Human King

Chapter 176: Massacre

When Rabibi died because of Didi's sudden attack, the goblins quickly attacked the herd of hyenas so that they wouldn't be able to regroup.

Of course, it's not like the herd of hyenas were weak enough to be beaten by just a group of normal goblins.

The normal goblins of Dawn were insanely strong, but it's not like that means that their strength just went through the roof.

They still had their own limits, and that was why they weren't able to kill the hyenas all at the same time.

What's more, the hyenas were large. They were very big, and it would be tough work just to try and kill them.

That was why the normal goblins and the herd of hyenas were still fighting against each other.

Of course, the strongly blessed goblins were there to intervene every time a normal goblin was in danger.

If a goblin were about to be bitten by a hyena, Una would stop it and kill that hyena.

If a goblin were about to be stomped down to death by a hyena's foot, Didi would stop it and kill that hyena.

If a goblin got injured and was about to die because of blood loss or something like that, Moris would heal that goblin back to full health.

And with something like a solid wall on their back, the goblins kept coming back to fight some more hyenas.

Right, this fight was entirely orchestrated by the blessed goblins, and played by the normal goblins.

Hell, the herd of hyenas that came here to fight and kill the goblins was just another tool for the blessed goblins.

Of course, the one leading the blessed goblins was Dawn, the king of goblins.

That was why it was only natural that things would flow so smoothly.

Even Dawn didn't really think that this herd of hyenas was really that much of a threat.

He could even fall asleep even though he felt that this herd of hyenas was about to come to them!

That insignificant these hyenas were.

And while the goblins were fighting the hyenas, Dawn was just watching it all.

He was just watching the goblins fight against the hyenas with his blackish eyes as he kept guard of the surroundings.

It was weird if you think about how he was the king, and he was keeping guard of the surroundings.

Keeping guard of the surroundings was a job for the other normal goblins.

It was not the job of a king, but well. The goblins really were short on hands.

It was to the point that Dawn regretted bringing only 50 goblins with him. Of course, it's not like Dawn could really afford to bring more than that.

His village back in the south of the forest needed more goblins than ever now that they are short in hands.

Anyway, there was only one reason why Dawn was watching this fight intently.

And that was to know if there were any female hyenas or other threats coming from outside.

After all, Dawn now knows that a female hyena could single-handedly change the outcome of this battle.

What's more, the little goblin was the one who told this information to Dawn.

The little goblin was the goblin who gave more accomplishments to the king than any other goblin.

Even Moris could not stand up to the little goblin's accomplishment in this journey.

After all, the little goblin was able to give many treasures and secrets to Dawn.

And the little goblin even predicted that the goblins would be soon under attack by some monsters belonging to the hyenas leading this place.

And now, that same little goblin said that a single female hyena would be able to turn this around.

Dawn could only believe it as the one who said it had just that many credentials and accomplishments to his name.

However, it seems like Dawn didn't have to mind about any of the female hyenas that the little goblin had told him of as Dawn really couldn't feel any strong monster from the herd or outside of the goblin's territory.

Right, there were no other strong monsters, and it seems like this herd of hyenas was the only group of monsters that the leading hyenas sent to this place.

It was crazy if you think about how they were so severely underestimated, but well.

Maybe, that was just how things were. It's not like Dawn could force it when it was already here.

---Hmm...I guess it's fine.

Dawn thought as he whipped his head back to the fight.

The fight between the normal goblins and the herd of hyenas was about to finish now.

The number of hyenas that were still alive was just about below 50 now.

Right, the number of hyenas was now matched with the number of goblins who were fighting them in the first place.

What's more, the number of the goblins hasn't even gone down even a single number!

It was crazy if you think about how there would always be a casualty when there is a battle going on.

However, that was just how...careful and considerate and fast the blessed goblins were.

They took action before a goblin could die, and they did that for all the duration of the battle.

That was why it wasn't that weird for the goblins to have no casualties at all.

And that was also why Dawn could see that the herd of hyenas was finally about to die down.

Well, there was really nothing that the hyenas could do when there were three strong blessed goblins.

It was then that a high-pitched voice entered Dawn's ears.

"Shiiikkk! Shiiik! SHIIIIK!!" And that voice was the dying pitch of a hyena.

It was the last hyena who was still fighting against the goblins.

It seems like that the goblins were about done to round up now as Dawn could see the corpses of the humongous monsters.

It was then that Dawn heard a voice speaking to him once more. This time, it wasn't some high-pitched voice or some dying wail of some monster.

It was the voice of the little goblin.

"See? I told you that it would only last half an hour."

And what the little goblin said was his prediction from a while ago.

Although it seems like time has not that passed, it...actually did.

Well, it was only natural that time would pass, but it has been 30 minutes since Dawn and the little goblin made that conversation.

That was why the little goblin was satisfied to know that he was right.

Well, he already knew that he was right.

And Dawn who heard what the little goblin said just had a satisfied smile on his face.

After all, Dawn was now sure that he just got a really, really, special and talented goblin as a subordinate.

Even if he only got the little goblin for coming to the east, Dawn would have said that it's more than enough.

The little goblin was just that special, in Dawn's eyes.

However, it seems like Dawn couldn't think about that anymore as Dawn felt a goblin approach him.

Dawn then whipped his head back to the goblin who was approaching him, and what Dawn saw was the gray body of a goblin.

It was, obviously, Moris, and Moris was not just walking towards Dawn.

Moris was...holding a corpse in his hands as he walked towards Dawn.

Right, he had a corpse, but that corpse didn't belong to a goblin or something like that.

That corpse belonged to a hyena, and it was weird if you think about how Dawn didn't have to see a corpse of a hyena or something like that.

However, it seems like that what Dawn thought of the hyena was wrong as the hyena wasn't a corpse or something like that.

Right, the hyena wasn't a corpse because the hyena was alive!

"Shikk!!" The hyena said as he tried to get out of Moris' hold.

However, there was just no way he would be able to get out of Moris' hold as Moris was just that stronger than him.

And it didn't take long for Moris to reach Dawn with the hyena in tow.

And as soon as Moris reached Dawn, he quickly knelt down as he bowed his head.

Of course, that was not all that he did. He pinned the hyena to the ground with his hand, and he just held him there tight so that the hyena wouldn't be able to escape.

"Hyahk!" The hyena made a noise as Moris choked him just with his hold.

Of course, Moris didn't care about that as he spoke to Dawn.

"Your Highness, this is..."

Moris tried to explain why he brought this hyena to Dawn. However, Dawn cut him off.

"You don't have to say anything." Dawn said as he looked down on Moris.

Well, Dawn already knew why Moris brought this hyena to him.

And that gather information.

Right, this hyena would be used to gather information about the whole southeast of the forest.

And it wouldn't be long till this hyena would be spilling the beans.

"Now..." Dawn said as he whipped his head back to the hyena.

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