I, a Demon Slayer Girl, is Invincible!

Chapter 51

Chapter 51:

“Wow! Too many… um…”

At the moment when Gu Qingan clicked “Yes”, the entire secluded spring seemed to be provoked, and a loud noise suddenly erupted in the depths of the secluded spring.

A strange roar sounded, and the tone was so strange that it was difficult for even a learned man who specialized in foreign languages to recognize it. It was a language that had long since died.

But the general idea is, “Who? Stealing my power!”

At this time, in the depths of the secluded spring, in the suppression circle, Qing Qinan was chatting and laughing with Wu Lao.

Even if Xu Daoran left, the eruption of Youquan was more than halfway through, and it was not as good as before. With her strength, it was easy to suppress.

Old Wu is not so relaxed, his face is a little pale, and the breath on his body fluctuates slightly.

“Mr. Wu, you can go upstairs to rest for a while, that’s enough for me.” Qing Qinan smiled confidently.

Wu Lao was injured in the battlefield outside the sky, and his strength is actually a little worse than the normal divine will, but he is highly respected. He promoted and helped many people when he was in the sky army, including Qing Qinan.

Therefore, Qing Qinan respected the old man very much.

Old Wu didn’t plan to hold on, he was a person with a clear mind, his family knew his own affairs, and holding on was purely torturing himself.

“Thank you, Qi Nan.” Wu Lao nodded.

He slowly pulled back his strength in the formation, Qing Qinan’s body sank suddenly, but it was still within the acceptable range.



Youquan was shocked, and Qing Qinan’s face tightened, “What’s the situation?”

“Qinan, are you okay?”

“It’s okay…” She smiled.


The pressure suddenly increased, and Qing Qinan almost sat on the ground.

“Old Wu…do me a favor.”

The eruption of Youquan’s power also acted on the strange environment of Xiangshan County.

However, at this time, the space battleship has already descended on the strange realm.

The once green hills and secluded valleys have been stripped of their color, and the gray-white mystery is directly exposed, and the gray fog shrouds it.

Along the way, I encountered several demons, among which there were quite a few demons at the level of cunning and cunning, but under the cannons of the space battleship, they became fans.

Xu Daoran looked at the strange realm, and just now he sensed the inexplicable burst of power in the strange realm, and he had a bad premonition in his heart.

“This strange situation is very strong, and some people may die this time…”

However, as the backbone of everyone, he couldn’t show any timidity and encouraged.

“There is nothing to be afraid of monsters, as long as the bizarre situation is broken, Xiangshan County will be at peace.”

“Fire it, this time, full power.”


The cannons in front of the space battleship began to charge, and the violent energy fluctuations dyed the gloomy clouds above the bewildering realm with a layer of fiery cloud-like red.


The dark clouds were shredded neatly, and a beam of light directly blasted away the clouds in the sky.

The air vibrated, the wind howled, and the terrifying energy beam directly bombarded the center of the bewildering realm.

A huge ring spreads around the strange realm, like ripples on the lake, but this ripple directly smoothes the entire mountain range.

Even the bizarre realm has broken a gap, and you can vaguely see the scorched demon corpse inside.

Of course, the price of such a victory is that the energy of the space battleship has directly reached the dangerous range, and a large number of Taoist runes need to be re-characterized, and it will be difficult to fire again in at least five days.

Xu Daoran smiled and waved his hand, “Start the battleship and rush in, let’s smash the strange realm.”

Without destroying the core of the inner world, the difficulty of destroying it outside is beyond their ability.

The huge space battleship entered obliquely from above, and instantly fell into a strange state.

Not long after the space battleship entered, the gap in the bewildering realm suddenly closed.


“Why is our way out?”


A high-speed vibrating beep sounded, sharp and harsh, even Xu Daoran felt a slight nausea.


In the originally gray-white and colorless sky, a magnificent Taoist light suddenly lit up, and the preset formation directly trapped the space battleship.

For a time, the huge space battleship was like a butterfly caught by a spider web, in a dilemma.

Peng. Peng. Peng. Peng.

Four violent sky-penetrating beams of light lit up around the formation.

In the beam of light in the north, the Buddha’s sound was chanted, and the golden light burst into bursts, but it gave a faint sense of unease. In this beam of light, stood a middle-aged monk with a dull face, named Kuchan.

In the western beam of light, ghosts and shadows are full of shadows. At a glance, you can see that there is a lot of evil intentions. An old man with shadows stands in it, which is the evil shadow.

In the oriental beam of light, the red-pink miasma persisted, and upon closer inspection, there were all kinds of insects that were as tiny as dust. A beautiful woman in red, the mother of the **** cherry blossoms, and the blood rakshasa stood proudly among them.

The Southern Light Pillar was miserable, with no visions, only vague Taoist power fluctuations, and a cold man in blue robe, Chen Jing, stood in it.

Xu Daoran’s face changed drastically, “Three Tianhe, one quasi-Tianhe?”

“And this fluctuation, are you six demon cultivators?! The affairs of Xiangshan County are actually yours.”

Chen Jing’s face was ashen, and he scolded in his heart, “Gan, who do you think is Quan Tianhe? I am also Tianhe.”

He hasn’t recovered yet, but he is much stronger than the average star palace peak.

“No need to say more, Xu Daoran, you will die here today.” Xie Ying said sympathetically.

Both Kuchan and Blood Rakshasa are not people who like words, so they directly motivated the formation.

Feeling the power fluctuations of the formation, Xu Daoran felt a chill in his heart, as if a boulder had sunk.

He showed a wry smile, “This time, maybe it’s really planted…”

Section 63 Testimonials on the shelves!

“I, Demon Slayer Girl, Invincible! “The book will hit shelves tomorrow.

We are pure newcomers, this book is also my debut, and I feel that my luck is still good.

As of 13:00 on 11.26, the total number of collections has reached 5130. I am very happy to write this book, and some people like it.

That’s great for an author!

Every time I get tired of coding, I will go to the author’s backstage to read the book reviews and interim posts. I have seen basically every one, and I will be motivated to continue writing after reading it.

What I am proud of since writing the book is that since the book was published, I have insisted on two updates a day. Even if one day is really uncomfortable, I clearly said that I will only publish one chapter, but I still try my best to make up a chapter at night.

uh… want to praise

Now this book has reached the 13W word, but Gu Qing’an’s story has just begun, and it is only going around in one county in the world. The wider world, and the outer world are not involved for the time being, and the later stories will be more exciting!

Finally, ask for a first order, the first order is really important! related to many things.

If the novel is the author’s cub, then the first order on the shelves is like the college entrance examination. We really want our cub to enter 985.

begging (?o﹏o?)

Chapter 64 Chapter 63

Fighting together is a killer move.

Xu Daoran was not given too much preparation time.

The four, oh no, the 3.5th Tianhe instantly triggered the power of the formation.


A torrent of Taoism that was even larger than the previous bombardment of the battleship’s main artillery was generated, and it went straight to the space battleship.

Almost instantly, the space battleship was overwhelmed by the torrent of Taoism.

The Taoist runes in charge of defense on the battleship were supported, but they exhausted their strength for a moment. Then, the hull of the ship was like ice that met flames. The solid runes were melted layer by layer. people.

Those who died the fastest were the battleship operators under the congenital nature. Although a certain level of cultivation was required to operate an aerospace battleship, it was obviously not enough.

Just the aftermath of the approaching torrent of Taoism shattered their internal organs and brains, the seven orifices bleed, and they walked peacefully.

Although the Xiantian realm cannot control the power of heaven and earth in the strange realm, it can hold on for a while with infuriating energy and tenacious regeneration power.

The limbs were destroyed by the torrent of Taoism, then regenerated, and then destroyed again. Unimaginable pain came, and screams came.

As the infuriating energy was exhausted, the screams were silenced, leaving only the impact of the torrent of Taoism.

“Don’t stop, God’s will can’t die so easily.” Ku Chan said solemnly.

He had played against Dacheng’s Divine Will in the outer battlefield, and he knew how terrifying the Divine Will was. If it wasn’t for a strange situation and the formation they set up in advance to trap Xu Daoran, otherwise, even if he could kill him, he would at least be killed by him. another.

The power of the formation is unstoppable, and the torrent of Taoism is like a broken bamboo.

It didn’t take long for the torrent of Taoism to hit the power furnace of the space battleship.


The entire battleship turned into a big fireball, fell from the air, and smashed heavily on the ground of the bewildering realm.

As soon as the torrent of Taoism stopped, it continued to accumulate energy.

“Look, we must watch Xu Daoran really die in front of us.” Ku Chan continued.


At this time, from the sea of fire, an invisible and vast power fluctuation came, taming the entire violent sea of fire.

The sea of fire rushed towards the center, condensing into a hot red gas, Xu Daoran stepped out of the wreckage of the space battleship, and incorporated the red gas into his body.

At this time, his body was riddled with holes, there were several scars that could be seen deep in the bone, a lot of flesh and blood was missing, and golden blood flowed from the wound, dripping on the ground, and the earth instantly burned. .

But he was majestic, his two eyeballs shone with golden light, like some kind of gem, and his temples spread out and turned into golden flames beating.

Xu Daoran smiled coldly and said proudly, “Just a few of you? Want to kill me, do you deserve it?”

“Be careful, he’s going to activate his real body.” There was a hint of solemnity in Ku Chan’s tone.

Innate is the beginning of transcendence, and remodeling itself with the power of heaven and earth and infuriating energy is equivalent to slightly changing the design and optimizing and upgrading the materials.

And Xinguang, you can change yourself in a real sense, and ‘use a knife’ on yourself.

When it comes to Divine Will, this change has reached an extreme. Every Divine Will is completely out of touch with ‘human’. As for the human form that is exposed on a daily basis, it is just their mimicry.

And [God’s True Body] is their body.

However, it can also be seen that Xu Daoran was too traumatized to maintain the mimicry disguise.

“Red Emperor Flame Crown burns the world!”

Xu Daoran raised his head and stared indifferently at the four people in the air.

The next moment, above his body, bursts of brilliance circulated, and raging fire ignited.


A giant wearing an obsidian crown, hundreds of meters high, and composed of flames and magma appeared in the strange realm.

The heat wave rose, and accompanied by an invisible force of radiation, life was cut off and all things withered. The 3.5 Tianhe present felt a slight tingling sensation on the skin of the body.

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