Hogwarts: Starting from Creating the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 304

Chapter 305 What? The Witch King Of Angmar Became The Principal?! (Subscribe)

“What are they going to do?”

Artel is a little curious, but Beauxbatons is okay to say that Durmstrang is now Grindelwald, and he has cooperated with the Witch King of Angmar. for what?

“I don’t know, but George and Fred say it’s probably going to be the Triwizard Tournament.35

Ron replied, Artel frowned, shook his head, and said:

“Impossible. The Triwizard Tournament has been interrupted for hundreds of years. Even if the Ministry of Magic wants to restore it, it is not a good opportunity for the wizarding world to be in such chaos…”

Although the Triwizard Tournament in the original book resumed two years later, at that time, Voldemort’s resurrection failed, the wizarding world was relatively calm, and the Triwizard Tournament was also held in an environment.

But now, the wizarding world is about to become a mess. Who is in the mood to play the Triwizard Tournament?

Artel felt that there must be a Grindelwald conspiracy behind this incident.

“Perhaps it’s because of the discovery of Gandalf, that everyone sees hope and wants to celebrate?”

Neville suddenly interjected, Artel glanced at the silly Neville, sighed, and patted his shoulder lightly.

“Grindelwald is at odds with our headmaster, and finding Gandalf, what does he have to celebrate?”

Neville smiled embarrassedly and scratched his head.

“makes sense……”

“When I go back and ask Malfoy, their family has some connection with Durmstrang, maybe they will know something.”

Artel said something, and he looked at Harry again and asked:

“Harry, have you felt anything wrong lately? That house-elf, Dobby, I’ve always thought something might be going on.”

Suddenly being named by Artel, an unnatural look flashed across Harry’s face.

He shook his head and replied in a low voice:

“No, I’ve been fine lately, maybe the house-elf is lying.

Harry looked up and looked at Artel.

“It’s fine if you don’t…if you have anything, feel free to tell me.

Artel could vaguely guess Harry’s current state.

He should have been affected by Voldemort’s power, but Voldemort didn’t fully control him.

He was probably in a state of being brainwashed and influenced by black magic, but he was the one who could make the decision.

“Speaking of which, there is indeed a happy thing to share with you. 35

Harry pursed his lips, and a smile appeared on his face.

“I met my godfather, Sirius Black, who had been acquitted and had been helping Dumbledore, and just came back two days ago, and I saw him in Dumbledore’s office.

“Yeah, Harry also said that in the future he will live with the godfather during the holidays, and he won’t have to go back to that Muggle family.”

Ron had obviously known about it for a long time, happily talking to Artel.

“Then congratulations.

Artel said with a smile.

After the Smaug incident, Sirius was sent by Dumbledore to track down his whereabouts.

Now back, should have found Smaug.

But it doesn’t matter, Smaug is now on an isolated island in the Atlantic Ocean. As long as Dumbledore doesn’t have a problem with his brain, he will never take the initiative to provoke him.

After chatting for a while, an ethereal voice suddenly came from behind Artel.


He looked back and saw that Luna was staring at him.

“Luna? What’s wrong?”

“It’s okay… I just want to do something by your side. Mr. Gandalf was at Hogwarts some time ago, and there were very few harassing flies here, but this afternoon, there were suddenly more harassing flies.”

Luna said a few words as if to herself, then looked at Artel and said:

“I think Mr. Gandalf should leave the castle? They say you are his pupil, and you should know this best… Mr. Gandalf has left, and I want to avoid the harassing horsefly, and I have to come to you.

Artel was a little surprised, and he took a deep look at Luna.

Do harassing horseflies really exist?

So what is it?

How else would Luna know that Gandalf had left…

When Harry and the others heard Luna’s words, they were surprised that Gandalf left, and at the same time they felt a little incomprehensible.

They thought this little girl was weird before.

Ron’s house is not far from Luna’s house, so Ron has also heard a little about Luna.

But now he feels that what he has seen is much more serious than what he has heard…

Luna didn’t care about other people’s eyes, she sat quietly beside Artel.

Playing with his radish earrings with one hand, his eyes stared blankly at the murals on the walls of the auditorium.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little weird.

Fortunately, not long after, a group of little witches came to the auditorium chatteringly.

It was Hermione and the others who came back from the library, and Ron’s sister Ginny was there. She glanced at Harry secretly, and then sat next to him.


Hermione pursed her lips unhappily when she saw that Luna had taken her place.

But she also heard about this strange little girl, so she didn’t say anything, but looked at Neville on the other side of Artel.

Neville blinked and stood up with a wry smile.

“Okay, okay, Hermione, sit here. 35

“Thank you, Neville.

Hermione sat down happily, glanced at everyone mysteriously, coughed softly, and said:

“A lot of wizards from other schools came to our school this afternoon, have you seen it? Guess what they are here for? 35

“you know?”

Ron asked curiously.

“Of course I know that in the afternoon, I went to help Professor Nagini to do something and happened to hear some news.

Hermione glanced at Ron proudly, and when she saw Artel, she also looked at her curiously, and then continued:

“Professors from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, as well as from the Foreign Affairs Department of the Ministry of Magic 123, as well as from the International Confederation of Wizards, they came to Headmaster Dumbledore, I heard… Eastern Europe is going to set up a New magic school!

“Cough cough!”

Artel, who was drinking the juice, choked. He looked at Hermione in disbelief. Hermione spread her hands and said seriously:

“I heard people from the Department of Foreign Affairs say that the original Kodos Doris School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in Eastern Europe was from the Giant Bear Country, but because of the disintegration of the Muggle Giant Bear Country, they no longer enroll students from other countries in Eastern Europe. student.””

“And the little wizards in those countries can’t be left unattended, but many of them are mixed blood and do not meet Durmstrang’s admission standards, so everyone can only discuss the establishment of a new magic school.

Hermione said this, with a strange look on her face,

“Guess who is the new headmaster of the wizarding school?

A thought appeared in Artel’s mind, he looked at Hermione in amazement, and guessed:

“It can’t be… the Witch King of Angmar?

Ron and Harry were stunned, looking at Artel with a dumbfounded expression.

how can that be?

Is Artel stupid? How can there be such a guess?

But what shocked their jaws was that Hermione nodded!

“Wow! You’re too smart! That’s right, it’s the Witch King of Angmar! The headmaster of Durmstrang, the opinion of Grindelwald, said that many people in the International Confederation of Wizards have agreed. !

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