I, a Demon Slayer Girl, is Invincible!

Chapter 50

Chapter 50:

But it’s nothing, it’s just a mystery.

Xu Daoran said indifferently, “For the time being, block the strange situation and pass my order to…”

He was going to have several Xinguang suppressing agents dispatched.

“No, it’s not a bizarre state!” The inspector hurriedly said.

“It’s Xiangshan County, and the entire Xiangshan County has fallen!”

“What?!” Xu Daoran’s eyes widened, revealing disbelief.

Chapter 61 Chapter 61

The strange situation in Xiangshan County broke out, breeding a huge number of demons, and the whole county fell.

This sudden bad news broke the order of Jinghu City.

Although it is unbelievable, after three inspections and attempts to communicate with Xiangshan County to no avail, Cheonan County still confirmed the authenticity of the fall of Xiangshan County.

No way, there is no room for pretending to be an ostrich.

Quan’an County, which had been calm for a long time, had to start its war machine again, sending out communications to each county and city one by one, ordering the inspectors from all over the country to strictly guard against it, and to eliminate the demons that came from Xiangshan County.

In the counties of Pingzhou except Quan’an County, the number of strong people is not large, and they can only maintain defense.

Therefore, the task of recovering Xiangshan County can only be undertaken by Quan’an County.

As for asking for help from the states and the court?

As long as the local officials feel that there is hope for the matter to be resolved, they will not do so easily.

The upper floor of the floating city, the conference room.

Xu Daoran sat in the main seat and looked at the several high-ranking military officials in the county on both sides of the long table in front of him. In such a major event as the fall of a county, there must be divine will to come forward. After the three divine wills negotiated, Xu Daoran was still allowed to come forward to solve the problem. The two continued to suppress Youquan.

Elder Wu is old, and although Qing Qinan is strong, she is airborne after all, and her position is still an angel, and she has not been transferred to the local sequence.

In this kind of thing that needs to organize a large army to dispatch and coordinate all aspects, Xu Daoran has the advantage.

Xu Daoran asked, “You already know about Xiangshan County, can you have a good plan?”

One of the mind-light realm commanders smiled confidently, stood up, and talked eloquently.

He raised his hand, and on the long table in front of him, a thumbnail map of the entire Pingzhou emerged, and the fallen Xiangshan County appeared red.

At this time, the strong can float in the air, so the accuracy of the map is extremely high, not like the abstract maps with scale explosions in Gu Qing’an’s previous life.

The commander’s infuriating energy condensed into a baton, which he tapped on Xiangshan County.

“To recover Xiangshan County, it can be divided into two steps.”

“First, we and other powerhouses take the floating boat and directly arrive at the flashpoint of the Weird Realm in Xiangshan County, destroy it, and interrupt the continuous leakage of the Wei Realm’s power.”

“Once the flashpoint is destroyed, most of the monsters that are spawned for a short time will die immediately like fish without water.”

“Second, organize troops on the ground, layer by layer, to eliminate the remaining demons.”

“Therefore, Xiangshan County can be recovered in at least one month.”

“Good.” Xu Daoran smiled and cast an approving look at the commander.

“This…isn’t it a bit too risky? Xiangshan County also has a few congenitals. If they can fall so quickly, there must be a powerful demon equivalent to the spiritual realm. A demon of this level, in a strange realm, can even briefly burst into divine will. combat power.”

A white-haired civil official said, although he was a civil official, the faint fluctuations of qi and blood on his body were enough to show his strength in the innate realm.

In the world of Gaowu, in addition to political ability, officials must also reach a certain level of strength.

For example, if you encounter six demon cultivators who master all kinds of strange Taoism, if your strength is too weak, you will not know how to die.

This old man has been an official for many years, and he is mature and prudent, but Xu Daoran does not intend to accept it, and even other officials around him cast unkind glances.

Xu Daoran said lightly, “There is nothing wrong with Zhao’s strategy, and City Lord Qi doesn’t need to say more.”

It’s not that Xu Daoran likes waves, but that the situation is forced by the situation. The fall of Xiangshan County is an unavoidable fact, and the court will definitely know it.

So, if you want to avoid the stigma of dereliction of duty and incompetence, you can only solve it as quickly as possible.

Although this Qi city lord was born, he was seriously injured in his early years and his life span was greatly reduced, so he could only be transferred to a civil service.

But others are still young and want to go further.

That’s why, although everyone knows that City Lord Qi is right, there is some risk in doing this, but they have not decided to adopt it.

Moreover, with Xu Daoran’s intention, the risk is not too great to accept.

City Lord Qi also came over at this time, looked around, and smiled bitterly, “It’s the old Meng Lang.”

Whatever happens, once the local rulers can agree, it is always efficient.

On the second day, a giant aerospace battleship in Jinghu City set sail, heading for Xiangshan County.

At the same time, he issued an order to mobilize the army, follow them, and clean up the remaining demons in Xiangshan County from the ground.

Heihe City Jing Yaosi resident.

“What’s this?” Ji Yiyun looked at the call-up notice in his hand, dumbfounded.

Lin Mengran smiled and said innocently, “Call for notice.”

“No, why did this thing get sent to me?”

“Because Sister Ji is an outsider Taoist priest of our Jing Yao Division.”


“Sister Ji already has the cultivation base of Yunling Stage, and the exercise method you gave was never included in the imperial court. After I handed it in, it gave a lot of rewards. I just wanted to repay my sister, so let me My father set up a place for a non-staff Taoist priest for my sister.”

Ji Yiyun’s mouth twitched, secretly thinking.

“Then I really thank you.”

Lin Mengran didn’t realize it, and then said, “This time Xiangshan County has fallen, and there is a sense of magic. It is basically a stable military exploit. Sister Ji has made some credits this time, and this non-noun Taoist priest can be turned into a regular.”

Sister, I am here for your own good!

Having nothing to say, Ji Yiyun’s mentality collapsed a bit as he watched Lin Mengran leave.

Although I don’t know the details of the Pingzhou Rebellion in the previous life, the outbreak of a strange situation and the fall of a large area is obviously a symbolic event. No matter how I think about it, it is impossible to easily suppress this time.

“Then this is not a death sentence, I have to find a way to escape…”

However, after looking at the towering walls, the soldiers under martial law, and the ubiquitous Taoist surveillance, Ji Yiyun was helpless.

“Come on, I can only walk the front line once.”

“I’ll slip when I get a chance.”

The chaos outside Jinghu City turned into a pot of porridge, but the secret realm of Youquan was still the same.

At this time, it had been a day and a night since Gu Qingan entered the secret realm of Youquan, and the white light group sprinkled by the secret realm of Youquan made up for her daily needs, allowing her to devote herself to cultivation.

Gu Qingan was still sitting cross-legged, but the number of light groups on her body grew more and more. She sensed the invisible entrance in the middle of her eyebrows. At this time, the entrance of the entrance had expanded dozens of times, like a small lake, with a bright silver mind. The force created waves on it.

After a long time, the Profound Entrance Aperture finally stopped expanding, and the power of the mind was full.


Gu Qingan exhaled a sigh of turbid air, opened his eyes, and light swayed out of his eyes, looking strange and sacred.

She rubbed her aching temples, stood up and moved her muscles.

“I don’t know what the current cultivation base has reached.”

Feeling a hole in the entrance like a lake, she felt a little proud.

“According to what Master said, the bigger the orifice you open, the stronger you will become after you advance to Innate…” She glanced at the system.

[Cultivation: True Qi Realm (One Orifice of the Profound Entrance)]

[Entrance development degree: 30%]

“Only 30?”

Chapter 62 Chapter 62

Gu Qingan was a little stunned.

“With so much spiritual power, how could you develop the entrance to 30?”

She originally thought that she could enter Xiantian this time. She took a rest yesterday and took Qing Qinan to give her a good explanation of how to open the entrance and advance to Xiantian, but now it seems that there is still a long way to go. what.

Gu Qingan didn’t know that it wasn’t that her mental power was low, but that her upper limit was too high.

Like 30% of 10,000, it is actually three times stronger than 100% of 1,000.

According to her current strength of mind and spirit, it is no less than that of many congenitals.

After all, the stronger the body, the more qi and blood it can provide to the brain, and the more spiritual power it can transform.

From the forging stage to the present, Gu Qingan has been practicing the best exercises, and with the blessing of attribute points, she has achieved a deep foundation that others can’t imagine.

In some words, it is “My daughter, Gu Qingan, has the resources of the Dharma minister.”

Gu Qingan didn’t think so much, “Since there is a progress bar, just fill it up for him.”

The ruthless exercise robot is online.jpg

It’s just that I’m a little tired, and it’s not suitable to continue practicing.

Exercise robot is tired.jpg

So Gu Qingan rubbed his temples to relieve the pain in his brain, and began to walk back and forth in the light film.

The space in the light film is not large, and after walking for a while, it has to hit the wall and turn around.

Suddenly, after walking to the edge of the light film again, looking at the dark and weird world of the light film, Gu Qingxin suddenly felt an inexplicable restlessness.

As if seeing a cat eating cat food, she felt that the secluded spring world outside the light film seemed to be… delicious?

“Am I stupid with my practice?”

How could the world possibly eat it? how to eat? Eat with your mouth?

“Youquan was wrapped in flour and fried until it was golden and crispy. The children next door were crying.” Gu Qingan couldn’t help laughing.

Thinking like this, she was suddenly stunned.

“I…seem to really have a mouth to eat the world.”

She stretched out her hand and put her palm on the light film.

The light film is very thin, and the thickness can be ignored, so Gu Qingan can open the channel of the Heavenly Skeleton Demon Realm to the outside.


A black line appeared and continued to expand, like a pitch-black animal mouth with sharp teeth that kept opening and closing.


The system beep sounded.

The panel pops out.

【World wreckage detected】

【Can be swallowed】

【whether? 】

“This…” Gu Qingan was surprised and overjoyed.


Although I don’t know the specific benefits of devouring the wreckage of the world, I think it will be a lot.

Suddenly, an unimaginable pure energy surged.

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