I, a Demon Slayer Girl, is Invincible!

Chapter 49

Chapter 49:


“Innate, it is indeed very strong.”

Looking at Chen Hai who was struggling to support, Gu Qingan’s mouth curved.

“But it’s not as good as my punch.”

I don’t know if it was Chen Hai’s illusion, but at this moment, he saw a ray of blood in Gu Qing’an’s eyes.

“This?” Even Chen Hai, who had experienced hundreds of battles, was instinctively surprised, although in the next instant he adjusted with his strong will to fight.

However, when the strong fight against each other, the outcome is only a matter of thought.


A huge, deafening sonic boom rang out, and smoke rose.

Everyone present was staring at the ring, trying to see through the battle after the smoke.

“Oh, Miss Gu…”

“This time, I lost.”

Chen Hai’s voice came from above, he floated outside the ring, his right arm hung down as if it was broken.

The smoke dissipated, Gu Qingan panted hard, the True Qi Condensation Saber was inserted on the ground, bent over and held the handle of the blade with both hands, supporting his body.

There were several deep bone wounds on his body, and blood flowed out and stained his clothes.

But, at this moment, she is the only one standing on the ring.

In a split second just now, Chen Hai took a blow from Gu Qing’s security force, and then was directly kicked out of the ring.

He secretly clicked his tongue, “Although I have only completed the initial innate transformation, in terms of the physical body, it is at least several times that of the ordinary True Qi realm. This…”

But just now, Gu Qingan’s punch still knocked him out of the ring.

Of course, this does not mean that Gu Qingan can kill Xiantian.

At best, it can only be considered that her physical body is better than the semi-innate Chen Hai.

For example, if it is a life-and-death struggle, then Chen Hai can keep his feet on the ground and keep flying kites, slowly exhausting Gu Qingan to death.

He even said, “Dangtang Xiantian, how can I fight you on the ground?”

Naturally, he floated in the air from start to finish, manipulating the power of heaven and earth to fight.

But unfortunately, this is an arena battle, and it is a true Qi realm arena battle. Those who leave the arena will lose.

Qing Qinan looked at Gu Qingan distressedly, and landed directly on the ring from the high platform, stretched out her hand to support Gu Qingan, and with a thought, expelled all the remnants of Chen Hai’s spear intent from the wound on her body.


The next moment, Gu Qing’an’s skin healed and the blood stopped. Except that her face was still a little pale and her clothes were damaged in several places, she couldn’t tell that she had just experienced a battle.

She gestured to Chen Hai in the sky and smiled, “I accept it.”

Chen Hai nodded, and didn’t say much more. It took a while to transform his body just to be promoted to Xiantian. In addition, he was defeated by someone who crossed the border. He couldn’t hang his face, and flew away directly.

As for the Secret Realm of Youquan, he was born with it, so there was no need to fight for this spot.

“Chen Hai just lost like that?” Some people in the audience couldn’t believe it.

There is also a congenital elder in his family, and occasionally he will give some pointers to their juniors. It is because of this that he understands the power of innate more.

And he can better understand how powerful Gu Qingan, who defeated Xiantian with his infuriating body.

Gu Qingan jumped off the ring, closed his eyes and adjusted his breath. Wherever he passed, everyone was silent.

Although some people compete with you on the same stage, it does not mean that you can be on the same level as him.

The onlookers at the scene obviously realized this.

The next game was a bit boring for Gu Qingan. Except for Zhou Chong, Tie Hanhan, there was no one who would not admit defeat when they met her.

She was even able to leave the square, go back to take a shower, change clothes, have dinner, and then come back refreshed and give Zhou Chong a deliberate punch.

He vomited three liters of blood on the spot, but was easily defeated by Su You.

Chen Hai and Zhou Chong left the stage one, and the other was seriously injured. Even if Su You had better luck, don’t meet Lin Qingyang the day before. When Lin Qingyang is crippled and then fight against him, she can even lose Gu Qingan alone.

The competition for the places on the third day ended in such a pleasant rhythm.

And after all the strong players were defeated by Gu Qing’an, there was no suspense in the last day of competition.

It is worth mentioning that, because of Xiao Fan’s decisiveness in admitting defeat to Gu Qingan, even though the medicinal pills were used up, he also got a place in the back.

All I can say is good luck.

After the last day of competition, take a short rest for a day, and the secret realm of the secluded spring will officially open.

Inside the Floating City, Qing Qinan and Xu Daoran, two gods, took ten winners and sat in a vertical, transparent, circular-shaped Taoist elevator and descended rapidly along the tunnel.

Gu Qingan looked at the darkness outside the transparent cylinder. As the Daoist elevator descended, she secretly estimated that every 100 meters after passing through the tunnel, there would be a ring of luminous lights along the inner wall, emitting a soft blue color. light.

After about five blue coils, and another 100 meters down, the color of the coils that emerged changed.

The dazzling red light shone on the faces of everyone, and everyone couldn’t help but feel a little heavy.

Just as he passed the red coil, Gu Qingan suddenly felt an invisible pressure, although it was extremely subtle, it was only equivalent to walking into a poorly ventilated room.

She looked to the left and right, and everyone looked ugly, their brows were slightly frowned, and their true qi was faintly surging.

‘They don’t have attribute blessings, and they feel more uncomfortable. ‘ Gu Qing’s mind is clear.

Qing Qinan said, “Attention, we have now entered the range of Youquan, and the exotic rules of Youquan will cause us some discomfort.”

“But it just takes a while to get used to, and the discomfort will gradually go away.”

Qing Qinan smiled confidently, “In the end, these so-called remnants of repression are nothing but the defeated soldiers of our predecessors in the Tianyun Realm.”

“Especially a repression point like Youquan that is about to die out. Even if we don’t interfere, it will be completely assimilated into a part of the Sky Cloud Realm within a hundred years.”

“By that time, the people of the county will be able to live and work in peace and contentment, and they will no longer have to worry about being taken away by the sudden appearance of demons.”

Gu Qingan was noncommittal, but he sighed in his heart, thinking of all the things he had seen since he came to this world, the poor people, the heavy taxes, and the endless families of warriors and powerful landlords.

“Does it really allow people to live and work in peace and contentment by simply destroying demons?” She instinctively doubted this future with her past life knowledge.

Five more red coils descended, and finally, a lot of light penetrated below, and it became brighter and brighter. Gu Qingan, who had been walking in the dark for too long, felt a little dazzling and closed his eyes.

After a while, the speed of the transparent cylinder slowly slowed down and then stopped.

Gu Qingan opened his eyes, and in front of him was a large, bright and transparent hall. Many monks and warriors walked in the hall, and many corridors extended in all directions.

The Secret Realm of Youquan has arrived.

Chapter 60 Chapter 60

Youquan, although it has the word “spring”, is actually a dark and deep space filled with viscous black liquid.

Ordinary people with no cultivation base enter it without protection, and 9,990 of the 10,000 people will immediately die suddenly, and out of the remaining 10 people, nine people will become mostly rotten and delirious. The living corpse, and one person, can become a new monster with good luck.

In the middle and late period of the An Dynasty, the founding demon master and a large number of strong men loyal to the royal family disappeared inexplicably and never returned. In the first period of time, the demon master Yu Wei was still there, and the court was in the middle and balanced.

But soon, this balance was broken, and the world was in chaos. The Anchao Center could only control the 36 states of the essence of the Sky Cloud Realm, and beyond that, the warlords, the former Yun Dao Sect, and even the differences in the Demon Sect. Factions rose up one after another, and the entire Tianyun Realm fell into a long period of separatist war.

In some places, the repression points are left unchecked, and the rules of foreign regions flow out recklessly, assimilating batches of monsters and eroding this land.

Soldiers, demons, demons, natural and man-made disasters continue, and people are like grass.

Fortunately, Dacheng has risen and leveled the world. With a three-footed sword, he began to clean up the demons and heal the scars in the world.

As for Quan’an County, it is to set up a mirror world to dilute the power of Youquan and use it for himself.

The whole structure is like a fruit, the core (youquan), the pulp (mirror world), the outside world (the sky and cloud world), and the floating city is like a needle inserted into the fruit core from the outside.

And the secret realm of Quiet Spring is built on the part where the needle sank into the core.

After entering the secret realm of the quiet spring, the two gods greeted them and entered the depths of the quiet spring. The premise for the formation of the secret realm of the quiet spring is the eruption of the quiet spring. It is necessary to have the will of the gods or multiple hearts to suppress the quiet spring with the suppression array. break out.

Of course, the more people, the better. Originally, there were only two gods who still needed to bear some pressure. Now they have joined Qing Qinan, a new force, and the three of them share the burden together, drizzle.

Although the will of the gods is gone, their own dao spirits come forward to lead the way. The dao spirits here are not like the faceless people above, but are slightly dull and ordinary people. Only the silver eyeballs emitting a faint blue light advertise their artifact. identity of.

Gu Qingan walked up to an idle Dao Ling, and the blue light swept across Dao Ling’s eyes.

“Di, identity verification.”

“The verification is passed, you are welcome to use the Secret Realm of Youquan, Gu Qingan.”

“plz follow me.”

Dao Ling’s speed was neither fast nor slow, he turned and walked towards a corridor linked to the hall.

After a short walk down the narrow corridor, a quaint dark gate with a circular groove the size of a basketball blocked the way.

Gu Qing’an did not act rashly, and the increasingly powerful body gave her a strong perception. The sense of threat to her from this simple door was roughly equivalent to 10 Chen (1 Chen = Innate Chen Hai), and there must be terrifying organs or Taoism on it.

At this time, Dao Ling stepped forward, and the whole body melted and covered the gate, filling the groove.

“Huh?” The door opened automatically, and Gu Qingan was a little surprised.

This place turned out to be an open area, deadly, empty, and extremely quiet.

The bright white light film propped up a piece of pure land, and outside the light film, there was no trace of light. Countless thick black liquid slapped on the light film, and there was a rushing sound of water. Gu Qingan was also surprised.

She could feel the massive amount of malice coming from there, and it was straightforward and undisguised, which made her discomfort slightly aggravated.

But at the same time, the top of the light film dropped white light clusters, which merged into Gu Qing’an’s body.

It seems that this is the first treatment. There are more and more white light groups falling down, like an avalanche. The light groups that are too late to absorb make Gu Qingan wrapped in a thick white light.

She was shocked, and there was a soft feeling of comfort between her eyebrows.

“This is just helping me open the door.”

Qing Qinan’s teachings flowed through her heart, and Gu Qingxin understood it, closed her eyes, and silently visualized.

Although the end of the twilight map is broken, it seems to be more efficient to visualize the Heavenly Skeleton Demon Realm.

A trace of white light flowed into her eyebrows, and it was unknown how long it took.


It sounded like something was shattering.

Gu Qingan opened her eyes, and if she had gained something, in her personal perception, there seemed to be an extra space in the center of her eyebrows. It stretched out an invisible transparent silk thread one inch long diagonally upwards, and the ends converged into a small white dot.

The so-called Xuanguan One orifice is divided into two parts, one is the center that stores the power of the mind in the eyebrows, and the other is the extension to expand the interference of the power of the mind to the outside world, but only she can perceive the external part, completely. Invisible and indestructible.

Since then, by interfering with the power of reassurance outside the organ, she can use it to confront the enemy, confuse, shock, guide, hypnotize, and even control the will of others to a certain extent, turning the enemy into a friend.

One hole in the entrance, success.

“It’s really amazing.” Gu Qingan couldn’t help sighing. At this point in his martial arts practice, he had already begun to be a little idealistic.

At least from her previous life knowledge, she couldn’t think of any way to add such an invisible organ.

I’m really looking forward to it, what kind of scenery will I see when my heart is full of light and divine will?

With the passage of time, the white light group kept pouring in, the space between the eyebrows that was just opened was not large, it was filled up quickly, and then there was a slight tingling sensation, and the space between the eyebrows began to expand.

Gu Qingan sat cross-legged, feeling the continuous increase in the power of his mind.

“Get stronger and fight, really, can’t stop…”

At the bottom of the floating city, in the depths of the secluded spring, the three gods motivated the formation to easily suppress the secluded spring, and even had time to chat a few words.

“Speaking of which, the last time Youquan erupted so violently was at the end of the An Dynasty three hundred years ago.” Elder Wu said with emotion.

Xu Daoran nodded, “Youquan is not a dead thing without wisdom. In my opinion, this time it must have leaked out a few secrets and strange realms in the outside world. I have ordered the whole county to let the rangers search.”

Qing Qinan said indifferently, “The general trend is with me, the mere secluded spring, at most a few waves will rise.”

Old Wu nodded, yes, he and Xu Daoran could have stably suppressed Quan’an County with the two divine wills, not to mention Qing Qinan, who was considered a strong person in the divine will, returned from outside the sky.

But reality is always impermanent.

Just three days later, a search of the rangers across the county brought bad news.

“What’s so panic?” Xu Daoran looked at an innate inspector who reported to him in the floating city through the light curtain formation.

He thought to himself, “It seems that the scale of the mysterious realm that has been revealed is not small…”

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