I Play Cards In Yu-Gi-Oh

Chapter 1546 - Yuxing\\\'s creativity

“Fight!” Yuxing shouted, “Stardust Dragon, attack the ‘Sky Dragon of Osiris’!!!”

Stardust Dragon raised his head and opened his mouth, and a sonic shock wave burst out, flying towards Osiris under the blessing of gathering prayers!

Stardust Dragon VS Osiris seems to represent the decisive blow of Yuxing’s own will!

But of course Atum would not be able to fall here so easily.

“The prayer of gathering… You can still have such an attack at this stage, Fudo Yuxing, you are really strong.”

Atum’s words changed again.

“But I’m sorry, I don’t plan to leave the game so easily today.

‘Obelisk’s Giant Soldier’, the final ability is activated!

Release two monsters on your field, and for this turn only, the attack power of ‘Obelisk’s Giant Soldier’ ​​increases to infinite!

And designate a monster on the opponent’s field, and that monster must fight Obelisk forcibly! “

As soon as Pharaoh’s voice fell, Obelisk was stunned for a moment, but he quickly reacted and shook his huge head.

correct! It’s time to get angry now!

Only when Obelisk is angry will his true power be unleashed!

“I released the ‘Sky Dragon of Osiris’ and ‘The Winged Dragon of the Sun God’ that existed on the field, and Obelisk’s final ability was activated!

Soul energy MAX! “

With the angry roar of the God of Destruction, the Sky Dragon and the Wing Shenlong fell on his shoulders one by one. The red and golden energies were respectively charged into the body of the Giant God Soldier, transforming into literally endless power!

[The giant soldier of Obelisk, attack power 4000 → attack power ∞]

Obelisk, who was in a state of rage, once again gained infinite power with his other two phantom **** colleagues as sacrifices!

“Yes… that’s right!”

It was only at this moment that the commentator realized that the fierce offense and defense exchange just now made him even forget that Obelisk has such a terrifying ability.

“The other two phantom gods can also be used as sacrifices for ‘Soul Energy MAX’!

And if Osiris is sacrificed, not only will the only shortcoming that can be targeted on the Atum field disappear, Yuxing will even have to force the Stardust Dragon and the infinite attack giant to fight! The dangerous positions of the two sides exchanged in an instant! “

Osiris, who is called the short board: give you a chance to reorganize the language in this plane.

But no matter what, now it has indeed become a danger on Yusei’s side.

The sky dragon and the winged dragon were transformed into the energy of giant soldiers, and a punch containing infinite power counterattacked against the speed of sound of the stardust dragon’s shooting!

But at the moment of the close call, Yuxing also played the next card immediately!

“According to the effect of ‘Executioner Mashura’, a trap card is activated from the hand——

– Destruction Wheel! “

“Oh oh oh wrecking round!” the commentator shouted, “Could it be that Yuxing players are really helpless, so in the end they have to use the power of the wrecking round to fight for a draw!?”

really. The Destruction Round is nicknamed the “Tie Round”. At the moment of seeing this card, most people’s instinctive first reaction may be a draw.

So it is only natural that the commentator would think so.

“Wrecking Wheel… Do you want to re-enact the battle between me and You Yu?” Atum’s mouth rose slightly, his eyes showing memories.

That’s right, in the first duel city competition that year, in the battle sponsored by Haima Company and the title of duel king as a bet, in the end, You Yu used the “Wrecking Wheel” self-explosive attack and perished with Atum, and both sides won the duel king at the same time. the throne.

“It seems that you have indeed done your homework.” Atum said, “but do I need to remind you? ‘Oberisk’s Giant Soldier’ ​​is not a monster, but a god.

Traps like the ‘Wrecking Wheel’ are useless to the gods. So even if you tried to detonate Obelisk and let us suffer infinite damage at the same time, that would not do it at all…”

“I didn’t say that the one I wanted to detonate was Obelisk.” Yusei smiled, “The monster I want to detonate with the ‘Wrecking Wheel’ is—

– Stardust Dragon! “

The destruction wheel spun out, the metal iron ring hung on the long neck of Stardust Dragon, and the lead of the grenade hissed and burned.

“Oh, it’s your own Stardust Dragon who is going to detonate!” the plane’s commentator shouted, “The Stardust Dragon’s attack power at this time is 7800, which means that if the destruction is successful, both parties will suffer 7800 points of damage at the same time!”

But of course Atum knew that there would be such an operation – after all, You Yu had detonated his own monster to bring about a draw.

But today is different.

“But you may have forgotten.” Atum said, “Because you used the quick attack magic ‘Card Shield’ at the beginning of this turn, all monsters on your field cannot be destroyed by card effects during this turn – even you The effect of the card you use is the same.

So it makes no sense for you to use the Wreck Wheel on your Stardust Dragon. The Stardust Dragon will not be destroyed, and neither of us will have to suffer. “

“That’s right! Indeed, at the beginning of this round, in order to prevent Osiris’ ‘Lightning Bomb’ from blowing up the springboard monsters and interrupting the deployment, Yusei player used ‘Card Shield’ from the beginning, and all his monsters cannot be affected this round. destroy!

So now his own destruction wheel is naturally invalid!

how so! Does this mean that Yuxing will be defeated because of his own effect interference?

Will the second-rounder of the dueling team of Wang Youyu also kneel under the power of the phantom God’s unsolvable ‘Soul Energy MAX’! ? “

But Yuxing just… smiled confidently.

“Of course I know this kind of thing, while the ‘Card Shield’ is in effect, the Stardust Dragon will not be destroyed.” Yusei shouted, “But the ‘Destruction Wheel’ has the effect of ‘destroying monsters on the field’!

Even if it can’t really destroy the Stardust Dragon, it is enough to trigger the effect of the Stardust Dragon! “

The plane head explained: “Wait, is the purpose of Yuxing players…”

“I activate the effect of ‘Stardust Dragon’!” Yuxing shouted, “When the effect of ‘destroy cards on the field’ is activated, you can release Stardust Dragon to use its effect!

I released the ‘Stardust Dragon’, negated the activation of my own Trap Card ‘Wrecking Wheel’ and destroyed it! “

The stardust dragon turned into particles and disintegrated, and the released starlight suppressed the flames blasted by the destruction wheel, and quickly wrapped and suppressed the flames until they were completely destroyed.

“I nullified the effect of the sabotage wheel by myself… Is the purpose to avoid Obelisk’s attack?” Atum pondered.

Indeed, launching the destruction wheel by itself and then ineffective, this chain seems to be a loss, but as a result, the Stardust Dragon, which could not be destroyed, escaped from the field briefly at the cost of launching its own effects.

Obelisk’s “Soul Energy MAX” can only designate a monster on the opponent’s field to forcibly fight, and if there are no monsters on the opponent’s field, there is nothing to do.

From the results, Yu Xing did use a series of very creative combinations to dodge the magic fist of the giant soldier’s second kill…

But what Yuxing did ~www.mtlnovel.com~ was more than just trying to survive this round!

“This is the last blow I’ve tried my best!”

Yu Xing waved his hand.

“Trap Card ‘Small Universe Explosion’!

When a Dragon-Type Synchro monster you control leaves the field, inflict damage to your opponent equal to that monster’s ATK! “

“!!?” x10086

To give damage to the stardust dragon that leaves the field by the value of the attack power, isn’t that…

… Seven thousand eight hundred points! ?

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