I Have Countless Skill Points

Chapter 21 - Wang Youle\\\'s careful thinking

It took three hundred skills to have fifty points left, and all fifty skill points were filled into the Phoenix form. This is Wang Lan’s hole card. Although fifty skill points are only five seconds and five seconds, Xinghe Realm of five seconds can Save yourself at a critical moment.

A fire was burning in the Laoshan cave. Five people sat on the fire and grilled. Jiang Xinyu sat on the edge of the fire and counted the soul beads in his backpack.

“How much?” When Xu Xinwen finished counting, Xu Xiangwen asked with concern.

“Four hundred!” Jiang Xinyu frowned slightly. “I need at least one thousand soul beads to break through the nebula. If three hundred or three hundred days have accumulated, one thousand must be the eighth and ninth days.”

The atmosphere suddenly became a bit quiet. This number was a hundred more than the last time it entered the trial ground, but the other four were actually aware that this time the number of beheaded in three days was twice that of the last time. Even if the consumption of supplemental star power is ruled out, how can you save 500 of them.

If so, it only takes six days to seven days, Jiang Xinyu can achieve the expected goal, and the remaining three or four days can be divided equally. The reason why it is less than expected is because of joining Wang Lan.

Although Wang Lan was with the team, the number of snow spiders he killed was not a little bit. And Wang Lan did not participate in the distribution, and said that it was awkward. If Wang Lan’s three hundred soul beads were also given to Jiang Xinyu, two days would be enough.

But the three did not speak tacitly, but there was one in the team who didn’t want Wang Lan to be so comfortable.

“Mr. Jiang, I don’t think this distribution is reasonable …” Wang Youle hesitated for a long time and finally said.

“The number of soul beads hit by classmate Wang Lan is one-third of ours, and he has hardly used star martial arts. He does not need soul beads to supplement star power. You have not yet broken through, but he has already broken through from the early days of stars Late.

Since we are teamwork, there should not be two ways of allocation. “

“Wang Youle, what do you mean by this?” Gong Feiyu sneered, “Heart speech was already said before entering the trial ground. Why did you not object at first, and now it is an objection to provoke contradictions?”

“No … no … I didn’t mean that.” Wang Youle quickly waved and said, “Isn’t Wang Lan too strong? I thought it was just taking him to practice, but who knows he is so strong, his prey is easy to handle. Can come and help … “

Wang Lan raised his head, thinking deeply in his eyes.

I originally let the big guys fly, but who knows because of their strength and high efficiency, they robbed. And because Wang Lan’s soul beads are owned by himself, this leads to a high killing efficiency, but Jiang Xinyu has a small harvest.

Wang Lan did not think of this before, and took care of himself. Now I was shocked after thinking about it. Wang Youle’s words were not without reason. Since I enjoyed the convenience of team formation, I couldn’t swallow it alone when I harvested.

“Since it was agreed before, don’t worry about this little thing.” Xu Xiangwen, who has a good relationship with Wang Youle, also said lightly.

It is one thing that Xun and Wang Youle have a good relationship, but Wang Lan is his dead party. When Wang Lan and Wang Youle clashed, Xu Xiangwen definitely helped Wang Lan kick his feet. Moreover, Wang Lan’s strength is in his eyes, and Wang Lan is more efficient than him in terms of killing strange animals.

Unsurprisingly, Wang Youle’s position will be replaced by Wang Lan next time. And with Wang Lan’s growth rate, the serious mutant in the absolute evil will soon become the absolute C in the team, and even Jiang Xinyu has to stand aside.

In the past three days, Wang Lan’s speed of progress is everyone’s eyes, and Jiang Xinyu doesn’t know how many evildoers have. Whether for years of friendship or future plans, Xu Xiangwen will give up Wang Youle without hesitation.

Qi Jiang’s heart hasn’t spoken yet, and the two teammates supported Wang Lan side by side. Before Wang Youle had only words of crisis, then at this moment he was almost certain. The appearance of Wang Lan will make him leave this squad of deliberate crowds.

Thought of this, Wang Youle lowered his head, and his heart was gradually rising in his eyes.

“Well, I think what Wang Youle said is not unreasonable.” Wang Lan said from his thoughts and said, “I have gained enough in these three days, and the purpose of our trial is to give heart I raised enough soul beads to break through. I agree with Wang Youle’s proposal. From now on, I will participate in the squad allocation. “

“Wang Lan, it’s okay, even if I divide the soul beads evenly now, it doesn’t matter if I divide them evenly. A thousand soul beads, or 80 million things, is nothing to you or me.”

This remark was very easy, but it seemed like a knife poked into the heart of Wang Youle.

He always understands why he is incompatible with the team. It is not that he is not talented, it is not that he is not strong enough, but that he is poor.

The gap in wealth separates each other’s values. Although there is no contempt, but such a casual sentence can make Wang Youle feel the pain of touching the soul.

Twenty-eight million is a number that Wang Youle can’t even dare to imagine, but Jiang Xinyu can speak softly. It is an astronomical figure for ordinary people, but it is just a quarter of earnings for Jiang Group.

Help Jiang Xinyu break through the nebula with a quarter of earnings, which is a good deal from any angle. Jiang Xinyu’s parents had long wanted to do this.

Xu Xiangwen ’s family has Xu ’s technology, and Gong Feiyu ’s family has the Gong ’s consortium. Although Wang Lan is not the rich second generation, may it be possible to become buddies with this group of rich second generation?

“This is not a question of money, but a matter of principle. By the way, the premise is not to affect the subject, only to blame me for being too good, even the four of you can’t move. Forget it, it’s not difficult for you, or I will take you to fly Right. “

“Fuck!” Xu Xiangwen said, “Fei Yu, can you bear this?”

“Can’t stand it, come on!”

The three people’s cheerful laughter echoed in the cave, and Jiang Xinyu’s cold expression suddenly thawed, revealing a reminiscent smile. The young man chased with laughter in the setting sun. Although his youth has not passed away, he has become a memory. Such a scene should be recorded.

Sitting in the shade of the flames, Wang Youle looked so out of place.

With Wang Lan’s joining and distribution, the speed of collecting soul beads is really much faster. Wang Lan no longer upgrades at any time, and the speed of beheading has increased by another step.

Especially after Wang Lan joined the distribution, he officially cooperated with the other four people. Under the powerful conditions provided by Jiang Xinyu and others, Wang Lan almost killed one blow, and the scary rate was so scary that he became independent after an hour. Forty soul beads were captured, one on average every two minutes.

If you follow this pace all day, today the team can achieve 500 harvests a day, more than three days. If this continues, tomorrow will be enough.

While Wang Lan was waiting to be killed, suddenly the snow spider changed.

Xu Xiangwen quickly opened his eyes to observe, but the strange thing was that the snow spider moved toward the Daxue Mountain tortoise.

“What’s going on? Why did Snow Spider go to the old nest?”

“There is only one explanation for this situation, and the queen spider is in danger.” Jiang Xinyu said calmly, “Go, follow up?”

“Are you serious? Snow Spider is the largest tribe in the primary proving ground. If we are surrounded, we will explain here.” Gong Feiyu asked nervously.

“What are you afraid of? Isn’t there me?” Xu Xiangwen patted his chest. “But my heart has to give me a few soul beads, and it costs too much to open the eyes.”

“Okay! Always be vigilant, and evacuate as soon as you are in danger.”

The squadron advanced for three kilometers in the direction of the snow spider retreat, and Xu Xiangwen suddenly stopped.

“I’m going, big scene …”

“what happened?”

“The fierce snow leopard and the fierce snow spider that were struck by the fire leopard and the storm wolf. The leopard king and the spider king on the front are already on the bar. The battle situation behind them is unpredictable. The spiders are unlucky. So many snow spiders should be helping to stop the wind wolves. “

“How did the fiery fire leopard and the windwolf dry the snow spiders at this time?” Gong Feiyu asked in confusion. “The snow spiders live near Daxue Mountain, and there is no conflict with the fiery fire leopards. The wind wolf also lives in the Valley of Winds.” … Although they are very close, they have always entered the water without breaking the river. “

Min Jiang Xinyu suddenly raised his watch, and after a few clicks, a virtual screen appeared in front of Jiang Xinyu.

“Spider Queen Shirley, after the ephemeris became a spider in 4978, this year should be … forty years old.”

“The life span of the snow spider is three years, the life span of the spider king is ten years, and the life span of the queen spider is between thirty and forty years. So … the life span of the queen spider has arrived?”

“Should be, but after the snow will give birth to a new spider before its life span is reached, there should be no risk. And the first thing that the new spider is born is that after eating the old snow, the throne will not appear alternately. Fault. “

“Maybe it happened again this time. Let’s get closer, what if we can pick it up?”

He and his team were all brave, and the two sides dared to approach each other in a large-scale battle, dancing in the rain of bullets. Once engulfed in a strange beast, even if the distress signal is too late to launch, it will be eaten up.

The twenty-five people approached slowly from under the snow until they could observe the battle.

At this moment, the battle between the fiery leopard and the spider emperor has reached the stage of intense heat ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ The spider emperor and the king of leopard are all colored.

The king of spiders is more than ten times the size of an ordinary snow spider, and the white armor on his body is as heavy as the armor of a tank. But the seemingly heavy Spider Emperor was surprisingly fast.

The extremely cold Dongqi is like the thick smoke rising from the engine, and the icy rain dew emitted from the laser is like the bullet rain. And these ice thorns are extremely fast, but all the fiery leopards that are hit are taken away.

The speed of the snow spider is fast, but the king of panther is faster, moving like a meteor, and with a blazing flame burning on its body, it flashes like a meteor.

The panther king spit out a flame and shrouded the area within 20 meters in diameter.

The strength of the Panther King and the Spider Emperor are equal, but the scorching leopards in the Snow Spider’s violent soldier mode can hardly reach the elbow.

The snow eagle and the fiery leopard are singled out. The fiery leopard can easily kill the snow spider, but the two are more difficult. If three and four are under siege, the fiery leopard can only be killed.

This is an epic war picture, but also a **** slaughterhouse.

Wang Lan never thought that snow spiders would eat so fast. Almost three or two mouthfuls could eat up a fiery leopard. And snow spiders don’t let go of their own kind. When a corpse appears, countless snow spiders will come to distribute food. Even if he is not seriously injured, he will soon be eaten by his companion.

“It’s terrible …” Xu Xiangwen’s face was a bit disgusting, and he said a little trembling.

所以 “So I hate spiders, at least the fiery leopards don’t eat the same kind.”

“嗷 唔 ——”

A howl suddenly sounded.

Xu Xiangwen quickly opened his eyes and looked up, “The Wind Wolf retreated, and it seems that the Wolf King has not come.”

“How do you know?” Wang Youle asked in confusion.

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