Human King

Chapter 179: Blessings of the Battlefield

The normal goblins could be considered Dawn's village's main force, and also its greatest strength.

That was why it was only natural for the normal goblins to fight in this case, even though they only numbered 50.

However, when Dawn whipped his head back to the goblins, he soon saw that they were all laying on the ground.

Of course, Dawn knew that the reason was something else.

No, he knew that the reason why the goblins were laying on the ground was something he would be happy for.

After all, it would be that...

---They are receiving blessings that were given by the battlefield.

Right, the main reason why Dawn wanted to go to the southeast and defeat some monsters was because of this.

He wanted to find out if the goblins would still be able to receive blessings by the battlefield even though their king was already doubting the Blessings of the Battlefield.

After all, it would only make sense for the Blessings of the Battlefield to try and make sure that Dawn wouldn't receive any more manpower.

By giving more blessings to the goblins, the Blessings of the Battlefield would only make Dawn stronger.

And by making Dawn stronger, the Blessings of the Battlefield would be threatened since Dawn was already suspecting it.

However, the fact that the Blessings of the Battlefield was still giving blessings to the normal goblins...That only means one thing, and that was...

---The Blessings of the Battlefield does not choose who it gives its blessings to. Hmmm...interesting.

Dawn thought as he whipped his head here and there to look at the normal goblins sleeping right now.

It seems that there were a lot of goblins who were able to receive the blessings of the battlefield.

Well, it was only natural that they would receive blessings by the battlefield as the pack of hyenas was just that big.

It would be weird if they weren't able to receive blessings by the battlefield after killing so many hyenas.

Anyways, now that Dawn was able to confirm that his goblins would still be able to receive blessings by the battlefield, his goal in coming to the southeast has been technically been completed.

Dawn could pull out any moment now, and go back to his village, but of course, there's no way Dawn would do something like that.

He already decided to conquer this place, and he would do just as he had decided.

Besides, even though Dawn was sure now that the goblins would be able to evolve now, there was still one thing that Dawn was not sure of.

And that was...

---That leaves the question of...would I be able to evolve even though I am suspecting the Blessings of the Battlefield.

Right, that leaves the question of Dawn himself. 

Since Dawn decided to conquer the southeast of the forest, it was only right for Dawn to kill all of the monsters here.

No, it was only right to kill the monsters who are dominating and living as rulers in this place.

And since he would be killing them, that should be enough to know if Dawn would still be able to evolve or not.

Dawn should be able to see if he would be able to evolve himself just by killing the three legendary hyenas.

After all, they were called legendary for a reason, and Dawn could guess that it was probably connected to their strength.

And since it would be connected to their strength, killing them alone would be enough to know if Dawn would still be able to evolve.

"Good." Dawn said as he calculated things in his mind.

It seems that this result was really satisfying for Dawn, but of course, it was not the time to think about this.

After all, the war between the goblins and the three legendary, the war between the goblins and the southeast of the forest has already started as Moris already went his way to seize the fortress near them.

Daw knew that very well, which is why he quickly looked for Didi, who was the strongest goblin apart from Moris and Dawn himself.

Dawn was able to find Didi quite fast as Didi was quite big, and when Dawn found him, Dawn shouted out loud.

"Didi!" Dawn said and his voice resounded out in this place.

Of course, Didi came running to kneel right in front of Dawn even before a second has passed since Dawn called him.

Didi's speed was amazing when you think about how his forte was his strength.

After all, strength and speed were not correlated with each other.

Although pushing yourself by running stronger would definitely make you a fast runner, there would be a limit.

One would have to know how to run naturally to become a fast runner.

A goblin who knows how to run naturally would be able to outrun Didi even if there is a power gap between them.

Of course, what matters, in the end, was the goblins' fighting skills on the battlefield itself.

Anyway, when Didi was now kneeling right in front of Dawn, he then spoke with a heated voice.

After all, he was getting about this hunt in the southeast of the forest.


Didi said, and the other normal goblins were able to hear it.

The normal goblins who were awake right now were the goblins who didn't receive the blessings from the battlefield.

It was only natural that there would be some goblins who wouldn't be able to get blessings. After all, it's not like every goblin would be able to kill enough to get blessings when there was only a limited number of hyenas in the pack.

And when the other normal goblins were now looking at them, Dawn spoke as he looked down at Didi.

"How many goblins are receiving blessings right now?"

Dawn needed to know how many goblins are incapable of a battle right now so that he wouldn't make wrong decisions in the future when the battle has already started.

After all, they were already short in manpower. It would just be ridiculous for Dawn to make a wrong decision about something in the battle regarding their numbers.

Anyway, when Didi was asked, he answered swiftly.

"Most of the goblins are receiving blessings. In precise numbers, it's...43."

It seems like Didi has already done his research about how many goblins were receiving blessings right now as he was able to give a specific number.

Of course, Didi was right in saying that 43 goblins were receiving the blessings right now.

After all, when Dawn raised his head and whipped his head here and there, the goblins that were standing around could probably be counted with one of his hands.

And this situation...although it was good and all that the goblins were receiving blessings and would end up becoming stronger, it was actually not good.

After all, they were in a war right now. And a war needs soldiers to be fought.

Even if Dawn was strong enough to take on most of the monsters, he would still end up being defeated.

After all, Dawn, too, was a goblin in the end.

Although Dawn has Oz as his secret trump card, it was actually bad to use Oz so early in the game.

Dawn has to make sure that there wouldn't be any monsters who are stronger than Oz when he orders him out.

After all, if there were monsters who are stronger than Oz, Dawn and the goblins would be forced to retreat and suffer injury.

However, if there were soldiers such as the normal goblins, Dawn would be able to know immediately.

Dawn would be able to decide if they would retreat or if they would risk it knowing that Oz was with them.

Meaning, Dawn would be able to minimize losses and deaths by knowing things out.

Although it was quite cruel of him to have his goblins as a way of knowing the enemy's potential strengths and threats, it actually wasn't.

After all, this was war.

That was why this situation was bad. Just like how a king who has no citizens is not a king, a king with no soldiers is also not a king.

---Hmm...I already ordered Moris to take the fortress near here.

Dawn thought as he shuffled his cards.

Since the goblins were receiving the blessings of the battlefield right now, there was no point in arguing about it.

Dawn would have to adjust his plans, and that would move his sleeping goblins in the fortress that Moris would take down and start his conquest from there.

After all, Dawn was already sure that Moris would be able to bring that fortress down in no time at all.

That was why Dawn was confident in this working out.

However, the main problem that he has now would they move the goblins that are sleeping now. is a problem indeed.

Dawn thought as he whipped his head back to look down on Didi.

Although it was a problem, Dawn has an answer to it.

And that was...

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