Human King

Chapter 177: Monster

"Now, what should we do with this hyena?" Dawn said as he looked down at the hyena.

Of course, the way he looked down was terrifying as he was expressing his dominance!

What's more, Dawn truly looked like an abnormal with his white body, blackish eyes, and horns all over his head.

And that was why the hyena had his eyes wide open as he looked at Dawn.

After all, Dawn looked like a monster straight from the monster womb of the one who created monsters!

That was how Dawn looked to this hyena.

Dawn was so scary that hyena forgot that he was choking, and he didn't even struggle anymore.

It was as if the hyena just accepted his fate or whatever death would come to him.

It was then that Moris spoke with quite the conflicted tone on his voice.

"Your Highness..."

After all, Dawn said that he knew what was going on, but still, he asked what they should do to this hyena.

It was only natural that Moris would be confused and have a hard time understanding things when Dawn was literally going back and forth with his words.

Of course, Dawn knew what Moris was thinking, and that was why Dawn had a frown on his face.

"I'm just playing with this little bastard." Dawn said as he looked at Moris.

Of course, Dawn was just playing with the hyena by teasing and literally playing with the hyena's emotions.

Dawn knew how he looked like to the other monsters, and he thought that it would be best to his that to his advantage.

In other words, Dawn knew that he looked scary.

Anyways, Dawn then whipped his head back to the little bastard known as the hyena.

"Unhand him." Dawn said to Moris.

It was weird if you think about how Moris was holding down the hyena so that he couldn't do anything, and yet, Dawn was ordering Moris to unhand the hyena.

However, it seems that Moris would faithfully do the orders as he released his hold on the hyena's neck.

"ShiK! ShiK! Shii!" The hyena coughed a bit as soon as he felt that Moris' hand was no longer on his neck.

He then began to rub the place where he was held by Moris as it really hurt for the hyena.

And when the hyena felt that he was fine now, he just...sat down on the ground quietly.

He didn't try to escape for his life nor did he try to attack Moris or Dawn.

He didn't do anything foolish at all, and that was weird.

After all, he was literally a free man. He could do anything he wanted to do now that Moris didn't have his hands on him.

It was just weird that the hyena wasn't even trying to do anything.

However, it was reasonable if you think about the hyena's situation.

He was surrounded by monsters, and he was right next to a monster, and right in front of him was literally a monster.

There's just no way that this single hyena would even be able to escape from the monster beside him, let alone attack them.

The hyena was actually smart for knowing that he couldn't do shit to any of the goblins right now.

Anyway, it was then that Dawn spoke as he asked Moris a question.

"How'd you know that he would know things?"

There was only one reason why Moris brought a hyena to Dawn, and that would be for information gathering.

It was obvious, but the reason why Dawn was asking this was because it's not like every hyena would know about the situation of the southeast.

As there are servants of the goblin king, there would also be servants of the hyenas lording over the southeast.

And these servants of Dawn didn't know shit about what was happening. Although they were technically different species and had a different mindset about how to do things, Dawn was sure that the servants of the hyenas also didn't know anything.

And it was clear that this hyena was just a servant. The goblins would be lucky if this servant were to know something about the hyenas or the monsters or the southeast at all.

However, it seems that Moris was thinking otherwise about it as he explained things.

"Yes, Your Highness."

"When Didi initiated the attack on the herd of hyenas, he killed the leader of the herd."

"It was pretty obvious as the leader stepped himself to insult us or something like that."

"However, this particular hyena...this hyena showed a different reaction than the rest."

"He was calm, and was able to do things efficiently that he was almost able to kill a goblin."

"So, that's why I think that this the second in command of the hyena pack."

Moris said as he remembered the time when Didi killed the leader hyena or something like that.

There was a single hyena who was able to recognize things better and act better, and this was that hyena.

Of course, Moris was correct in thinking that this hyena was indeed the second in command of the herd.

After all, it was really the second in command. This hyena was the one who shouted out loud first when Rabibi died.

Anyways, when Dawn heard what Moris had to explain for himself, he found it reasonable.

Since the leader or the commander of the herd of hyenas died, it was only reasonable to find the second in command or second commander of the herd.

After all, they would be the only ones to know about things in the southeast or something like that.

There's just no way that a normal hyena would know about these things.

Anyway, when Dawn heard it, he then nodded his head as he turned to look at the hyena.

"Can this piece of filth understand my words? Or does he only talk his language?"

Dawn asked as he looked at the hyena. The hyena was just shaking on the ground with his head looking down.

It seems like the hyena didn't want to see Dawn or something like that.

It was then that another type of voice cut in between the conversation.

It was the little goblin, and this was what the little goblin said.

"A hyena could talk. He should be able to understand you."

The little goblin said as he looked at Dawn and back to the hyena.

It seems like the little goblin was interested in this hyena, but of course, Dawn didn't care about that.

He got the answer that he wanted so it was now time to talk to the hyena.

Dawn then...reached out towards the hyena and grabbed him out of the blue!

Of course, Dawn's speed was so fast that the hyena couldn't even dodge or feel that he was being grabbed!

Well, it's not like the hyena cared for that as he literally...just gave up in life.

After all, there's no way that he would be able to live after being caught by enemies.

What's more, even if the hyena does escape from the goblins, the three legendary hyenas would probably kill his ass for being incompetent and bearer of the bad news.

That was why the hyena couldn't see a bright future for himself whether he escapes or not.

It was then that the hyena saw Dawn's face right in front of him.

Right, Dawn was literally right in front of the hyena!

However, the next sight that the hyena saw was so terrifying that even he couldn't believe it!

He couldn't believe it even though the hyena saw it with his eyes!

After all, Dawn's blackish eyes...were turning red! Right, they were turning red as Dawn released his pent-up anger!

His Aura started to roam his body and the air as he intended to let this hyena feel his frustration about things!

After all, it was in Dawn's best interests if this hyena were to talk about his comrades or the three legendary hyenas as quickly as possible.

Although the main reason why they waited for the attack was to see if other goblins could still evolve, there was actually another reason.

And that was to find out about things. To find out the information about the southeast without being found out.

Of course, they were technically found out by the enemies now, but it would take some time for the news of defeat to reach them.

And Dawn planned to take advantage of that to conquer this place.

Right, Dawn planned an all-out attack right after this skirmish with the hyenas!

And with that kind of intentions and anger, Dawn spoke as he looked at the hyena right in the eye!

The hyena's whole body was shaking, let alone his eyes. It seems like this was the first time the hyena saw something like this. was the first time that he felt anger so hot that he felt as if his skin was burning!

"Now, tell me about what you know about the guys ruling over this place and the monsters."

"If you don't..."

"I'll kill you!"

Dawn's powers exploded right in front of the hyena as his eyes turned completely red!

Dawn...was exactly the very definition of a monster.

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