In the Harry Potter Without Harry Potter

Chapter 499: Nicolas's Legacy

Bordeaux, France.

On the third day after Christmas this year, it remained the same as usual for Muggles, without half a change, while for the wizards in the magical world, the sky had changed again.

The news of Dumbledore's defeat at the hands of Voldemort and his death had long been rumoured, and those wizards who had already experienced a reign of blood and knew what kind of future the muggle wizards would have, fled in all directions before the Death Eaters and Aurors from Britain even set foot on the soil of France.

But even if they are fleeing their homeland, there are not many destinations that they can choose to go to, the entire southern part of Europe basically became a no-go option, the discerning people are clear, the current Voldemort just lacks time, and when the British Ministry of Magic begins to digest the fruits of the victory that will be produced in the wake of this top-level duel, the entire land in the south of France will fall into the scope of the domination of the Voldemort.

There were even rumours that the smaller ministries of magic had already prepared ministerial orders, always ready for the British Ministry of Magic officials to lead the purebloods to take over the reins of power once and for all.

And if they fled north, to Germany or north of Germany, it would be like returning to the Witching Horizon's territory again.

But now Dumbledore is dead, and it may seem that the Witching Horizon does not have any large-scale loss of personnel, and there is still the power to fight, but in reality, they are equivalent to a person with the head cut off, even if the limbs are still there, they are already a dead man.

No one still thinks that with the loss of Dumbledore, the Witching Horizon can still have any effective means to resist when facing Voldemort, even if it is Jon, who has gained notoriety over the years.

Almost all wizards felt that Jon would be a great man in the future, but that would be in the future.

And now there is no longer any room for him to develop, it won't be long, as long as Voldemort personally makes a move, the whole of Northern Europe will fall as a result, and Europe will completely turn into a pureblood paradise.

All the muggle wizards who intend to flee almost only have the option to leave the European continent this time, but even if they leave Europe, go to the Americas or Asia and other places that have not been affected by the war, will Voldemort's ambitions really stop after occupying the whole of Europe?

Every wizard was deeply sceptical.

It was also during such a time when people were on edge and the British Auror had returned to France under Voldemort's instructions to start rebuilding the French Ministry of Magic that belonged to him, that Jon quietly appeared on the outskirts of Bordeaux.

It was a public cemetery with a specialised graveyard keeper to clean and manage it.

Jon found this place during a night, there had apparently been a heavy snowfall here during the days of Christmas, covering the entire cemetery, and the graveyard keeper had been doing his best to clean it these days, but there was still a small portion covered in snow.

And Jon's final destination was in front of a graveyard that was blanketed in snow.

He saw the name engraved on that graveyard - [Adrien Fawkes]

This was exactly where the creator of the ring and gemstones that Jon wore in his hand, Slughorn's old friend, a master alchemist who hadn't left much ink in the history of magic, had returned to after his death.

After arriving at his grave, Jon did not do anything else. He first bowed deeply to the tombstone and then used Transfiguration to create a broom, and instead of directly using a cleaning spell, he personally cleaned the grave of this old man, whom he had never met before, but who had provided Jon with more help than any other person.

By the time he had finished doing the work, it was already late into the night, and it was only then that Jon went behind the tombstone and fumbled around with a hand that had a ring on it, and it was at the same time that his hand went over, a door knob suddenly appeared on the otherwise plain and unremarkable tombstone just in time for Jon to take hold of it.

Jon held the doorknob and opened it, a small hidden compartment appeared at the back of the tombstone, and through the bright white moonlight, he could clearly see a blue diamond-shaped gemstone and a note with a scarlet seal lying quietly in it.

Without stopping, Jon took the note and the last gemstone from the secret compartment and finally bowed deeply to the tombstone once again, then disappeared back into the night as silently as he had come.

To be honest, regarding this ring, the first three gems had the greatest impact on Jon, the levitation charm was what allowed Jon to transit the period when his understanding of magic was the weakest and his own strength was also the weakest, while the general counter-spell was what provided Jon with the capital to overcome the strong with the weak, so that he could have the opportunity to counterattack even when he was caught in a lot of situations where he was bound to die, and the Animagus was even more of a blessing, without learning it, it was unknown how many times Jon would have died in the past.

But subsequently, although the spell he used the gem to acquire increased, it wasn't as obvious to Jon as it used to be.

For example, the invisible sword curse on the fourth gem, in the duel with Voldemort, also it played a big role, but it was far from the point of being essential.

Now that he had the last gem, Jon hadn't considered which spell he needed to use it for.

But he wasn't given time to think about it, and the day after he returned from France, Iniesta returned with his results as well.

And this time, for the sake of what he had brought, the entire top management of the Order of the Phoenix, including Grindelwald, who was now a sort of replacement for the power support after Dumbledore in Witching Horizon, attended this meeting together.

They had all also been informed of what was going on in the wizarding world today, as well as Voldemort's true identity.

In front of them, Iniesta pulled out a strange time-turner.

The surface of that time-turner was not golden but had an ethereal blue colour, and the dial did not have hands, but only a separate disc, like a half-finished product that had not yet been completed.

"You are all well aware of my teacher, Nicolas Flamel; he was an alchemist who lived from the Middle Ages to this century. And in his long life, he experienced countless innovations regarding alchemy, among which he was involved in the improvement and research work on the time-turner at the very beginning."

Iniesta's voice became serious.

"Once I heard him talk about this in his laboratory, the task he was assigned within a group of alchemy masters about the study of time was how to deal with the space disturbed by time. At that time, there were already people who raised questions about the dangers of a time-turner, making conjectures like if a person went back in time and killed his past self, would there be two different worlds or would it directly change the future that had already happened."


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