow sheep is one of the specialties of the White Antelope Republic.

They live in plateau areas all year round, and their meat quality is quite flavorful, not much worse than Barfit Black sheep. Unfortunately, due to the inconvenience of transportation, their reputation in the human world is far inferior to the latter.


The furry lamb yelled uneasyly. This voice made the mother’s 2-year-old sister struggling with her hands and feet in her arms, screaming “Sheep” in a speechless voice.

The teenager’s mother, an ordinary peasant woman in her 30s, Marianne, hugged her non-stop daughter, turned her head and stared at the teenager, again nagging:

“Dhaka, I have said that you will sell the lamb. A few days ago, the lords of the Muse Chamber of Commerce specially came to the’Apollo Village’ to buy lamb. The price given was very fair. It was better than the Elvis Chamber of Commerce in the past. The purchase price of the company is two more copper nars.”

“If you don’t hold the lamb, you can free your hands to help me take your sister, Meri… Oh, this little guy is too restless…”

The boy stubbornly said:

“‘Dolly’ is the last sheep left by my father, I don’t want to sell it!”

Marianne sighed:

“I heard that the location where the entire village will be relocated is a very remote island…Even if you can take it over, there is no place on the island for you to herd sheep. Are you going to let’Dolly’ eat seaweed?”

The boy was silent for a moment and replied:

“Miss Jill, who teaches geography, said that the islands we emigrated to were the “Misty Islands” on the edge of the “Storm Sea”… The government spent several years on large-scale ecological transformation of the islands. There are not only large forests, but also long pastures. I think I will be able to find a place to pasture the sheep…

“Well, Dhaka, the gentleman in the school should be right.”

The peasant woman compromised.

When the mother and son were talking, Mei Rui was also yelling “baby yeah”, and the lamb he was holding in his arms also yelled “baby” frequently, seeming to be having a conversation that no one could understand.

In today’s Human Federation, nine-year compulsory education has long been spread to all republics. All children over the age of 6 and under 15 must go to school.

The Bailing Kingdom was transformed into a republic. In the second year after joining the Human Federation, Dhaka, a shepherd boy, was taken to school ignorantly, and since then he has drifted away from a free shepherd career.

Marian thought of something again, and asked with a worried look:

“What did you say about the ‘Storm Sea’? It sounds like it’s going to be in frequent storms… Oh my God, is it dangerous for us to live on an island?”

“No, mother!”

The teenager said affirmatively:

“Gentlemen have said that the government has built many new cities on the islands. There are a large number of’public rental housing’ built of reinforced concrete in the cities. They are stronger than stone and cannot be destroyed by a fierce storm.”

“The most prosperous ocean tide zone in the human world is also on the edge of the storm sea area. There are more than 2 million people living in the ocean tide zone. If the storm sea area is so dangerous, it is impossible for so many people to live there…”

“Well, that sounds reasonable!”

The peasant woman was persuaded.

“When I listened to the radio yesterday, the civil servants of the federal government also said that the island is very safe. They are very kind gentlemen and never deceive civilians like us… The reason why the great president let us emigrate is definitely It’s for our sake…”

Although Apollo Village is a backward place in a remote rural area, this does not mean that it is completely isolated from the world.

The human federation controlled by Renault pursues the concept of governance, which is to carry out the government’s influence to the most basic level, so that every civilian can understand the policies formulated by the government and hear the voice of the ruler with his own ears.

Therefore, the federal government specially allocated a large sum of money to create a magic broadcasting network all over the human world. Remote villages like Apollo Village have also built a broadcasting station.

In addition, in accordance with the order issued by Renault, the federal government has spent tremendous efforts to improve the living standards of civilians to a considerable extent, and completely solve the problem of food and clothing for the people.

Therefore, in the hearts of civilians, the Federal President and the federal government under his administration have great prestige.

This time Renault asked for the relocation of 2.2 million civilians in the White Antelope Republic. Although most of them were reluctant to leave their homes, the civilians eventually obeyed the government’s orders.

Of course, it is impossible for millions of people to have no “stabbing heads”. However, the government does not hesitate to use coercive means for any uncooperative civilians.

Since I have been persuaded and refused to obey, I will just drag it away!

On the other hand, the Federation directly allocated a sum of tens of millions of Kinnars to purchase all the property of the civilians, and the people who got the benefits naturally did not resist.

Take Marianne’s family as an example. The “Mountain View Villa” with 3 members of the family sold 255 silver nars along with the land, and the 20-odd alpine snow sheep in the sheepfold sold 280 silver nars. 50 silver nars/person relocation subsidies and 30 silver nars/person poverty alleviation subsidies, totaling 775 silver nars.

For a low-level family, this is definitely an unimaginable huge sum of money.

As the saying goes, “You have money in your pocket and don’t panic in your heart”, the family has no worries about the future of life.

After a team of more than 600 people climbed over a mountain, a cry of exclamation immediately rang.

“My God, what is that?”

“Look at the sky above Barr, everyone, there seems to be something flying in the sky…”

“3…5…11…20…Hey, there are so many, at least more than 20…”

“Idiot, you can’t count, more than 20? I tell you, there are at least 40!”

After hearing about the reputation, the young man immediately saw a long string of small black spots, slowly drifting towards Baal Town.

He looked at it carefully, and suddenly exclaimed in surprise:

“These are magic airships. I have seen pictures of them in the books. They are exactly the same as the pictures… I understand. Most of them are airships sent by the government to pick and drop us.”

“The town of Barr is close to the Las Vegas Mountains. There are mountains of all sizes everywhere. If everyone goes out by land, it will take at least ten and a half days, so the government will use airships…”

The boy’s words immediately caused a sensation.

Although most of the villagers have not seen the airship with their own eyes, they have listened to the broadcast for so many years and received a lot of information, and they know more or less what an airship is.

“Guys, we have a chance to take an airship…”

“Hey, I often hear “Zeus Airship Aviation” on the radio. I didn’t expect that today we would also have the opportunity to experience the feeling of flying in an airship…”

“I remember it was said in the broadcast that the speed of the airship is not as fast as the magical airliner of’Hai Chao Airlines’… the airliner has flown 1,000 kilometers away, and the airship has only flown more than 200 kilometers, which is not a bit slow…”

“You bastards, it would be nice to have an airship to sit in, but you still pick and choose…”

“Isn’t it said in the broadcast,’Zeus airship aviation is more comfortable, safer, and more enjoyable’… The airship has more space, and the ride is more comfortable. Even the legs cannot be straight on the passenger plane. There is nothing wrong with the airship… …”

The villagers were talking excitedly, speeding up their pace unanimously.

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