In the Harry Potter Without Harry Potter

Chapter 500: Candidates

"This kind of research has actually kind of broken the scope of research regarding time magic, instead incorporating space as well, and it's actually mostly space-centred."

Iniesta showed all of them the blue dial he was holding.

"This was the eventual success of what he had worked out. There was no way to be sure of those two conjectures at that time without either time travelling or encountering someone who had already had a time-altering experience to come forward and confirm them, it was just that a bunch of alchemy masters at that time were more inclined towards the theory of parallel space, otherwise, there would have been too many details to spot the signs of such a change if it was a change in the past and thus triggering a change in the present. "

"And so this particular space-turner was born, but from the very beginning, this thing was a half-finished product or a defective product. Because, if the theory of parallel space really exists, that would mean that there are countless branches of this world on the side of our world, and while breaking down this spatial divider may be easy for wizards, but, if it's a matter of accessing other dimensions, then an established anchor point is needed."

Every single person sitting here was intelligent, and Iniesta was not explaining something overly specialised for them to understand.

"So this thing was initially made as a basis for justifying a conjecture, but it was never actually used, it's like a paradox, because of the desire to justify the existence of a parallel dimension a space-turner was made, but if one wanted to use a space-turner one would need another thing from a parallel dimension as an anchor point to travel through to confirm it. It was also because of that eventual discovery that the research was ultimately shelved, and the exploration of time-turner went into stagnation from that point onwards until recent decades, when even the technology to make time-turner was completely lost."

Jon easily associated this space-turner with the ring he got in his hand.

They were both created in the same situation at the beginning, and the creators of both relied only on a conjecture to invent them but always lacked the key demonstration to realise such a conjecture.

Fortunately, the ring met Jon later, and the space-turner finally had an "anchor point" to fulfil its function!

While Iniesta was talking about this, Jon also took out the time-turner that kept spinning its hands, the other world item, he just happened to have in his hand!

Just as he spoke, and almost everyone held their breath, Grindelwald calmly pointed out the crux of a problem.

"The problem of being able to travel to another world is solved, but what exactly our purpose in going to that world is? Is it to destroy all the Voldemort Horcruxes that exist in that world, or do we need to go to that world to destroy this time-turner?"

"Be prepared for both." Iniesta said gruffly, "On this point, because no one in history has ever experienced it before, we simply have no precedent to follow. No one can say for sure whether or not this time-turner can be destroyed when it returns to its original world, but finding all of Voldemort's Horcruxes and destroying them is certainly the most effective option."

Naturally, his words were recognised by everyone at this long table, and with all the talk now, naturally, the next question was laid out in plain sight.

"I'll go."

Lily's voice rang out calmly but with a tremor in it.

The eyes of everyone in the room went to her, and everyone could understand why she was in that mood at the moment.

Because, Voldemort's change had begun the very night that he had killed Harry Potter and James Potter, which meant that there was a good chance that there were still loved ones of Lily alive in the other world!

She had been living for revenge all this time, but the turn of events that had happened now had allowed her to hope for the best again.

After Dumbledore fell into a deep sleep, the highest command of the entire Witching Horizon naturally fell into the hands of Iniesta and Grindelwald, of which the one with the highest say is of course the force that has replaced Dumbledore, and at the same time has direct control over the entire Northern Europe, Grindelwald.

It's just that normally Grindelwald would rarely inquire about the affairs within the Witching Horizon, his mind is all focused on his own career, but now it's naturally his turn to make the decision.

"Is there a limit to the number of people who can use this space-turner?"

He didn't respond to Lily's words at first, but instead turned his head to Iniesta.

This Alchemy Master, who after Nicolas Flamel could be said to be ranked amongst the top ones in the world, held the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said in a composed manner.

"It doesn't mainly depend on the number of people, but the imprint on this world, meaning that the more traces left on the world we are living in now, the longer the time, the harder it will be to break through the boundaries of space. According to the notes left behind by the teacher, this limit of leaving traces should be within 70 years."

With this statement, he was jamming all those who were over 70 years old, and the topmost combatants in the room were of course all over that age.

But Grindelwald clearly didn't care about that, his voice still held the same slight coldness.

"Voldemort from the other human world has already made his way to us, which means that there isn't really much danger in that world. The one who needs to go over there naturally has to be someone who knows enough about Voldemort himself and has faced him head-on, after all, having to fight against his Horcruxes isn't necessarily any easier than facing him in person. And the only person who fits that bill is, of course, Jon."

"But just asking Jon to go over there by himself, that's still obviously not sufficient. The Hogwarts of the other world can be a help to him, but since we don't know the development of that world, and we don't really know what kind of position Jon there has, what kind of reputation he has, and whether or not he will gain the trust of the Hogwarts, this requires someone who is familiar enough with the people of the Hogwarts before the world changes and can gain absolute trust to go there. You guys can just decide it internally yourselves."

After saying this, Grindelwald got up and left the meeting room, he had already made the final decision for Witching Horizon, so the rest was naturally left to the people within the Order of the Phoenix to choose.

He hadn't specified that it would be Lily who would be allowed to go over there, but there weren't really many people who fit the bill here right now.

There is a 70-year limit in place, and Jon must go, he is 16 years old, which means that the person travelling with him can't be older than 54, and of the members of the Order of the Phoenix present who can be absolutely trusted by the people of Hogwarts, there are only four, Sirius, Lupin, Kingsley, and Lily, who meet this requirement.

And in the face of such a situation, although Sirius, Lupin, and Kingsley also wanted to go, on the premise that there was Lily present, it was again absolutely impossible for them to go and grab it with her.


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