Hogwarts: Starting from Creating the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 303

Chapter 304 The Perfect Wand Core, The New Unforgivable Curse! (Subscribe)

“Darkness in hand, light in heart, Artel, don’t let me down.

Gandalf’s voice echoed in Artel’s mind like Hong Zhong Dalu.

When he came to his senses, Gandalf had already left.

“Is it a mere admonition, or has something been discovered?”

Artel frowned and thought for a while, and then he was relieved. If Gandalf really found out that he was the mastermind behind the scenes, he might have pulled out Gramdrin and chopped him directly.

It was impossible to give him back the branches of the tree of darkness.

It must be because Artel’s power is too evil, after all, he inherited Sauron’s talent, really speaking, he is a little Sauron…

“The branches of the Dark Tree… what’s the core of the wand? Smaug’s dragon heartstring? Or Shilob’s poison gland nerve, the water watcher’s tendon, the Balrog…”

Artel thought for a while, but didn’t think of any suitable material “one two three”

In truth, Shilob’s strength attribute is similar to his, but Shilob is still one grade behind, if only her mother came.

Artel opened the system mall to take a look. He still has more than 10,000 plot points, which he can spend freely.

After searching for a long time, Artel’s eyes lit up.

“Glauron’s Dragon Heartstrings, this is a good thing! 39

Glauron, one of Morgoth’s most powerful men, the first dragon of Arda, known as the ancestor of the dragon, combines the power of darkness and fire, and possesses the power of darkness of Morgoth.

This guy’s Dragon Heartstring is much better than Smaug’s.

As for the price, although it is a bit expensive, it requires 2,000 plot points…

But Artel believes it will be worth the money.

A wand made from the Tree of Darkness and Glauron’s Dragon Heartstring might double the power of his spell.

“Look for a chance, I want to make this wand myself.”

Artel received Sauron’s gift for crafting, and making wands was childish for him.

The Ollivander family, who have been making sticks for two thousand years, is just a younger brother compared to Artel.

What’s more, Glauron’s dragon heartstring can’t be seen by others, and he doesn’t feel relieved to give it to Ollivander.

Once this wand is made, it will definitely be the most powerful wand in the wizarding world, and the Elder Wand will have to stand aside.

Having made a decision, Artel looked at the time, took out Gandalf’s spell notes and studied it.

Now that the potion of Eris has been researched, Artel intends to take a break during this time, so he will not go to Snape to refine the potion, just to try to see if he can invent two black magics.

After reading the notes for the afternoon in the exclusive classroom, Artel put the things back in the system space.

“It’s more difficult than I thought…”

Artel originally thought that at his own level, inventing a black magic is not simple and easy to grasp?

But when he did, he found that things were far from simple.

Artel could do some magic, but only he could use that kind of magic.

Because Artel has the talent of a necromancer and spiritual power far beyond ordinary people, but these things are not available to others.

“To invent a magic, you need to use gestures and incantations to guide the cooperation of spiritual power and magic power, not only for me to be able to use it, but also for other wizards to learn.

Artel rubbed his temples, finally knowing why the system’s reward was so high.

It’s really not easy.

Especially when the Unforgivable Curse was invented, there are only three Unforgivable Curses in the entire wizarding world now.

Why is the Unforgivable Curse called Unforgivable?

It’s not that they don’t have anti-curses, in fact, the wizarding world has a lot more magic that doesn’t have anti-curses, but there are only three unforgivable spells.

The concept of the Unforgivable Curse was given by the Ministry of Magic and Wizengamore, because anyone who cast these three spells could be imprisoned in Azkaban permanently without trial.

That’s why they are called Unforgivable Curses.

But in essence, it was because of these three curses that brought disaster and pain to the magic world.

The dark decade of Voldemort’s reign was a decade when these three spells shined brightly.

Why is the Cruciatus Unforgivable?

Because every sentence “piercing the heart” is exchanged for the evil and cruel laughter of the dark wizards and the helpless roar of the victims, the pain caused by the Cruciatus Curse is the feeling that life is worse than death.

Why is the Deathstroke an Unforgivable Curse?

Seriously speaking, the Life Sucking Curse can make people die without pain, but it is more humane than a spell that blows people into powder.

That’s because, in that dark decade, every flash of green light meant the death of a wizard or even a few, a family torn apart, a white-haired man giving a black-haired man, a child forever the loss of his parents and relatives……

After Voldemort’s “death”, most of the Death Eaters claimed that they were controlled by the Imperius Curse, some of them were real, some were false, some good people did things they regretted their whole life because of it, and some evil people escaped because of it deserved punishment.

The Imperius Curse was no less confusing and troublesome than the other two spells.

For these reasons, three spells are defined as unforgivable spells, and their use is strictly prohibited.

Artel wants to develop a new kind of magic, and let the Ministry of Magic and Wizengamot define it as the Unforgivable Curse, you can imagine how difficult it is.

“With Fudge, I can influence him through the power of the ring, but with Wizengamo…”

Artel pondered that it was not an easy task to complete the main quest, and to do it well.

He needs to study a suitable spell to do so.

Looking at the time, it was almost time for dinner, Artel got up and left the classroom.

In the Great Hall on the first floor, Artel met Harry and Ron.

Harry had recently signed up for Gryffindor’s Quidditch team, as Mrs Hooch thought he had a talent for Quidditch.

Compared with the original book, Harry is a full year behind.

Of course, Harry didn’t really care if he could get into the academy team, he wished he had more time to practice spells.

He just thought it might make the little wizards in Gryffindor like him more, so he did.

After such a long time, Harry was more and more influenced by Voldemort.

Dumbledore didn’t pay as much attention to Harry as he had in the first place, so apart from Artel and Ron, no one else noticed anything about Harry.

But Ron just thought that Harry didn’t care because he envied Artel.

“good evening.”

Artel greeted the two of them, and he glanced at Harry, who seemed to have a darker look in his eyes.

“Good evening, Artel. 35

Ron smiled and greeted him. Seeing that Harry didn’t speak, he smiled awkwardly, as if he suddenly thought of something, and asked:

“By the way, have you heard? It seems that this afternoon, professors from Durmstrang and Beauxbatons came to Hogwarts.

“Maybe something great is about to happen!”

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