In the Harry Potter Without Harry Potter

Chapter 501: Before departure

Now that the candidates have been decided, the next step is to decide on the exact time and the specific things to be taken into account when going to another world.

Naturally, the sooner, the better, and Voldemort, who had already rested, obviously did not want to give Witching Horizon too much time to prepare. In the two days following the New Year, he reoccupied the entire territory of France at lightning speed and then began to make his way into Germany.

The German Ministry of Magic was originally only slightly biased towards the Witching Horizon side, and its relationship with Grindelwald was somewhat ambiguous, and there was no full affiliation.

And now that the German Ministry of Magic is under tremendous pressure. According to the information Witching Horizon has acquired, some of the purebloods within it have begun to surrender to Voldemort.

As for the things to be aware of when travelling to another world, this point is mainly explained to them by Iniesta.

"This is different from time travel. When Voldemort travels over and changes the established history, the two worlds are completely separated and become unconnected independent realities".

"So you might be able to use this world's experience and common sense as references, but they can only be references".

Jon has some experience on this point.

The Hogwarts in the original book he read in his previous life is the normal line, and the world he is in now is the deviation line with two Voldemort, and Harry Potter murdered. As for the other world, he is going to, Voldemort should have disappeared from that one, there should have been no main villain, and only the deviation point left would have been the saviour Harry Potter without a major villain.

The three worlds seem to have the same root and origin, but due to a huge deviation, the whole world is said to have undergone major changes.

For example, if the wizarding world that Jon had travelled through was a normal Harry Potter world, even if he had broken his head, he probably would not have imagined how big a problem it would be for this world to have two Voldemort appearing together.

The same goes for another world that no longer has a Dark Lord.

"Then we must avoid meeting ourselves in another world?"

Jon asked thoughtfully.

It is still unclear when Voldemort first made the transition. If it was the night he killed Harry Potter, Lily may not have died in the other world.

Of course, he doesn't have to think about it himself too much. There can't be a Jon Green in another Harry Potter world, because if Jon hadn't transmigrated, the original Jon Green would have died long ago in the orphanage.

Iniesta leafed through Nicolas Flamel's notebook and answered Jon's question at the same time.

"There should be no restriction on meeting yourself in another world because the reason why this time-travelling rule of preventing two selves from meeting each other adapted is to avoid a deviation that cannot be corrected in history, and in the end, it will lead to incalculable consequences. Now such consequences have already occurred, so there is nothing to worry about."

"What you have to pay attention to is, the question of time, the exact time and date of your arrival to that world is the biggest concern."

Iniesta said solemnly, and at the same time, both Jon and Lily listened to him seriously.

"Regardless of what time period Voldemort has travelled back to, the only thing we can be sure of is that the time period Voldemort has travelled back must be longer because he used a time-turner to come here, which means that our current time is January 3, 1996, and the world Voldemort has come from must be beyond that date, which means that although the way you're travelling to that world is largely space-based, in terms of time, what you're going to is actually the future of an alternate world."

"How much faster than we are now is something only Voldemort himself can tell, it could be only 10 minutes or 1 hour, or it could be 10 or 20 years later." Hearing this, Jon fell into deep thought.

He carefully recalled the timeline in the original book, from the beginning of the story, the day Harry Potter became an orphan, to the end of the story, when Voldemort was killed, the whole time spanning about 17 years, and during this current timeframe, Voldemort completed his physical resurrection after the end of the Triwizard Tournament held a year ago.

Jon believes that the point Voldemort traverses should be before he is resurrected; when he was rebounded by his own killing curse, his body disappeared and his soul had no fixed destination. If he has completed the resurrection plan, then everything has been restored, and it doesn't make sense for him to make a new journey.

As for how the soul is supposed to use the Time-Turner, it is actually not difficult for Voldemort. In the original book, he can control Quirrell to cause trouble at Hogwarts Castle. In the forest of Albania, he can also use his remaining power to possess animals.

Perhaps it was something he encountered during that period of wandering that caused him to use the Time-Turner to change the past.

Of course, Lily and Iniesta didn't know what Jon was thinking.

"So the first thing you have to do is find out which year you are in. Then you have to be very careful in another world. We can ignore Jon with his ability to become a Phoenix. But Lily, you need to pay more attention."

Iniesta warned seriously and took out the time-turner Jon had given him.

"Finally, what you have to do in another world; I suggest you do both the goals we talked about previously. Find and destroy as many Horcruxes as you can, and at the same time find a way to destroy this Time-Turner, or leave it in the other world. Leave it there before you return."

"And that's all you need to remember."

When he said this, he looked up at Lily in particular, for this colleague who had been working with him for more than three years, Iniesta naturally understood what she intended to do.

But he didn't say anything else that he had wanted to say to Lily, instead he turned to look at Jon.

"When you can come back, try to come back as soon as possible, don't stay there. And it is not just me, the Headmaster of Durmstrang thinks the same, if there is a disagreement between the two of you, Jon's decision will be the most important."

Lily nodded with a calm face.

"I know the seriousness of this matter, and I can also distinguish between my goals and responsibilities, so I won't lose my mind and become a loony."

Seeing her speak directly to him, Iniesta was a little embarrassed but also relieved.

"Okay, I only have one last reminder. The most important thing is to judge the time difference between the other world and ours. I think you should know how to judge it, and then don't stay there too long. Try your best. Be back in a month."


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