Human King

Chapter 178: Head

Dawn was able to finish questioning the hyena that was caught by Moris.

It didn't take him long to finish asking the questions since the hyena answered him fast.

Although it was fast, Dawn was not sure if the hyena was truthful when he was answering.

Of course, it didn't matter to Dawn. After all, there was no way to know if the hyena was lying to him or something like that.

What mattered was that Dawn now knows something about the southeast of the forest.

And as long as they were careful about their domination of the southeast of the forest, they should be able to get things going.

After all, no one would trust the words of an enemy. That was why it didn't really matter to Dawn if the hyena was being truthful or something like that.

And when he was done asking questions, Dawn turned around with the head of the hyena in his hands.

It seems that the hyena has truly given up in life as he didn't even bother struggling even though he was in pain.

And what was behind Dawn was the humongous monster, Oz.

Right, and Oz seems to know what Dawn had in mind as Oz was awake right now and was standing right in front of Dawn.

It was crazy if you think about how they just met, yet their connection was truly amazing.

It was then that Dawn did something so unexpected.

And that was...he threw the hyena in his hand in the air.

Right, he threw the hyena in the air, and because of his strength, the hyena was flying in the air.

The hyena was so high up in the air that he disappeared for a second.

However, the next thing that happened was even weirder as Oz...bent his knees.

Right, he bent his legs, and this only meant something.

Oz...was preparing to jump himself! Right, and that happened indeed as Oz disappeared on his spot!

However, Oz didn't disappear for long as he returned to his spot!

It happened so fast that no one was able to catch it except for the strong goblins.

For any normal goblin, it looked like Dawn raised his hand, and Oz responded by raising his body.

However, it was then that they were able to understand what happened as the sound of chewing something hard resounded out in this place.


And when the goblins looked for the source of the sound, they soon saw Oz...with his mouth covered in blood.

Right, Oz's mouth was covered in blood, and it was so much that it was flowing down to the ground.

And it was then that the goblins were able to know whose blood it was as Oz...opened his mouth a little bit for Dawn to see.

And what Dawn saw was...the hyena's severed head from its body.

The hyena's body was probably in Oz's stomach already, and his head had its brains and blood flowing down to Oz's tongue.

Of course, the other goblins were able to see that, and they were astonished.

No, they were not astonished by the sight, but with how it happened.

After all, it was just so fast. For the goblins, the fact that they have someone who could do something like that in a matter of a second was something reassuring.

Of course, they also have Dawn who could do something like that and Moris.

However, Dawn was someone who is important to them. And since he was the most important goblin existing in the world, the goblins thought that Oz would be able to save Dawn in any situation as he was just that fast.

Right, they were astonished because they were reassured that they have a strong comrade who could protect their king in times of danger.

It was truly amazing if you think about how they were all about the safety of their king.

Anyway, when Dawn was sure that the hyena was dead, he turned around to look for the goblins who would help him in this case.

Of course, the goblins who would help him were already right before him.

It was Moris and the little goblin.

Moris was kneeling on the ground with his head lowered, and the little goblin...was just standing as he observed Oz.

It seems that the little goblin was interested in how Oz killed the hyena so fast.

Of course, it was not the time for that, and Dawn knew that as well, which is why he just cut to the chase as he asked them.

"You guys heard what the hyena said, right?" Dawn said with a heavy voice.

Although Dawn didn't trust the hyena, it was only correct to base their moves to dominate the southeast of the forest on what the hyena said to them.

Dawn was sure that some of it wasn't accurate or something like that, but the goblins would just have to adjust as they go on to dominate the southeast of the forest.

Of course, Dawn was sure that they would be able to do something so easy such as adjusting on the spot.

After all, the goblins don't plan things at all when they go out to hunt.

Sure, they might have some formations created by Karkas, but if you simplify it, it was just on who would be on the right side and who would be on the left side.

That was the essence of a formation and strategy.

The reason why the goblins were able to perform something like that was because it was really simple.

They just have to follow the leading commander in their units and then fight against the monsters who they would meet during their hunting time.

That was why Dawn was confident that the goblins would be able to do it.

Anyways, when Dawn asked them, the two goblins who were asked, Moris and the little goblin, just nodded their heads.

After all, there was no need to answer it with words when they know what would happen next.

Right, they knew what would happen next, and that was...

"Start the hunt."

It was the start of the, it was the start of the domination of the goblins in the southeast of the forest.

And when the goblins heard that, they immediately raised their hands in the air as they shouted out loud.


The goblins' voice resounded out in this place, and their intensity made the ground shake a little bit.

However, their numbers were too little that it didn't really affect the forest.

That was why Dawn allowed this much noise and disturbance in the forest. Of course, if they numbered hundreds, there's no way Dawn would allow the goblins to be like this.

After all, the enemies would know that they were near if they were so noisy about things like this.

Anyway, when Dawn gave the order to start the hunt, Moris immediately answered with his own intense answer.

"Yes, Your Highness!"

Moris said, and it was then that he stood up. He then looked at Dawn in the eye and spoke once more.

"I shall bring good news...I shall bring news of how I will take down the first fortress that the hyenas have in this place."

Moris said as he remembered the information that the hyena said to them.

And that was...there would be fortresses or something like that scattered around in the southeast of the forest.

And the nearest fortress to the goblins right now was at the east.

However, it was indeed weird how...Moris was acting like he was the only one who would go there.

Well, it was not really weird if you think about the numbers of the goblins.

As the goblins only numbered 50, no...53 to be exact, they were short on hands.

They cannot afford to have normal goblins to be with a strong goblin when it would be a waste of time.

Of course, Dawn was confident that Moris would be able to bring down that fortress or whatever it was on his own.

He already thought of letting Moris go there on his own when he first heard it.

That was why he didn't really have any problems and he was satisfied that Moris knew what he was thinking.

And since he was satisfied, Dawn answered with a deadly smile on his face.

It was so deadly that his fangs were coming out and it shone with a light naturally.

"Good. I shall wait for good news." Dawn said.

And as soon as Moris heard that, he disappeared on the spot.

After all, there was no need to waste time when Moris could literally go for it.

Right, Moris was currently jumping from tree to tree as he traveled to the east once more to destroy the fortress that they have.

Of course, Moris alone won't be able to conquer this place.

That was why Dawn whipped his head back to the goblins.

The normal goblins were his soldiers, and it was also his main force.

It was only natural for them to fight. However, it seems that they couldn't do that as the majority of them were on the ground.

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