Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 1005

Chapter 996 Poseidon

The fourth satellite control center.

The satellite control center is a new satellite control center established by the Federation half a year ago. It manages only one type of satellite, that is, the space wave detection satellite.

This kind of satellite has only one function, which is to detect any fluctuations related to space energy, whether it is space waves caused by cross-border transmission, or space disturbances in high-dimensional space, or space waves caused by subspace jumps, they cannot escape. Its’eyes’.

“According to the data obtained in the last half month, the accuracy of the Void Demon Race’s’unfixed point teleportation’ is getting higher and higher…” A magician stared at the display light screen in front of him, and said a little boringly.

“Yes, in the past two weeks, the Mozu army has launched a total of 48 cross-border teleports, of which 28 have landed more than 100 kilometers away from the city, 14 have been within 50 kilometers, and 6 have been less than 20 kilometers. The average distance is 63 kilometers, compared to the first half a month, the distance has been reduced by half!” Another magician agreed.

“The probability of success of Mozu teleportation has increased significantly. I remember that the success rate in the first half of the month was slightly more than 30%. Now the success rate has reached 65%. The speed of the Mozu’s progress is disturbingly fast.”

“If the current trend continues, at most two months later, the demons can accurately teleport their troops to a position close to the Aegis. I am afraid that then the entire Glow Continent will be in danger of falling.”

“Hey, four cities have been attacked now. Nearly 4,000 soldiers have been killed, and even more civilians have died. It has already exceeded 30,000… If the demons can really transmit accurately, then the federal casualties must be high. It’s hard to imagine…”

Just as the magician was talking about it, the alarm in the control hall suddenly sounded.

“Woo Woo ”

The stern voice instantly made the atmosphere extremely tense, and the magicians immediately entered a state of combat readiness.

The person in charge of the control center, Intermediate Magician Angus, roared loudly: “Guys, the satellite has detected the’Initial Space Disturbance’, report the’Space Disturbance Value’!”

“Currently, it is 330 points of’disturbance value’.” A magician reported immediately.

“Very well, turn on the’reverse tracking system’ to determine the destination of the transmission!” Angus yelled again.

“Boss, the design of the’reverse tracking system’ is not perfect, I am afraid it is difficult to accurately detect the final destination.” Another magician shouted.

Angus glared at the talking magician and rebuked:

“Of course I know! Motos, try my best. If you don’t do anything, you will never succeed… Besides, if there is not enough data, we will never be able to optimize this system!”

“Okay, Boss!” The magician called “Mottos” replied sly.

“The current’disturbance value’ is 2450 points, and the climbing speed is accelerating. It is expected that it will reach a critical state of 5000 points in 18 seconds.” The magician who is responsible for observing the spatial disturbance value reported again.

Angus’ expression tightened and said loudly:

“Share the information with the ‘Sea God’s Temple’ and prepare them!”


A few seconds later, Angus asked again:

“Motos, has the’backtracking system’ detected the approximate range? Is it the White Antelope Republic, the Thousand Lakes Republic, or the northern part of the Glow Continent?”

Motos made crazy calculations on the draft paper, and replied without looking up:

“Boss, give me another 5 seconds!”

Angus glanced at the big screen and looked at the spatial disturbance value that had risen to 2890, showing a worried look, but he did not urge, but waited quietly.

After a few breaths, Motos reported the result with a little surprise:

“Boss, according to the calculation result of the magic state formula, the destination of the Void Demon Race this time cross-border transmission seems to be the “Permafrost Continent” where the “Snow Thorn Republic” is located, but I can’t calculate the specific location.”

Angus was taken aback: “Man, are you sure?”

Motos said very positively: “Of course, the formula can’t be deceiving.”

Angus nodded and picked up the communicator: “I’m here to inform the Supreme Crown!”

The so-called “Sea God Temple” is the “Sea-based Elemental Strike System” established by the Human Federation.

There are only two weapons controlled by this system-the Poseidon’s Halberd and the more powerful Poseidon Trident, which can absorb the water element in the ocean and convert it into extremely destructive energy to attack all nearby creatures.

The “counter-weapon” used by Renault to deal with “non-fixed-point teleportation” is precisely a special space weapon developed using the Neptune’s Halberd and the Sea God’s Trident as the energy supply system.

In short, it is a little modification to add a new function to it.

Renault, who personally sits in the “Temple of the Sea”, received the news from Angus, and gave a light instruction:

“Turn on the ‘Poseidon’s Web’, gather all the energy of the Poseidon’s Halberd and Poseidon’s Trident, and lock the target area as a frozen land continent. Once the space disturbance reaches a critical value, immediately start a super large-scale spatial disturbance!”


A wave of magic energy surged and spread at high speed in a high-dimensional space, activating dozens of large-scale magic energy devices hidden deep underwater.

Around each device, there is a group of gray dolphin guards, riding a single submersible, cruising nearby, and further away there are naval submarines responsible for patrolling.

After the gray dolphin tribe was regained by Renault, these creatures that were born and grew up in the ocean became the most dominant ocean shepherd of mankind, guarding the long coastline for mankind and performing various underwater tasks.

In the extremely distant space of different degrees, a super-giant metal arch of 10,000 meters high glows red all over, and even if it is thousands of kilometers away, a striking red halo can be clearly seen in the distance.

This is exactly the cross-border teleportation artifact of the Void Demon-the portal of void teleportation.

The huge and alarming energy gathered, and the light in the center of the arch was distorted, gradually forming a “black hole”.


The base of the arch, which is comparable to a city, shook. A giant metal square with an area of ​​more than 4 football fields broke off the base and rose quickly. On the square stood a Mozu soldier with a total of no less than 5,000.

When the square rose to a height of 4500 meters, the ascent speed began to slow down. As soon as it touched the edge of the “black hole”, the square began to shrink strangely, and the demon army also became smaller.

When the square shrank to the size of a wooden table, the “black hole” suddenly produced obvious fluctuations, energy surged like a tide, and the demon army suddenly disappeared.

Subsequently, the energy fluctuations gradually weakened, the size of the “black hole” rapidly became smaller, and the square rapidly enlarged.

The demon army that disappeared at this time has entered a strange passage.

The passage is like a legendary endless abyss. All the senses of the Demon soldiers are completely shielded. No sound can be heard in the ears, no light can be seen when they are seen, and the skin cannot even feel the temperature.

Here, time is as long as it has no end, and as short as a moment.

I don’t know how long it took, and an indescribable light suddenly appeared in the extreme distance. At first it was a small dot, and then it became bigger and bigger, and finally turned into a giant halo.

The soldiers’ hearing and touch began to recover little by little. They heard their own breathing and felt the air currents around them, but the strict military discipline prevented them from speaking or moving.

At this point, any Demon soldier who has experience in cross-border teleportation knows that the teleportation is about to end. As long as the darkness of the passage completely fades, he will arrive in another world.

However, the next moment, something that made the entire demons panic happened.

The halo in the extreme distance trembled abruptly, and black cracks filled the halo, shattering it, and the volume of the halo quickly shrank.

What frightened them even more was that hearing and touch began to disappear a little bit.

The demon standing in the front yelled in unknown language:


It hadn’t finished speaking, the halo suddenly dimmed, the space became dark again, and this demon army disappeared.

They were swallowed by space.

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