I Have Countless Skill Points

Chapter 20 - 1 straight fit 1 straight cool

There was severe pain in both legs, and Snow Spider suddenly lost focus. Wang Lan plucked the shallots in a dry field at once, kicking his feet to the spider’s jaw and kicking the spider to support his body.

“噗嗤 ——”

A knife stabbed into the chest of Snow Spider’s abdomen, and the blade of the knife immediately brought out a green blood practice. Wang Lan’s body collapsed, Snow Spider struggling to death for several seconds, and fell to the ground.

“Complete the first kill of the other beast, reward 500 experience points, 30 skill points!” A reminder sounded in my mind.

“Pretty——” As soon as he claimed that the praise was sounded, Wang Lan had time to look at the side first. The five snow spiders that were attracted, except the one that Wang Lan had killed, had been the Jiang Xinyu team Killed.

“Ten minutes, killing a snow spider independently … Lan, you are so good.” Xu Xiangwen exclaimed excitedly holding the sword in his hand.

“What awesome, you all killed four.”

“Lanzi, without taking you so inflated, we are a four-man squad, fighting in teams. You can do one by one alone. Can this be the same?”

“You hold me less, you really think I don’t understand, I can count as an independent operation? Without you sweeping the line to prevent a second snow spider from joining the battle, I will be killed within three minutes. Said to be independent Combat actually fights with your team.

He also cooperated. Xu Xiangwen killed three of them, and then I killed one. The gap is obvious. “

“Pretend, continue pretending, I listen! Don’t show off in front of me, such a serious pretense, you just wait for me to play.”

Wang Lan looked innocent and looked at Jiang Xinyu with a smile, “You say a fair word? Although I know that I didn’t hit him less often in the junior high school, but this time I do feel far worse than you . “

“Hehe …” Xu Xiangwen rolled his eyes, “Heart, see no, he is compared to us, a cargo that has just awakened the Star Warrior for two days and we have been awakened for two years. How much more inflated?”

“Only you have been awakened for two years.” Gong Feiyu grinned, “Brother three years, my heart is eight years.”

“Large prisoner’s finger!” Xu Xiangwen’s direct **** paid a little respect.

“Classmate Wang Lan is still very good. I remember when I first entered the trial field with the team, it took us half an hour to chop and kill a snow spider. I think it’s the same as winning a war. You can’t compare with us, we are all shining. “Wang Youle said a fair word.

“Wang Lan, what are you doing, take the soul beads?” Jiang Xinyu urged.


The soul bead is in the head of the other beast. This is the common sense of the star warrior Wang Lan still knows.

I stabbed Snow Spider’s head with a stab, forcing the disgusting fingers into it and taking out a soul bead.

Absorb star power, skill points +1.

The soul bead in his hand disappeared.

“Ah? You absorbed it now?” Wang Youle exclaimed.

“Ah? What are you not absorbing?”

“Soul beads are collected, and the one-time absorption effect is better. Now you can absorb most of the star power that can only be consumed.”

“Is this the same?” Wang Lan smiled lightly. He is a systematic person who naturally understands that soul beads can help others to improve their strength, but for Wang Lan, he can only increase his skill points, and he can only rely on improving the level of Xingwu. Experience, that is, doing tasks or beheading.

其他 For other Star Warriors, the purpose of beast-slaying is only the soul bead, but on the side of Wang Lan, they are separated. It is more efficient to obtain experience points, soul beads to gain skill points and replenish star power.

Completing the first kill rewarded 30 skills. Wang Lan’s melee sword is now Bronze II. For the current situation, melee sword seems to be more practical, so all thirty skill points are added to the melee sword. .

Raising the melee sword to Bronze Five, Wang Lan instantly realized that there were many loopholes in the previous tactics and fighting methods. It is entirely possible to use another method to kill Snow Spiders more efficiently.

好 “Well, let’s continue to circle the snow spiders, the second round begins!”

This time, Wang Youle and Jiang Xinyu led ten snow spiders over. The previous five were just appetizers for everyone to warm up. Similarly, Wang Lan is still facing a snow spider.

Wu Xue spider approached, Jiang Xinyu ordered, and Wang Lan rushed to his target instantly. This time, Wang Lan’s offensive was even sharper. When invading Snow Spider’s side, the knife in his hand flashed a knife light, and Wang Lan’s stabbed leg was repelled by Wang Lan.

His body flickered, Wang Lan disappeared into Snow Spider’s field of vision, suddenly felt under his feet that he was hit hard, his body was lifted by a powerful force, and a knife flashed, Wang Lan pulled away.

All the movements become chic and natural in one go. Had it not taken about three minutes to approach the Snow Spider, Wang Lan could even have settled the battle within five minutes.

The beasting is completed and the snow spider is removed. Jiang Xinyu is still there. Jiang Xinyu is a French star warrior, but this time the goal is to collect enough soul beads to complete the breakthrough. He can use it without star warrior skills. Therefore, Jiang Xinyu was in an auxiliary position. The main kills were Gong Feiyu and Xu Xiangwen.

King Wang Youle is also a fire department, but his star martial arts also seem to spit fire, the flame damage to snow spiders is limited, and his close combat ability is poor. It’s not that Wang Lan’s prejudice is bad, but it’s not enough.

Even Wang Lan felt that Wang Youle could not live in his own hands for a minute.

After gaining five experience points and a few skill points, he didn’t hesitate. He inserted the battle instantly, and borrowed Wang Youle’s flame cover, and Wang Lan instantly bullied himself in front of Snow Spider.

He punched an uppercut with a single punch, pierced his chest and pierced his chest.

I sprinted and killed, even in less than ten seconds.

“I fuck–“

Wang Wangle, who watched Wang Lan complete a beautiful beheading, burst out swearing.

Before that, Wang Youle still saw Wang Lan in a high position, because he was a star warrior, and Wang Lan was just a star. But at this moment, Wang Youle suddenly realized how naive his consciousness was and how underestimated Wang Lan’s strength was.

The killing ability that Wang Lan just showed, it is easy to kill yourself. But also in an instant, Wang Youle’s heart raised a strong crisis dare.

I used to think that Wang Lan might threaten his position, but now Wang Youle is certain that Wang Lan can threaten himself. Wang Youle, who entered Jiang Xinyu’s squad, spent a year and had a good relationship with Xu Xiangwen. He was obedient and well-behaved in the squad.

How can be replaced? How can it be replaced? At this moment, Wang Youle’s heart is complicated and inexplicable.

“I fuck, seckill? Brother Lan, are you an assassin?” Xu Xiangwen resolved a snow spider, and cried in amazement.

“Hey, there’s no way, that Snow Spider’s posture is so good. I wouldn’t be comfortable if I stabbed a knife in the bottom of my heart. This stab is so refreshing and full of ideas.” A blow is also contentment.

“Well, time is limited, another wave.”

没 “No problem, give me two snow spiders this time, I want to hit two!”

With Wang Lan’s familiarity with snow spiders, and the rapid progress of melee swords, Wang Lan’s speed to kill snow spiders is getting faster and faster. Gradually, Wang Lan does not need to fight Snow Spider independently, but completes the beheading just like Xu Xiangwen.

He was the other three to limit the snow spider, and then Wang Lan and Xu Xiangwen rushed to attack the enemy.

For two consecutive hours, he slaughtered more than a dozen waves of strange beasts.

“Almost, a large number of snow spiders have been alert to lean on this side, let’s withdraw first.” After the wave of snow spiders was cut and killed, Xu Xiangwen said lightly.

“Okay, go back and fix it, wait for half an hour.” Jiang Xinyu was the captain and decided to arrive immediately.

The repaired place is a cave, and the entrance is two meters wide, which can be guarded by one person. For more than an hour of high-intensity battles, even Star Warriors in Xingyao are struggling. However, Wang Lan was trembling with spirits, sinking into the skill points that he had gained.

A total of more than an hour of fighting killed a total of 20 snow spiders, and the 20-point skill pushed the melee sword to Bronze Seven.

Although the same level of bronze, but applied in actual combat, then the difference is great. The sword is more sharp and speeds up the speed of beheading. From the previous wave, Wang Lan’s real shot to beheading can take a few seconds. As long as the timing is good, you can complete a trick spike.

But the time on the battlefield is not counted like this, the effective beheading time may be fast, but the time of maneuver is very long. After all, Snow Spiders are also fast, and their attack power is not immune to them.

At present, it is enough to match the sword method with the body method. Next, to improve the comprehensive ability, it is rare to come to a trial field. The next time I come to the trial ground, I don’t know when.

“Xue Spider retreated, we can continue.” Xu Xiangwen opened his eyes and glanced around.

“Well, let’s continue. UU reading www.uukanshu.com”

It is very boring to slay other beasts in the test field, but it is definitely not boring. It’s always in danger and can’t be bored. Maybe the trial ground is big enough, maybe there are really few people in the trial ground. For three days in a row, I haven’t seen any Star Warriors other than them.

Twenty-three days later, the five of Wang Lan were exhausted with blood on their faces. But the gains to Wang Lan in these three days are huge.

Killed so many strange beasts, the level has been upgraded from Star Five to Star Seven, and the collected skill points have been 300. Wang Lan upgraded all the skill points to his skills. At the beginning, Wang Lan’s skills were in the early Bronze, but now, all of Wang Lan’s skills are in the late stage.

Wang Lan found a problem that the basic skills are inseparable. Basic skills are like the hardware of a computer, which are related to each other.

It is like if the body method is Bronze One and the sword method is Bronze Nine, then in actual combat, only Bronze Five combat power can be used. Because the weakness of body law limits the use of swordsmanship.

By the same token, the combat effectiveness of the sword is also affected by the strength of the fighting. Most of the fighting uses the fighting style, and the sword can only be displayed when the knife is used to slash.

Such a discovery made Wang Lan afraid to focus on points any more. It was really not suitable to use it in reality. The skills are mutually reinforcing.

The perfect ratio is body, fighting, and the two are the same. And other basic martial arts such as swordsmanship and marksmanship are loaded on these two. Body type is the embodiment of flexibility and reaction speed, and fighting is the embodiment of actual combat and coping ability.

At this moment, Wang Lan’s physical skills and fighting skills have reached the level of Bronze Eight, and the sword skills are only Bronze Seven. Compared with when he first entered, Wang Lan’s combat effectiveness has been increased by at least double.

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