Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 1003

Chapter 994 No point delivery

Each infantry division of the Federal Army has a mobile infantry unit of more than 2,400 people. The role they play on the battlefield is somewhat similar to that of an armed helicopter on the earth.

In terms of firepower density, the mobile infantry is not as good as the armed helicopter, but it is far more flexible than the latter, the flying speed is not bad, the target is also significantly smaller than the latter, and it is not easy to be hit by the enemy.

It is based on this consideration that Renault abandoned the development of a dedicated ground attack aircraft.

Although the maximum flying distance of mobile infantry is only 300 kilometers, this is not a big problem. Military magic transport aircraft and magic transport airships are sufficient to solve all the problems of long-range delivery.

This time the battle that took place to the west of Iron Helmet was quickly over.

After discovering the Mozu army, the army immediately slammed the two waves of Valkyrie and blasted the hiding place of the Mozu soldiers into a sea of ​​flames. Then the mobile infantry who rushed started to make up their swords and killed the remaining Mozu soldiers.

“Captain Leopold, just now the third satellite control center sent a message that all the demons who invaded this area have been wiped out!” A mobile infantryman turned a circle in the air while shouting in the communication channel. Reported.

“What is the result of the inspection of the’disaster detector’ we are carrying?” the commander who was called as “Captain Leopold” asked.

“Report to the captain that the detector found no suspicious targets.”


Captain Leopold looked at the area being attacked by the Valkyrie, the flames still had not gone out, and the radiated heat could be felt from far away.

He sighed, and whispered a command:

“The base will send an airship to clean up here, leaving a team to guard here, and the others will evacuate… By the way, Master, you are responsible for bringing the body of’Albit’!”


A mobile infantryman landed in front of his colleague who was killed in battle, raised his hand in salute, used the equipment to hook the corpse with a hook, and flew to the distant city with the corpse.

Other mobile soldiers lined up in a neat line, silently following behind, like a guard of honor at a funeral.

Several teenagers who were on their way in the wilderness, looking at the mobile soldiers gradually flying away, only felt that today’s experience was like an incomparably fantastic dream.

They originally just wanted to play a not-thrilling ‘hiking’ to satisfy their desire for adventure, but they did not expect to witness a sudden outbreak of war with their own eyes.

After realizing that the war was over, everyone became extremely excited.

“Oh, the federal army is so powerful. It killed the invading demons so quickly…”

“After graduation in the future, I will join the army to fight against the **** devil!”

“Haha, who was scared to cry just now? Do you really dare to go to the battlefield?”

“Huh, Watt, you are not much better, I saw you wipe your tears…”

“I do not have!”

“you have!”

The teenagers quarreled.

Tim suddenly interjected:

“Guys, people will really die on the battlefield!”

He pointed to the figure in the sky, with a strange sound in his voice.

“Did you see the hanging thing? I guess it was a mobile infantry who died in battle!”

The atmosphere of the team suddenly solidified.

Thousands of kilometers away, a holographic imaging conference is being held in the sea tide zone.

“…In the past month, the Void Demon Race is using the’Void Gate’ in the Devil Sea as a springboard, and is constantly trying to cross-border troops to other areas… According to the statistics of the Ministry of National Defense, so far, the Demon Race 14 batches of small-scale troops have been deployed, with a total of more than 14,580 demon soldiers, including 3 Upani-level demon tribes and more than 1,000 extraordinary demon tribes.”

An army officer said loudly:

“The demon army that was dropped mainly appeared on the Glory Continent. Among them, the White Antelope Republic appeared 8 times, the Thousand Lakes Republic once appeared, and the no man’s land in the northern part of the mainland appeared 5 times… The federal army was eliminated in time. All the invading demons also paid a certain price. In total, 38 soldiers were killed and 125 were disabled… But we have enough’Nuwa potions’ to regenerate the mutilated limbs.”

“In addition, although the Federation has deployed a complete Aegis defense system in each city, it can create spatial disturbances and prevent the demons from directly descending inside the city, but today’s invasion of Iron Helmet proves that the demons have enough The ability to accurately place the army near the city…”

A voice interrupted the officer’s narration:

“Wait, I want to know, does it matter how far the demon descends from the city? Can’t the federal army hold the city?”

Lieutenant General Moose, the commander of the Federal Army, answered this question:

“The relationship is very big. If the demons drop to a remote location, no matter how large the number is, the military will have enough time to mobilize troops and destroy the demons… But if the distance is very close, the military may not have time to deploy troops.”

“For a chestnut, if the number of the demon army that comes to the Iron Helmet Fort this time is not more than 1,400, but 20,000, or even 40,000 or 50,000, it may be difficult for the military to prevent the demon army from invading the interior of the city… after all We have a limited number of troops, and there are too many cities, and there are not many troops allocated to each city.”

“It must be admitted that, fortunately, the Supreme Crown ordered the federal government to move more than 2 million people in the White Antelope Republic to the Misty Islands. The gathering points that need to be defended are greatly reduced. Otherwise, the pressure on the military will be even greater, and cities will definitely be captured. …”

These remarks made all the participants aware of the seriousness of the matter, and they started to talk about it.

“Did the Mozu secretly bury some sort of’positioning device” in the mainland? If the positioning device within 200 kilometers of the city is cleared, can it stop the Mozu from throwing troops on the Glow Continent?”

“No, this time the Mozu used’non-fixed-point transmission’, and the’receiving end’ does not have any positioning device… In fact,’non-fixed-point transmission’ is a very dangerous transmission method, and it is very likely to be transmitted to In the subspace, or in the rock formations tens of kilometers below, we didn’t expect the demons to be so brutal.”

“I agree with Sherwood’s point of view that the’Space Wave Exploration Satellite’ has detected at least 46 space fluctuations. In other words, in the process of testing’unfixed teleportation’, the demons only succeeded 14 times, and the number of failures was as high as 32. This time, they must have paid very heavy casualties…”

“Oh my God, if you put 1,000 soldiers at a time, wouldn’t the Demon Race kill more than 30,000 soldiers in vain? Tsk tsk, the Demon Race is really a brutal and cruel race…”

“The people from the Ministry of National Defense said that the Demon Race uses the’Void Gate’ as a springboard for its teleportation. Can I understand that as long as the’Void Gate’ is destroyed, the Demon Race’s teleportation can be prevented?’

“It is true in theory, but it is very difficult. The’Void Gate’ is far in the middle of the Devil’s Sea and is buried deep under the sea. It is difficult for the sea, land, and air forces to attack it… If we try to attack it, the Demon Race will definitely do its best. prevent……”

At this moment, Renault suddenly said:

“This’Void Gate’ is very important to the Demon Race, but it is more important to us! If the Federation wants to defeat the Demon Race, then we must not destroy the’Void Gate’. For this, it is worth paying no matter what the price is. of.”

The meaning of this sentence has changed the expressions of many people.

Obviously, the “bigger price” includes the fall of one or several cities.

Once this happens, there will be huge casualties beyond imagination.

However, as the ruler of the human world, no one dared to object to the decisions made by Renault.

After pondering for a moment, Renault said again:

“I have an idea, maybe it can interfere with ‘unfixed transmission’, but it will take some time to study…”

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