I Play Cards In Yu-Gi-Oh

Chapter 1547 - Mars

“The effect of the explosion of the small universe will deal damage to the Dragon Synchro Monster that leaves the field by the attack power of the opponent!” Yusei shouted, “Therefore, the value of the attack power of the Stardust Dragon when it leaves the field is given—

– Seven thousand eight hundred points of damage! “

The Stardust Dragon transformed into a transparent phantom, swooping down towards Atum like a missile of energy!

The giant **** soldier’s punch full of divine power and infinite attack slammed into the face, but only the phantom of the star dust dragon passed through, and all of them fell into the air.

The Stardust Dragon, who has left the field, has been transformed into a pure energy form with the help of the trap effect. Even the Phantom God in the state of full firepower cannot be the master’s current lore hit.

“The combination of the effects of ‘Wrecking Wheel’ and ‘Stardust Dragon’ is not only to avoid the instant kill of ‘Soul Energy Max’, but also to meet the triggering conditions of ‘Small Universe Explosion’!”

The commentary has entered a state of complete excitement.

“Seven thousand eight hundred damage, Fudo Yuxing never thought from the beginning that he would take this damage together and die together. From the beginning, his goal was to kill!”

“Even at this point, you can create such an extraordinary combination, launching a deadly counterattack from an impossible situation…Even I’m starting to think you’re a little scary, Yuxing.”

Atum gave the thumbs up again.

“But unfortunately, this is still within my calculations. You will do your best to complete the beheading in this round, I have foreseen this.

And whether it’s through combat or effect damage, I’m already prepared! “

Atum snapped his fingers crisply.

“Activate Gaika, the quick-attack magic ‘Curse of Pain Soul’!”

Atum’s backcourt opened, another piece of ancient magic from the DM era!

“Curse of Soul Pain can be activated when the opponent activates a spell, trap, or monster effect that inflicts effect damage.

That effect damage… is taken by the opponent instead! “

“It’s actually a damage rebound card!!!” The commentator’s eyes were almost popping out.

What is this all about!

Are these two gods?

You have already reached this stage. You Xing has already used all his means. In this situation, you can still find such a beautiful combination to kill, but Pharaoh actually… still holds a counter-injury! ?

How to fight this! ?

But Yu Xing did not hesitate, and another card was shot directly from his hand.

“Then again, based on the effect of ‘Executioner: Mashura’, I will activate a trap card from my hand again——

– Natural reflexes! “

Atum’s face changed slightly.

Natural…Reflection! ?

Commentary: “Natural reflection, all spells, traps, and monster effects that the opponent activates that cause effect damage during this turn… All the damage is reflected back to the opponent!”

bounce your bounce.jpg.

What’s this? To use the printed card against the printed card?

How come the Yuxing players also have such a card that seems to be pulled out of the crotch! ?

“Therefore, the damage reflected by the ‘Curse of Soul Pain’… will be reflected again by natural reflection!” Yusei said, “And, ‘natural reflection’ is a lasting effect. During this round, senior, you All the damage given to me will continue to bounce back!”

In other words, even if Atum took out a second “Curse of Painful Soul” from his pocket, it would be meaningless. Even if he takes another two, three, four bounces, all of them will be bounced back by natural reflection.


Stardust Dragon’s final counterattack, which even burned itself out, was a devastating blow, like a meteor passing by the side of the giant soldier, and blasted away on Atum’s D wheel!

The explosion of 7,800 values, the explosion of Stardust Dragon with all his might, at this moment everyone believed that the dust had settled.

The performance of Yu Xing in this game is really perfect… No, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is super god.

With the three phantom gods as opponents, facing the strongest duelist who has the power to perfectly control the phantom gods, not only has he completely caught the ferocious offensive, but he can even create a variety of highly creative lore again and again. hit.

Everyone felt that this was really enough.

He has done enough, all Yuxing’s counterattack attempts in these rounds are despair that is beyond the reach of ordinary duelists in a lifetime. Even if the opponent is the legendary pharaoh, it is a bit too much to be unable to kill him even like this.

Besides, strictly speaking, this is not a victory for Yuxing alone.

After all, Yu Xing took over the venue entrusted to him by his teammate Yucheng Shidai. Prior to this, Tendai had already consumed Atum’s resources as much as he could, and left as much available resources as possible for Yusei in the cemetery.

To a certain extent, it was also the mutual support of the fetters between their companions that finally came to this point. It’s also a well-deserved victory for them…

Commentary: “???”

【Atum, lp900】

Atum, who galloped out of the smoke screen again, not only did the speed of round D not be affected in the slightest, but his health did not change at all, and the phantom of the giant soldier still stood.

“Actually… unscathed!” Even the commentary felt a little hoarse.

It’s not dead? Is it too much?

Lord Pharaoh, are you really not giving your younger generation a way to survive?

“…Discard the ‘Winged Cotton Ball’ from the hand.” Atum said calmly, “Until the end of this turn, all the damage I have received…is 0. “


Everyone didn’t even know what to say.

Although it has long been known that Pharaoh is very strong and that he is a legendary god, it is only on the concept of “strong”.

But now, looking at the galloping figure, looking at Obelisk standing beside him, the word “invincible” was born in the minds of the duelists for the first time.

Yes, it is invincible.

It feels as if this is an invincible **** of war. No matter how hard you try, no matter how many sets of tactics you come up with and how many beautiful offensives you organize, it will still be in vain in the end.

Between the wind and the cloud, he can dissolve all your offensives and all your efforts.

Maybe from the very beginning, from the moment you came to this field and faced the king, you were doomed.

Even Yuxing was silent for a while.

Indeed, even this step of counterattack is blocked, and individuals may feel frustrated. At such a time, he may even lose his fighting spirit and surrender directly, and there may be no one who can blame him for anything.

And theoretically, the next round should be over.

Atum still has giant soldiers on the field, and by the time Stardust Dragon returns to the field at the end of the round, it has only 2500 attack power left.

And no one doubts that Atum will be able to collect two sacrifices in the next round. At that time, whether it is to use “Soul Energy Max” or use it to directly deal 4000 damage, it will definitely be Yuxing’s defeat.

“Then my fight phase is over~www.mtlnovel.com~ Yusei took a deep breath, “but my round isn’t over yet. I activate this card from my hand——

——Magic Card ‘Rebirth of the Dead’! “

“The deceased Su Sheng!” The plane’s head commentator suddenly became nervous again, “Could it be that even at this point, Fudo Yuxing still has a hole card!?”

The battle phase is over, what else can be left at this point?

“Although my strength is at its limit, our team’s journey is not over,” he said, “The strength of our bonds will continue to open up new futures!

It is this card that I want to resurrect!

Illuminate the universe, the light of miracles—

——Elemental hero, God Xinyuxia! ! ! “

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