I Have Countless Skill Points

Chapter 19 - 1st Beheading

“This …” Wang Youle seemed to have something to say.

“What’s your opinion?” Jiang Xinyu’s sharp eyes shot at Wang Youle, examining Wang Youle in a condescending manner.

“No … no!” Wang Youle shook his head again and again.

“Okay, let’s eat now, come and eat!”

岚 In a short meal, Wang Lan has sorted out the relationship between this team and is not familiar with Wang Youle and Wang Lan. He only met today. The other three were known by Wang Lan from an early age. Jiang Xinyu is a young student. Xu Xiangwen and Gong Feiyu are classmates from elementary school to junior high school. The relationship between the four of them is quite close.

Minjiang Xinyu seems to be very disgusting with Wang Youle, but Xu Xiangwen and Wang Youle have a closer relationship, and Gong Feiyu just doesn’t dislike him.

Looking at it this way, although the four of them are a team, their relationship is very weak. Wang Lan also finally understood what Wang Youle’s fleeting hostility was when he learned that he was awakening the talents of Star Warrior.

Wang Lan originally had a relationship with the three of them, but now he has awakened the Star Warrior, and it is clear that he came to threaten his status.

However, the guilt of interfering in the position grabbing Wang Lan did not exist at all, but they have had friendship with them for at least eight years. Furthermore, even without Wang Lan, Wang Youle’s position in the squad is worrying. Wang Lan can not take the initiative to crowd you out. Wang Youle has done everything, and the others don’t need to care.

The star warrior has to pay to enter the preliminary proving ground. Although the same is different space, the proving ground is safe, even if it is only relatively safe.

And there are garrisons in the trial grounds to maintain the trial grounds and protect the safety of the testers, all of which cost money.

For a star warrior below the nebula, the cost for one day is 5,000, and ten days is 50,000. This time, the main purpose was to help Jiang Xinyu break through the nebula, five people, 250,000.

数字 This number may take less than five years for ordinary people, but for Jiang Xinyu, it ’s just a drizzle, just swipe in to enter.

“Since I don’t participate in the distribution, I still have to pay for my fifty thousand.” Wang Lan whispered.

“Yes, the next quarter’s rent, you help me erase the odds.”

What a loss! This is the beginning of the nine characters.

I enter the trial ground, and first go to the locker room to change combat clothes. The climate in the proving ground is strange and changeable, so you need to change into clothes that can ensure a constant temperature and are convenient for battle.

Wang Lan glanced at the combat suit, his mouth twitched. It’s a bit like skinny leather clothes worn by super heroes in the United States and China. Not to mention that breathable and airtight, this is the style Wang Lan can not accept.

“What are you trying to do? Not yet fast? Don’t wait for your heart to change and you haven’t.”

“Who designed such awkward clothes?”

“Don’t you know what Xinyujia’s company has developed? Isn’t there a trademark on the clothes?”

“Aren’t you ashamed to wear this?”

“What do you want? This is just a constant temperature shirt with graphite armor on the outside. The shame will be covered at that time. Do you think you will just go out like this? I ca n’t hide the big guy.”

“Old Xu, I found … you’re getting more and more showy now.”

“Did you find out? I can’t stand him anymore in the past year.” Gong Feiyu put on a leather coat and lightly pressed the blue button on the waist belt. The clothes suddenly tightened, completely clinging to the body.

Wang Lan has learned to put on tight leather clothes and looked in the locker. “What about armor?”

“follow me.”

Fei Gong Fei Yu patted Wang Lan’s shoulders and took him out of the locker room to another room. Then he realized that the armor was installed by a robot and had a specially equipped platform.

I don’t need Gong Feiyu to explain. It is enough to have a footprint standing on the ground. With both hands flat, grab the handles on both sides.

“Model scanning … Model pairing … Model loading, please keep still, robot is equipped automatically.”

After that, the breastplate, carapace, and skirt armor were quickly equipped.

“Equipment is complete, please leave the equipment platform.”

Wang Lan came to the mirror and took a picture. “It’s almost the same.”

The skinny colored leather coat became the inner layer, and the armor was extraordinarily handsome and handsome.

“Necessary items such as water and energy bars are stored in the backpack at the back, and the sword can be placed on the waist or in your hand. Let’s go, the heart’s words should be waiting for us.”

He followed Gong Feiyu, Jiang Xinyu came out from the opposite side, and looked at Wang Xin, a woman in armor, who could not help but shine his eyes. Although I knew Jiang Xinyu was very beautiful, Wang Lan could not help but glance at Jiangying Yu for the first time.

“Are you ready? The next ten days will be very hard for everyone. Our goal is to make snow spiders, snow spiders and my attributes match. Soul beads can help me improve faster. Everyone set off-“

The watch has a section map of the beast in the trial field, and the holographic projection can also be completed in the heterogeneous space. This technology was not implemented outside, but it was not expected to be realized in the heterogeneous space.

心 “Well, I heard that any technological weapon in the alien space will be invalid. I wonder if it is true? What is the principle?”

“It’s true, I don’t know the principle.”

“If heat weapons can be used in a different world, the wasteland legion will not be so dangerous. For those beasts in the junior trial ground, give Lao Tzu a Type 95 and I can burst into a clan by himself. Unfortunately, the Type 95 is It can be brought in, but it can only be used as a burning stick. “

“It should be different from the laws of physics.” Wang Lan said with a sigh.

“While I haven’t reached my destination, I’ll introduce you to the team’s respective capabilities, I don’t need to introduce them, you know. Xu Xiangwen can awaken talents and eyes, can ignore occlusion detection from a long distance, and Xingwu Ji is a physical avatar. Every time we can It’s all about Xu Xiangwen to retreat easily.

Fei Gong Fei Yu is the earth attribute star power, the star martial art is also the earth attribute star martial art. Wang Youle is a fire attribute.

You do n’t have star martial arts skills but your melee ability is good. You can use it as a melee in the team. In this way, I use it as a long-range output and Gong Feiyu as the field control assistant. Xu Xiangwen always pays attention to the investigation. Wang Youle reinforced randomly. “

“it is good!”

Soon, a group of five people rushed to the snow spider area, which is a continuous snow mountain area. It is hard to imagine that just one kilometer away is still the hot desert red cliffs, but it is a snowy place.

Such a short distance has such a large climatic difference, and it can only be the case with an alien space that does not play cards according to common sense.

Looking from a distance, there are snow-white spiders lying on the mountains. The spider’s body is the size of a disc and has eight long furry legs. It is different from the arthropods imagined by Wang Lan. The legs of the snow spider are not that A slender sharp weapon like a sharp knife.

“Snow spiders are empire-like social beasts, and their life habits are similar to ants and bees. The snow spider family has a queen, a spider emperor, who is the master of the snow spider tribe and responsible for spawning. The spider emperor leads all snow spiders. , While protecting the spider.

The snow spider moves fast and has the power of an adult. Its skills are freezing ice gas and ice needle rain dew. The freezing ice gas is spit out of the mouth. It is a freezing freezing air above minus one Baidu. Sprayed from the mouth of the body, covering an angle of 180 degrees.

The snow spider’s back has hard armor. The strength of the armor is almost impossible to break below the star level, but the belly of the snow spider is very soft, which is also the key to the snow spider.

In fact, the best candidate to deal with snow spiders is the soil system, as long as the spur skills are basically performed, a large area is killed. However, snow spiders live on the topography of glaciers and snowy mountains. The soil spurs controlled by the soil star warrior cannot break through the ice cover, and because of the ice barrier, the soil system is also a problem. Pity……”

In fact, Jiang Xinyu’s team knew all this information and told Wang Lan nothing more.

“Are you ready? Let’s get started.”

The cricket circle is to kill several snow spiders to their combat area. Snow spiders in the mountains and mountains, if it kills them in the past, this is a death-seeking behavior, and they will be eaten in minutes by the snow spider’s perimeter.

Minjiang’s heart rushed up instantly, firing an ice arrow to anger several snow spiders. The snow spiders had been chopping on the snow to enjoy the glacier cold, and were squinting comfortably. They were suddenly awakened by attack.

With the explosive temper of Snow Spider, plus so many brothers around, can you bear it?

Suddenly, the enraged fierce fighting snow spider stood up and kicked long legs to kill Jiang Xinyu.

The attack distance of the icy snow dew and the freezing cold is limited, and most of their combat methods are melee combat.

“Everyone prepare!”

Shouted from Minjiang, the team instantly changed positions and divided up.

Wang Lan and Jiang Xinyu stood side by side. After Jiang Xinyu ordered, Wang Lan rushed to the snow spider lightningly.

The biggest threat of the snow spider is the freezing cold, which can freeze people into ice instantly. And the degree of this cold air is different for each snow spider, UU reading www.uukanshu. com depends on how much cold air is stored in them.

So Wang Lan cannot sprint towards the Snow Spider, and must approach the direction of detour continuously. When detouring to the side of Snow Spider, suddenly, a breaking sound sounded.

An ice thorn was launched from the snow spider to stab Wang Lan. Seriously, Wang Lan didn’t see where it came from, but the accuracy of the snow spider’s stab was a bit problematic. Anyway, this ice thorn must not occupy Wang Lan’s clothing.

I can’t do it with a single ice thorn. Suddenly, the ice thorns on the snow spider’s body are spread out. Within a second, at least more than 20 ice thorns are fired. This reminded Wang Lan subconsciously of the comprehensive test done in Xingwu Hall.

Feelings This tester is designed with reference to Snow Spider.

Wang Lan’s sword flashed, those who could threaten himself were cut by flying swords, and those who could not threaten him, of course he didn’t see it.

After three minutes, Wang Lan successfully approached the Snow Spider.

After the melee, the snow spider’s claws swept like a long stick. The snow spider has eight legs, but only four legs are needed to stabilize the balance. The remaining four legs are his weapons to kill the enemy.


With a squeaking noise, Wang Lan’s body was photographed instantly.

“Who told me that the power of a snow spider is equivalent to that of an adult? An adult has such power?” Wang Lan slandered.

The snow spider’s armor is extremely hard, and can hit the blade of the sword.

Quickly, Snow Spider bullied the body again, and four feet stabbed Wang Lan’s chest fiercely.

“Wang Lan-” Jiang Xinyu exclaimed.

“呲 ——” A blade of light passed by, and Wang Lan lifted the joint of Snow Spider’s two legs with a knife. There was armor on the outside of the joint, but there was no inside. When the knife went down, the armor was left on both feet Already.

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