Hogwarts: Starting from Creating the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 305

Chapter 306 Gryffindor Has A Big Thief! (Subscribe)

“The Witch King of Angmar has come to be the headmaster…”

Artel’s mouth twitched, no need to think, this matter must be led by Grindelwald.

He should have wanted to use the Witch King of Angmar to cultivate power for him, but now that Goth Mog is on the Witch King’s side of Angmar, he can’t afford to suffer a big loss.

Only this matter, Dumbledore could not agree.

“Headmaster Dumbledore can’t possibly agree, right? He is the president of the International Confederation of Wizards and Wizards. If he doesn’t agree, this school shouldn’t be built.

Ron asked curiously, and the others looked at Hermione, wanting to get more news from her.

“I don’t know the specifics, but I heard that Durmstrang’s professor said that this is a good way to appease the Witch King of Angmar…”

Hermione shared what she had heard, and the others were thoughtful, but they were too young to understand anything.

On the contrary, Artel suddenly understood, presumably this is the reason why Grindelwald persuaded some people.

It would be better for the Witch-king of Angmar to settle down than for him to roam all over Europe.

As for the new magic school students…

The recruits should also be descendants of dark wizards, and it is a good thing to be able to gather them together to manage them.

“This thing…maybe it can really be done.

The more Artel thought about it, the more interesting it became.

There is indeed something in Grindelwald. Now that the northern giant bear has disintegrated, and the only magic school in Eastern Europe has also gone wrong, Grindelwald has reached out to Eastern Europe at once.

Grab it from a doll, and cultivate it from a little wizard…

Just why does he think he can control the Witch King of Angmar?

Artel doesn’t know where Grindelwald’s confidence comes from, but he is an extremely confident person.

Besides, he and Dumbledore had defeated the Witch King of Angmar before, so maybe in Grindelwald’s heart, the Witch King of Angmar was just like that.

Perhaps only when Sauron appeared in front of Grindelwald would he realize how big the gap between gods and mortals was.

Soon it was time for dinner, and everyone happily ate dinner.

Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall did not appear, and they should still be discussing with the guests about the new wizarding school.

On the other hand, Professor Snape’s face was sluggish, and Artel knew at a glance that he must have drank a lot of Eris potion again.

Artel didn’t expect that the first wizard to become addicted to Eris’ potion would be Snape, the potion master.

After dinner, Artel went back to the bedroom.

Now that Gandalf is gone, Artel can be a little more presumptuous.

He took out the ring of fire and put it on his hand, then closed his eyes and contacted Goth Mog.

Gothmog is still in Durmstrang, and he wants to learn how to manage a magic school in the shortest possible time.

Suddenly feeling the spiritual connection of Artel, Goth Mog was quite pleasantly surprised, and immediately understood the purpose of Artel looking for him.

With Gothmog’s narration, Artel quickly understood the whole story.

Basically as he guessed, Grindelwald really wanted to use the power of the Witch King of Angmar to intervene in the affairs of the Eastern European magic world.

No way, now there are Dumbledore and Gandalf in the Western European magic world, Grindelwald wants to fight against them, he can only find another way.

After listening, Artel told Goth Mog to be careful, and then cut off his spiritual connection.

Gryffindor girls dormitory.

Hermione was lying on the bed, wearing a cute nightdress, her clean feet dangling constantly behind her.

At this point she was fiddling with a ring in her hand.

“Oh, don’t look at it, it’s been ten days, and you can’t put it down.”

Sister Patil made it to Hermione’s bedside and said a joke.

The ring in Hermione’s hand was a birthday present from Artel.

It is a set with last year’s moon oak earrings, but this ring is made by Artel himself, using elf materials.

Wearing it on the hand can keep people alive, clear-headed, and can also increase the magic power slightly.

“I like… hey. 99

Hermione put the ring on her hand, laughed happily, and rolled a few times on the bed.

Lavender on the other bed rolled his eyes, muttered something in his mouth, and covered himself with a quilt.

Hermione glanced at her, snorted, and chatted with Sister Patil for a while, then put the ring next to the pillow, closed her eyes and started to sleep.

The next morning, Hermione’s screams resounded throughout the bedroom.

Sister Patil opened her eyes and saw Hermione looking at Lavender angrily.

“Lavender Brown! Did you steal my ring?!

“What? Hermione, your ring has been stolen?”

Sister Patil woke up, and they quickly got dressed and came over.


Parvati Patil looked at Lavender, hesitated, and said:

“Give the ring back to Hermione… If the Dean finds out, something will happen.”

“I didn’t take it! 35

Lavender was a little aggrieved, she glared at Hermione and explained:

“Even if I hate her, I won’t steal anything… I really didn’t steal it.”

“It’s not you who else!”

Hermione was a little angry. It was a birthday present from Artel. There were only four of them in the dormitory. Sister Patil had a good relationship with her. Only Lavender Brown, who was jealous of her relationship with Artel, was the biggest suspect.

“” “Believe it or not, you have the ability to go to the dean! Anyway, I didn’t steal it!

Lavender snorted, she packed up, and left the bedroom angrily.

“Have you really misunderstood her? Hermione, why don’t we look for it again?

Sister Patil said, Hermione was a little hesitant, she nodded, and the three searched around the dormitory, but they still couldn’t find it.

“Woooooo… This is a gift from Artel, I lost it.

Hermione burst into tears, she wiped a handful of tears and clenched her fists.

“Let me know who did it, I’m sure I won’t let her go!”

Sister Patil could only comfort her on the side. After a while, Hermione wiped her face and left the dormitory with the two.

After leaving the lounge, everyone felt that something was wrong.

Only when I asked, did I know that there were more than 20 little wizards who lost things in the entire Gryffindor Academy last night!

Most of the people lost some small accessories, and some people lost some gold Galleons and silver Siko…

(Okay) A group of little wizards discussed it, and angrily went to Professor McGonagall.

Professor McGonagall also attached great importance to it and promised the little wizards that they would find the thief and let them go to dinner first.

Artel waited in the Great Hall for half an hour before Hermione and the others came.

“Why are you late? Was bullied?”

Artel frowned at the faint trail of tears on Hermione’s face.

Hermione pouted aggrievedly and told Artel what happened this morning.

“Why does it feel so familiar…”

After listening, Artel thought about it and asked Hermione:

“Yesterday, you said someone from the International Federation of Wizards came, do you know who it is?”

“There are several…I only know Newt Scamander, I’ve seen him on the Chocolate Frog card.

After hearing Hermione’s words, Artel raised his brows and had a vague idea in his heart.

“Then I know, your things were probably stolen by Mr. Newt’s pet…” The servant.

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