I Play Cards In Yu-Gi-Oh

Chapter 1545 - Wishing Star

“Oberisk’s counterattack, divine hand smashed!”

The floating sky class launched the impact of the creation of heaven and earth, and Obelisk fought back not to be outdone! The wave of heavy punches collided with the light of the floating sky class, but the power of the floating sky class was suppressed in just an instant.

This is also helpless. The gap in data among the dueling monsters is absolute. The flying quasi dragon’s attack power, which was weakened by the summoned thunder bomb, is only half of that of the giant **** soldier, and of course it has no power to fight back.

But this is naturally also within Yuxing’s calculation.

“I can activate a trap card from my hand due to the effect of the ‘Executioner: Mashura’ discarded this turn.” Yuxing waved a trap, “The trap card ‘Invincible Attack’!

You can choose one of the two effects to activate.

Select a monster on your field that cannot be destroyed by battle during this turn’s Battle Phase; or make all battle damage you take this turn to 0.

I choose to make all combat damage this round become 0! “

“However, the battle destruction will still be the same.” Atum said, “Your ‘card shield’ can only protect your monsters from being destroyed by the effect of the card this turn, and it is still applicable if the battle is destroyed.

The ‘Flying Quasi Dragon’ will be destroyed because of this battle, and this attack is meaningless. “

When the voice fell, the smashing shock of the giant **** soldier’s divine fist had already returned, and the flying star-like dragon on Yuxing’s side was smashed into pieces.

But this has been the purpose of Yuxing from the beginning!

“Flying Star Dragon, the effect is activated!” Yuxing shouted, “When ‘Flying Star Dragon’ leaves the field, all monsters on the field are destroyed! And after that, one ‘Meteor’ from the extra deck will be destroyed. Dragon’ Effect Neutralizes Special Summon!” (animation effect)

Atum’s expression changed slightly: “By the way, the effect of destroying all monsters on the field…”

“That’s right.” Yu Xing smiled, “The ‘Flying Star Quasi Dragon’ is a level 12 beyond the limit acceleration coherent monster, so even gods are not immune to its effects!”

“That’s right… that’s right! The flying quasi star dragon also has the ability to clear the field of destruction!” The commentator also woke up at this time, “and because it is level 12, its effect is very strong against illusions. God works too!

In this way, the phantom gods will be completely destroyed! “

“Then open the cover card, the trap card ‘Grave Raider’.” Atum unhurriedly opened another back field.

Commentary: “Oh, it’s actually a tomb robber! One of the logo cards of the player of the city Nekoya!”

“Grave robber, you can get a card from the opponent’s graveyard and use that effect at any time.” Atum said, “I want to get the effect of the magic card ‘Card Shield’ that you sent to the graveyard this turn.

Discard a card from your hand, and all monsters on your field will not be destroyed by effects this turn! “

A huge shield identical to the one on the star field stood on Atum’s field, and the flames released by the self-destruction of the flying star quasi dragon were completely resisted by the shield!

“It was blocked!” the commentator shouted, “I never imagined that the suicide bombing of the Flying Star Quasi Dragon was actually blocked by Yu Xing’s own card!”

The effect of Liutian was blocked, but Yuxing was not frustrated.

“Then I will continue to deal with the effect of ‘Meteoroid Dragon’.” You Xingdao, “Special Summon from the extra deck to nullify the effect of ‘Meteor Dragon’!

The crystallization of the gathered dream will open a new door of evolution and turn into a shining path——

– Birth, Meteor Dragon! “

The shining meteor pierced the sky, and the dragon swooped down with the full sense of technology covered by armor!

[Meteor Dragon, attack power 3300]

“But even the Meteor Dragon can’t avoid the ability to summon lightning bombs.” Atum said, “Because of the effect of Osiris, the Meteor Dragon’s attack power is reduced!”

[Meteor Dragon, attack power 3300 → attack power 1300]

The attack power is only 1300, which is only comparable to the “Junk Synchronizer” who died of overwork in the hands of Yu Xing, and it is not worth a beat on this battlefield.

But Yuxing didn’t care: “The battle continues, use the ‘Meteor Dragon’ to attack the ‘Oberisk’s Giant Soldier’!”

“Even so, we still have to launch an attack!” The plane head explained, “Sure enough, there are other strategies hidden!?”

Atum’s expression remained unchanged: “Then Obelisk will attack again, and the fist will be smashed!”

There is still no suspense. The giant **** soldier’s fist power is overwhelming, and the Meteor Dragon will be annihilated into **** with one blow!

“But because of the ‘attack invincible’ defense, the battle damage I received is still 0.” Yuxing said.

After a pause, his volume suddenly increased.

“Then this is my trump card, the power of **** and the true meaning of the synchronicity that Yu Yu-senpai showed me—

——Trap Card ‘Prayers for Gathering’! “

Atum: “!”

“Oh, the prayer of gathering!” The commentator also recognized it, “That’s the trap used by duel Wang Youyu before, which can connect the power of the dragon-type synchronizing monsters!”

However, they soon discovered that the “Pray for Gathering” that Yu Xing took out was a little different from the one Yu Yu had used before.

“The prayer of gathering can only be activated when the ‘Meteor Dragon’ on your field is destroyed by battle.” Yusei said, “Remove a set of Synchro Material Monsters in your Graveyard from the game, and the ‘Stardust’ in the Extra Deck will be activated. Dragons’ Synchronized Summons!

I excluded the ‘Junk Synchronizer’ and ‘Technology Ultra Librarian’ in the graveyard from the game!

Gathered prayers will evoke new hope and turn into a shining path! fly-

– Stardust Dragon! ! ! “

From the trap card, the radiance of the stars that is more gorgeous and shining than usual blooms, the road of stardust is paved all the way to the air, and the silver-white dragon drags the brilliance of the star dust and swirls out!

[Stardust Dragon, attack power 2500]

“Another piece of stardust…but the effect of Osiris is activated again.” Atum said, “Take 2000 ATK of the attacking monster.

Summon Thunderballs! ! ! “

[Stardust Dragon, attack power 2500 → attack power 500]

But for the current Stardust Dragon, this summoning lightning bomb is not painful at all!

“‘Prayers for Gathering’, the follow-up effect.” Yu Xing smiled, “The Stardust Dragon Special Summoned with this effect will increase the attack power of all the Dragon Synchro monsters in your Graveyard by the combined attack power!”

“…Among the Dragon Synchro monsters in your cemetery, ‘Sacred Dragon – Stardust Zero’ has been removed from the game due to its own effects, and ‘Liutian Salvation Star Dragon’ has also been sacrificed as a ‘buried animal’ ‘Excluded from the game.”

“I know. However, Stardust Dragon can also gain the attack power of the ‘Flying Star Dragon’ and ‘Meteor Dragon’ that I sent to the cemetery this turn.

So ~www.mtlnovel.com~ now Stardust Dragon’s attack power is…”

[Stardust Dragon, attack power 500 → attack power 3800 → attack power 7800]

The attack power is seven thousand eight hundred!

[Sky Dragon of Osiris, Attack Power 3000]

Now that Osiris’ attack power was only 3000 after the cards were consumed continuously.

Enough to complete the beheading!

“Fight!” You Xing said, “Use the ‘Stardust Dragon’ to attack the ‘Sky Dragon of Osiris’!”


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