Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 1004

Chapter 995 Let the Mozu suffer a big loss

In 757, the moon of the Orioles.

Thousand Lakes Republic, White Tower.


Dozens of single-soldier magical guided weapons “Valkyrie’s Fang” ejected flames from the tail, dashed arcs in the air, and slammed into a large group of demons soldiers.

“Bang! Bang! Bang!”

The warhead of the “Valkyrie’s Fang” was detonated, releasing a lot of cold air. In an instant, an area of ​​over 3,000 square meters was created in the battlefield, and more than 800 demons were instantly frozen into ice.

But this is just a drop in the bucket. This time the demons who suddenly descended on the Baitabao area were too many, with the total number exceeding 8,000.

The black wave in the battlefield was only blocked by the frozen area for a while, before it surged up like a tide again.

A large group of Demon soldiers shouted in unison, raised the black spear in their right hand, and threw it forward. The moment the spear was released, the tail flashed red, and the spear body seemed to be pushed, and the speed suddenly increased.


Nearly a hundred spears flicked through the air like lightning, causing a sharp whistling sound.

More than 50 mobile infantrymen were sniping the enemy in mid-air. More than 30 of them were hit by spears. Many of them were even used to pass by and died on the spot.

The commander of this mobile infantry roared with his eyes open:

“All land!”

But the order was too late.


Another wave of black shadows passed by at a high speed of 1.5 times the speed of sound. The remaining 10 mobile soldiers were caught fire, their bodies were pierced by spears, and they fell to the ground like a large bird with folded wings.

The most demon soldiers stared at the commander, and his experience was the most miserable.

A spear pierced his face accurately, and only heard a “bang”, his head exploded to pieces, and 6 spears pierced his torso, and the whole person was instantly pierced into a hedgehog.

In just ten seconds, all the mobile infantry stationed at White Tower were killed.

A demon officer wearing a gorgeous armor raised his spear high and let out a huge roar.

Thousands of demon soldiers around also raised their heads and roared, raising their spears with both hands.

Afterwards, all the spears flashed red light, and the elements fluctuated into one body. The red light surging like a wave, gathered into more than 20 huge flame darts, and shot towards the fortifications more than 1,000 meters away.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

The flame dart burst into countless fire snakes, engulfing the entire fortification. More than 300 heavily armed army soldiers and more than 500 temporarily recruited militiamen were roasted into coke by the elemental fire.

At this point, the western defense line of White Tower was completely lost. Thousands of Mozu soldiers poured into the town and began to wantonly slaughter civilians.

Although civilians with magical firearms resisted desperately, this was nothing but a dying struggle.

In a certain block, a dozen red-eyed civilians stood on the roof of a three-story residential building, pointed their guns at the Mozu soldiers rushing into the block, and frantically pulled the trigger.


The ice element bullets fell into the black wave, splashing a cloud of ice mist and cold air, freezing more than a dozen Demon soldiers into ice, but this was the only result of the civilians.

The demon soldier raised the weird weapon in his left hand, and the red crystal inlaid on the surface glowed red. More than 30 flame darts shot out, instantly hitting the residential building, and the violent flame flooded the group of civilians.

Such scenes abound in cities, but wherever civilians gather, the devil will attack mercilessly. Wherever they appear, there will be a **** place.

From a high altitude, one can clearly see that the black wave turned into a terrible plague, scouring from one end of White Tower to the other, turning the city into a lifeless death domain.

At this time, hundreds of “Thunder God’s Sword”, like a meteor shower falling from the sky, slammed into the White Tower Fort below.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

A loud noise shook the entire town, and the boundless cold fog spread rapidly around it like a storm. Anything touched by the cold fog would be instantly covered by ice.

Within a few breaths, White Tower Fort became a city of ice, and most of the demons in the city also became ice sculptures.

This is a long-range magic sense guided weapon launched by an Army Thunder Division 630 kilometers away.

Although the Thunder Division launched the “Thor Launcher” at the fastest speed, synchronized satellite signals, and launched more than 100 “Thor Swords”, the whole process still took 12 minutes from receiving the order to the landing of Thor.

This speed can’t stop the demons from slaughtering the city at all. They can only clean up the remaining debris and let the demons bury the civilians.

It took another 5 minutes before the over 30 Silver Eagle fighters appeared on the horizon.

Their target is the Demon soldiers who escaped the Thorns by chance.

The tragedy that occurred in White Tower shocked the entire human federation.

1,200 soldiers died in the battle, more than 9,600 civilians died, and the entire city was almost completely erased from the map. This was the heaviest loss of the human confederation since the beginning of the war.

“All stand up and observe a minute of silence for the civilians killed in Baitabao!” Miss Federal Chancellor said loudly.

All the people attending the meeting stood up and hung their heads deeply, and the holographic image conference system was quiet.

A minute later, Angela’s “reception is over”, the machine ended the simple silent ceremony.

Renault looked around and asked the first question:

“How was the handling of the aftermath of the dead?”

An official under the Federal Ministry of Civil Affairs quickly replied:

“Under the Supreme Crown, the Ministry of Civil Affairs has organized more than 5,000 celebrities to go to Baitabao to dig out the remains from the iceberg. However, the iceberg made by Thor’s Sword is too hard and it is very difficult to excavate.”

“So far, we have only excavated 3642 corpses… As the temperature gradually rises and the ice layer melts, the excavation progress will accelerate. It is expected that the site cleanup will be completed in 5 days.”

“In addition, all the corpses that were excavated were cremated on the spot and sent to the cemetery in the capital of the Bailing Republic for burial…”

Renault nodded and asked the second question:

“After the tragedy was reported by the federal media, how did the public react?”

Another official under the Federal Propaganda Department stood up and replied:

“Under the supreme crown, we have closely monitored public opinion. Generally speaking, since the military eliminated all the invading Mozu soldiers and completed revenge for the dead in time, more than 80% of the people responded positively.”

“Everyone can understand that this full-scale war between humans and demons is impossible without paying a price, so civilians support the federal government and the federal army, and are willing to fight for the federal.”

“The rest of the people have a certain fear of war, especially in the western part of Bailing Republic, that is, several cities near Baitabao. The people have obvious panic, but the local government and army can maintain social order. What will be the problem.”

Angela interjected:

“Under the supreme crown, does the government need to organize another immigration? For example, all the civilians in several small cities in the western part of the Bailing Republic will be moved to the Thousand Lakes Republic.”

Renault shook his head:

“There is no need for this. At most three days later, the Rune Research Institute will produce a’counter-weapon’. At that time, we will let the demons suffer a big loss!”

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